Author Topic: Most challenging and least challenging ranch game?  (Read 3653 times)

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Offline bigbore442001

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Most challenging and least challenging ranch game?
« on: December 10, 2002, 03:08:14 PM »
I'd like to solicit the opinions of the Board as to what the most difficult exotic game to hunt in the US. Also, what would you consider to be the easiest? Both catagories are very subjective buut I would like to get people's opinions anyways.

Offline markc

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« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2002, 03:04:24 AM »
Most difficult , aoudad,  easiest, Merino.   markc :grin:

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« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2002, 07:33:57 AM »
Why do you think the fallow are so different from axis?  For that matter I wonder why some exotics are so much more wild than others.  It can't be due to some breeds having been domesticated, as fallow deer have never been kept as barn yard stock have they?  Very strange.  

So Denvas what is the charge for the youth hunts, and what are the age limits to qualify for them?
markc :grin:

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You confuse me.
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2002, 02:21:52 AM »
Denvas it doesn't sound like my experiences with exotics are too different from yours, except that I've never hunted them on a ranch where you could feed them out of your hand as you described some of the youth doing on  your THanksgiving hunt with large fallow bucks.

Were those tame exotics in a high fenced area to be hunted at a later date, or were they breeding stock?  Sounds like they were obviously domesticated to be able to hand feed them.  

Really, I was trying to understand in my last post was why some exotics seem to be more naturally wild than some species like the Merino ram we both listed as some of the easiest to hunt.   Now their heritage can be easily traced to domestic livestock, whereas others cannot.     Why do you think the axis for instance seems to be more warry of danger like the aoudad, whereas it seems most Corsican or Moufalon are alert,  but don't run at the first sight of a person.    

I would like to obtain some additional information on the youth exotics hunts.  I will e-mail you for details.  Thanks for your response and information.
markc :-)

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« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2002, 10:20:09 AM »

You are correct, the area we were driving through that I mentioned earlier was the "breeding pen" for this particular ranch. These deer are used strictly for breeding and to the best of my knowledge are never turned out into the hunting part of the ranch in question. However, my comments were mainly directed at those "free ranging" dallow deer that I have seen on the hunting parts of game ranches or even those free ranging on low fenced properties. It has been my observation that fallow deer, in general, just are not as wary or skittish as their cousins. Maybe it has to do with the species being raised as "park" deer in Europe and Asia for centuries. Who knows?
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Offline dabigmoose

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Most challenging and least challenging ranc
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2002, 05:24:57 AM »
:-) hi guys
ya know i am glad to see some game ranhes with exotics in texas
as some day they may have to reintroduce some of the african
species back to thier native lands if something isnt done about the poachng over there.I am glad to see the hunts for kids thats great


Offline Mr. 16 gauge

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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2003, 03:09:53 PM »
Personally, the most difficult exotic hunt I had was for a Sika buck....I wanted to take him with a handgun, but he kept getting wise to me and wouldn't let me get close to him; I finally took him with a .308 while he was eyeballing me through some trees.
  The easiest hunt was for bison....the most difficult part was finding them, after that it was easy; more of a shoot than a hunt.  Had to wait for them to quit milling around and for the one I wanted to get clear of the others so I didn't get two with one shot (now THAT would have been expensive!)  I've got to say that most of the rams I have found on preserves have been pretty easy to approach as well.
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Gotta add
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2003, 06:10:54 AM »
the nilgai.  Not sure I spelled that correctly, never hunted them,  but am told they are hard to hunt.
markc :-)

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Hardest and easiest.
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2003, 08:03:04 AM »
I have some comments more than an answer.  First, I agree with a lot of the comments made about about wariness of several species.  Second, it seems to me the wariness depends a lot on the hunting pressure.   For example, on a tour of the 400 acres of the YO Ranch that they just use for tours and have a bunch of animals at there is a huge aoudad that is pretty tame.   The bus driver was surprised he couldn't get him to step onto the door step entering the bus, although he stood right outside on a tour that I was on once.   People have tamed some elk to get them to pull wagons or to pet them like the fallow denvas saw.   Then again, the current Colorado Outdoors magazine has an article where a volunteer was petting a mountain lion they had in Colorado that was pretty tame.  The lion tore her arm off and ate it, the article says.   I'm glad you resqued that little girl from the big fallow horns before they decided to do somethimg like that.   I think rams hang around more because they like to butt heads, instead of run.  They'll run too though.

