Hind sight is truly 20-20, and that is why GOD gave it to us. So that we wouldn't make the same mistake TWICE. I taught my son's that it is not a crime to make a mistake, but the WORST mistake is to know that you made one and not do anything about it. Being pressured by the people to "do something" after 911 is not an excuse to go attack the first country that comes to mind, on a flimsy excuse of what they MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT HAVE, OR DO WITH IT, "IF" THEY DO HAVE IT.
I do not buy into TM7's conspiracy theories MOST of the time and he knows that, but this is not CONSPIRICY THEORIES we are talking about. We are talking about MISTAKES MADE, AND MEN (OURS) DYING ON A DAILEY BASIS FOR THEM.
If a SERIOUS THREAT is what you really need then let's talk about CHINA, IRAN, RUSSIA, and so on.
You sir, are in the MINORITY here in the U.S. and the WORLD, on this MISTAKE in IRAQ. Soldiers are "WISELY" NOT RE-ENLISTING, young men are "WISELY" NOT JOINING, the military. Our "FRIENDS" (and we have very few) SUCH AS "ENGLAND" ARE WITHDRAWING THEIR TROUPS, and yes magooch the REPUBLICANS are starting to "FALL AWAY" from the Iraq War. It is HONORABLE to fight for a JUST CAUSE, and a MISTAKE to fight for, "A MISTAKE".
Had Lyndon Johnson LISTENED to his intelligence, he would have pulled the troops OUT of Viet Nam years before they were, and according to GOVERNMENT documents, the CASUALITY LIST would have been "HALF" of the 53,000 lost in that war. That's about 26,500 men that would NOT HAVE HAD TO DIE FOR A "MISTAKE". This information was on national TV not long ago, and the same MENTALITY was "ATTRIBUTED" to today's sitting powers in D.C..
As far as the DOWN-PLAY, you give on the Democrats not having much respect for the Constitution, and their having SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT IDEAS ABOUT LIBERTY than yours, as "JUST A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION", I would DARE SAY, you had better get your PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, as that DIFFERENCE OF OPINION THEY HAVE, may end up COSTING YOU YOUR FREEDOM.
And as far as myself running for congress, well I recognize sarcasm when I see it, so no I won't be running, but, I would RECOMMEND to the Congressmen and the President, to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS and STAY OUT OF OTHER COUNTRIES POLOTICS, and STOP TRYING TO RUN AMERICANISM DOWN COUNTRIES THROATS THAT DON'T WANT IT. Of course we already know that they would not listen, because they are smarter that us. That's why over 70% of our population, almost ALL of the world is against the war. I suppose you are smarter too, as you fall into that minority group.
In scripture God tells us to "WEIGH EVERY WORD" taught and preached by the teachers and preachers of the WORD, to ensure that they are teaching and preaching CORRECTLY.
I hardly think that WEIGHING EVERY WORD AND ACTION put out by a government that decides life and death for our youth would be ANYTHING OTHER THAN "RESPONSIBLE".