I think hunting pressure is a huge factor in wildness and wariness.  Hunting helps make them wild or keep them wild, that's my main comment.   :grin:

Offline Big Tex

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Wary exotics
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2003, 01:43:45 PM »
I've hunted and killed aoudad, nilgai, whitetail and muleys, antelope, coyotes, buffalo (great meat if you take something young). I've been along on eland hunts. If you're not hunting in some high fenced pen, aoudad are by far the wariest and toughest trophy in Texas. Much harder than whitetail. They've gotten loose all over the arid parts of the state. The game wardens are convinced that they will make it very difficult to reestablish the desert big horn. I agree. Eradicating them would be like eradicating hogs.The Aoudad is smarter, tougher, and more disease resistant. The meat on a big male is inedible, but those horns are awesome. Nilgai are next on the list of common exotics. They can't survive a wet norther, so they aren't really wild north of Kingsville. There are more of them in Texas than India now. The King Ranch kills them from helicopters for the restaurant trade, so anything that can take that and thrive is one tough animal. You need to find a guide that can get close so you can make a heart shot, otherwise he may die in the next county. The meat is better than deer, but not as good as elk or eland. Everyone from Africa says eland is delicious. They are perhaps a little warier than nilgai and much less common. They're also the size of buffalo with a thick African skin. I hope to go in the next year or two (just shot a buffalo, the freezer is full , and the rancher is afraid if we hunt now his eland will soon leave the ranch). I have seen eland clear fences from a standing start.
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Offline cam0063

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Texas Game Ranching....
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2003, 07:50:51 PM »
Hi guys [&ladies],

To introduce myself I am a Cattle Rancher from Western Australia. Can`t believe I just found this forum ;) I actually registered for the BPCR forum as I plan to build a long range Sharps 74 shortly. Is great news to see this forum on Exotics and Game Ranches... I am not really going to help with any answers here, just ramble ona  bit, something I do well ;)

I am a member of the Exotic Wildlife Assoc [EWA] in Ingram Texas and am researching a proposal to establish a Game Ranch in the Texas Hill Country. A ranch for conservation purposes and hunting. I would like to cater towards the Big Game rifle and BPCR guys/ladies...

Like all industries there are pitfalls on establishing a Game Ranch business, sharks waiting to swoop and Govt Beaurocracy [and the Greenies/Bunny huggers], just like here! However I see a great industry with a good future... With my proposal I am leaning towards African Exotics, and wildlife from the Middle East/Asia! I am working in with the - E.W.A, Texas PWD, KZN Wildlife Service in Sth Africa [formerly Natal Parks Board] and several private Game Reserves both in Africa and Texas for my research...

In reference to the hunting side of my proposal- Aoudad, Blesbok or Bontebok, Kudu, Eland, Black Wildebeest and Sable, Bulls will be available in limited Nos. Also of consideration are - Nilgai, though they need a lot of room, being so territorial and have been known to kill Eland! The live import of Wildlife into the U.S is very difficult, however you are very lucky in that many of these species are already available in viable free ranging breeding numbers in Texas...

There has been a lot of bad publicity on the Game Ranch Indusrty: ie Canned Hunts. We have seen it on the news here too. However I will say nearly all of the Game Ranches I saw and know are very good ethical operations! To me a good chunk of the satisfaction of a hunt is the preparation and the stalk... I have wild pigs here in my area and will set out 8-10 times without seeing one, just sign. Then when I do come across one and the hunt is successful, I feel all the more rewarded. [Mind you, knowing they are there and not setting eyes on them at the right time can be a little frustrating ;)]

I do see publicity from time to time in some of the top shooting magazines of Buffalo shot on a Game Ranch that will remain nameless... It irks me as I have been to this Ranch. Great people, a big Ranch and all the animals I viewed were "wild" - except the Buffalo! I walked amongst the herd as they grazed around the sheds and even the butcher shop. They were so quiet they were an annoyance I believe. I could have beaten one to death with a hammer they were that quiet [well, maybe not]. In my mind that is no trophy, that is not a hunt and the hunter is not a hunter! On saying this, I believe these types of situations are not the norm. In general the Game Ranch industry is very good with very strong ethics promoted and an Industry I would be proud to be a part of!

To add to a few of the posts I have read. I haven`t taken the opportunity to Hunt Exotics in Texas, but my next visit this year I surely will. I am told and certainly have no doubts that Auodad and Nilgai are good challenging hunts! I couldn`t get close enough to an Aoudad to take a descent photo, had to resort to binoculars to watch his butt disappear over the hill! hahaha. They say Nilgai can smell you from 600 yards up, down or across the wind. I don`t doubt it, I didn`t see one in the wild!

I did hear that the King Ranch is shooting Nilgai for the restaurant trade! I think some goes packed to Germany for their game meat trade. I did visit an Abottoir [slaughter house as you all say!] in Texas which was in the process of slaughtering a consignment of Wild Pigs from the King Ranch. Sure were mean looking fellas! Would like to tackle them someday! I saw Eland mentioned, yes they do jump high! I was guest of the KZN Wildlife Service of Sth Africa in March/April last year. The Game Capture unit told me that Eland will standing jump a 12 foot fence! Stunned me, they really are big animals. Russia has a herd of Eland, which they have domesticated and use for milking! Amazing stuff... I have eaten Kudu, whick was very nice, am told Eland is as good - give it a try.

You have a truly unique situation in Texas. No where on earth can you go and view or hunt free ranging animals from all 4 corners of the globe! I have visited Africa and it is amazing how similar parts of the Texas Hill Country and Sth Texas are to there! Is surely why these introduced animals have done so well!

Anyway, I can see I am rambling. So I will sign off... If you are after Exotics, Natives too, a Game Ranch can be well worth a visit! Do your research and I doubt you would be disappointed!


way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline Big Tex

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« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2003, 04:32:22 PM »
Dear Cam, We've got sleet and freezing rain right now in N Tx. A lot of those  African and Asian exotics can't make it after a wet freeze. Specifically Nilgai. That's why they aren't found N of Kingsville. Aoudad are really tough, but they have slipped out. I think an experienced hunter wants one out of the hi fence.
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Offline cam0063

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Game Rancjhing and Exotics...
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2003, 10:18:17 PM »
Hi Big Tex,

Thanks for the update on weather and exotics. Doesnot sound too pleasant.... I have heard that the cold snaps have played havoc with some exotic species in Texas, especially in the Northern 1/2 of the state. The one to watch inparticular appears to be the Greater Kudu. I have a few mates in the Hill Country breeding them, down around Bandera, Medina and Vanderpool. They have had some pretty bad weather down there, but luckily havenot lost too many because of it [they have plenty of protection and supplimentary feed, which helps]. I believe the Kudu and a few other species donot do well at all in the North...

The species I am looking @ include Kudu, but also many others from Sth Africa, which seem to handle the cold better. I was amazed to see Eland, Wildebeest and Heartebeest surviving in the Snow covered Ranges in Natal on my visit to Sth Africa last year. They had 2 ft snow this winter... I am learning of the ways in which they manage their wildlife and Game Reserves for weather, so hopefully have a formula to reduce the chances or Nos of deaths. Exotics, inparticular the Super Exotics are pretty expensive to lose, so sure want to reduce the risks! I am not sure on the Nilgai for my proposal, they are very fighty, very territorial, very aggressive to other wildlife and yes as you say, don`t like the cold... I don`t know of many in the Texas Hill Country, but do have a friend successfully breeding them in Burnet. His are supplementary fed and are livesale not hunting stock, so this does help.

Always great to hear news from the Lone Star State and the Game Ranch Industry. keep in touch... Good shooting.


way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline markc

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« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2003, 04:35:41 AM »
Welcome to the boards Cam,  glad to have you.    The discussion can get a bit slow here some times, so jump in any time you want.  The only exotic I have heard ranchers say they wish they had never added to their ranches or to Texas for that matter is Aoudad.  THey breed like rats, can be hard to hunt, and nearly impossible to get rid of once they are established.  Just something to consider.
markc :-)

Offline cam0063

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« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2003, 12:52:45 PM »
Hi Marc,

Thanks for your input. I gather the Aoudad is one "Hardy" animal. I included them in my propsal mainly as they are more often than not already established on many of the ranches, not that I was all that keen to introduce them, same for the Blackbuck! They seem to be everywhere in parts too, though the Blackbuck much easier to control...

My proposal is mainly aimed @ an Eco-tourism venture [though not a drive around zoo] and the livesale market, with limited hunting for trophy stock as part of the management plan. Additionall with Game BIrd hunting and fishing catered too... Providing the Ranch is big enough, a larger hunting operation could ceratinly be considered. I still have more to learn and research here, but it does look very promising. Thankfully I have great help both in Texas and Africa on this Game Ranching project, which does make it easier. I am very appreciate of comments by others. Thanks. Good shooting!


way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline sambar02

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Why not Sambar deer
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2003, 03:48:48 AM »
If you guys want a tough hardy animal to stock for hunting why dont you try sambar we have them running wild here in Australia both in alpine and tropical climates,been here for nearly 200 years now they keep expanding their range and the season is open year round with no bag limit,they are very hard to hunt ,take a lot to put down .They have been reported to have killed Tigers in there native range,and apparentley you all ready have some herds in the states,such as the one on St.Vincents Island in Florida. If the photos i have seen of this herd are reliable they are world class heads. This deer is regarded as THE premier big game animal of the Sth. Pacific . Could be something for you blokes to look at also the Rusa as well. :D

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« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2003, 04:01:11 AM »
can't say as I've ever seen one.  Where can I see a pic of them, and what does a breeding pair go for?

Offline cam0063

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« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2003, 01:53:19 AM »
Howdy Marc,

This is the website for an Aussie Outfitter. Quite a well known fellow. His website has pics of Aussie Game animals, including the Sambar.

way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline Bob in TX

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« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2003, 04:00:33 AM »
except that I've never hunted them on a ranch where you could feed them out of your hand

......I thought you had hunted Thompson's Rocky Top several times?
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« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2003, 05:36:16 AM »
I've been to Rocky Top several times also and have never seen one hand fed.    I think some people try and make them pets, then end up selling them, then they end up on some ranch to be hunted and those are not as wild as others unless they survive a while on the hunting ranch and get more wild again.   When an operation is in business long enough and gets thousands of rams, they eventually get some that are less wild than most would desire.    It can be embarasing and is rare, in my experience.    They make a good target, when it happens for a grandad with his grandson in a blind on the grandson or granddaughters first hunt.    If they don't get shot like that, they get to running away pretty quick.

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« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2003, 10:41:03 AM »
Back in '91 we stayed at Thompson's Little Creek Ranch. Didn't hunt there just stayed there. He had a group of Gold Medal rams on there that based on the "look of their horns" qualified them as Mouflon. Nothing else about them did. I fed them by hand. They came right up to me when I got out to photograph them for me to feed them. When we left I had a hard time getting out the gate without them trying to follow me home. Now that is the tamest bunch I've run across yet.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline cam0063

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« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2003, 11:54:51 AM »
Hi all,

I see mention of a guy named Thompson! Guess this is not an uncommon name and there could well be a few in the Texas Hill Country. I have visited the Hill Country Game ranch Industry several times and will be returning again next Easter. I love this area of the world and have many great friends there.

On my 1st visit there, I bumped into a fitter/guide by the name of Thompson, who offered me several hunts on his ranch. He told me if time was short, he had a 23 acre high fenced pasture I could hunt exotics in and I would be guaranteed a trophy of the size I wanted [didn`t know there were guarantees in hunting?]. He bought his trophy animals from the sales and could buy exactly to my specifications.

I enquired about a bell hanging around the neck of a mount in his shop. I was told this is for people who were not good hunters or people on a short time frame. It was fitted to the animal on release! This guy didn`t impress me or my mate very much at all and on further enquiry we found he was not at all popular with the TPWD or Exotic Wildlife Assoc members. Thankfully his operation is not the norm and most are great ethical Game Ranching businesses. Reading some of the posts reminded me of this unimpressive experience with this person. Hopefully he is out of business by now as that was 5 years ago.

Good hunting!

cheers from down here....
way Down Under
Western Australia.

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ethical game ranch question
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2003, 04:50:36 AM »
Quote from: cam0063
... most are great ethical Game Ranching businesses. ...

Are there ethical codes that people follow in Australia?   What are they?  Like here we have B&C, or P&Y, or TGR.   TGR covers exotics as its sponsored by the Exotic Wildlife Association.  For TGR its basically that the animals have to able to hide and get away once found or its not ethical hunting.

I think the guaranteed hunt is usually, if you don't shoot one, you don't pay, a guarantee on paying only if shot.   Many public hunts or outfitted hunts we pay for, regardless of whether we shoot or not.  The guarantee saves you money if you don't like the hunt or the animals that you may see, its a guarantee on the "kill fee" as its often called.   They can't guarantee that you will shoot or that you will hit one.   They do guarantee that you don't pay the kill fee unless you shoot and hit one.

The Thompson I know is going strong in the business and has been for about 30 years and you may compete with him some if you set up in the Hill Country.   He has quite a variety of hunts but no 23 acre pasture that I know of.

Offline cam0063

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« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2003, 12:26:16 PM »
I understand your comments. I have researched the Game Ranch Industry extensively in Texas and have several friends operating successful Game Ranches in the Hill Country Region. A great place to live and great people!

My meaning of guarantees was - I was guaranteed I would leave the property with an animal of a trophy score I desired. No one leaves the property without their trophy! His words not mine. Didn`t impress me much.... A hunt is what you make of it, little or no guarantees. This fellow is not an Exotic Wildlife Assoc member and doesnot come under their Ethics Policies. Though the TPWD have prosecuted his in the past I believe. Thankfully he is not the norm in the Industry.

As for Ethics here in this country, yes there are many and hunting behind wire high fences is not regarded ethical [I think it is illegal!]. Not my decision, but that of the Government and the masses [many hunters included]. Hunting a tame or semi tame animal is not regarded hunting either and most critisism will come from fellow Hunters. This in general is an anti hunting, anti firearm country, so every trophy is generally well earn`t. Hunting behind fences on a large ranch is fine by me and I do enjoy my hunting....

Like I said there are propbably a few Thompsons around the Hill Country. One I know of is a member of the EWA and I believe highly respected. The one I had the misfortune to meet is not an EWA member and all the Ranchers I spoke too wanted him out! Just my experience with an outfitter offering semi tame animals and small high fenced pastures, with a bell if need be.

way Down Under
Western Australia.

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New Zealand.
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2003, 07:16:06 AM »
I guess New Zealand is different.   People have told me about high fence places there.    I'd be interested in reading about the ethical standards in Australia or New Zealand, but don't know of any web page for them, or other available source.

I've heard Australia has millions of hogs.  What are the ways people hunt them, is that restricted, or anything goes, to try and get rid of them?

Offline cam0063

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« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2003, 03:30:43 AM »
Hi Tom,

Yeah New Zealand is much different to here. Think they have had high fenced properties for many years... We have high fenced deer farms, but shooting is not permitted. Don`t know of a web page on ethics here.

Wild Hogs or wild pigs as we say are here in numbers. I have a few in my area, even have a pet boar here at the house. At times they will venture onto my ranch/farm. You are not guaranteed to come across them every time you go looking for them, but perserverence pays off. They are classed as vermin and are suppose to be culled on sight, like Rabbit and Fox. Some use dogs, others rifle, bow or cross bow. Guys will use trap cages if they are after a real problem animal or they want to catch a few to feed grain and eat. I don`t use dogs, they get too ripped up and my local Vet has a good Saturday morning trade stitching or burying dogs that come off second best. Dog guys get more pigs, but I enjoy hiking and tracking them myself, or I should say stumbling on them myself ;) More of a challenge.
way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline markc

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Reply to Bob in Tx
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2003, 04:05:42 AM »
Yes, I have hunted Rocky Top ranch a number of times, and no I have never fed one out of my hand there, nor have I seen anyone else do it.  

As others have posted, there are some animals that are less wild than other animals,  but unless you hand fed one at Rocky Top personally then someone was pulling your leg.  Thompson has a number of ranches to hunt, and some offer more difficult hunts than others.  

I go to Rocky Top, not because it is so difficult or so easy, but because I personally like Thompson Temple quite a bit, think the ranch is incredibly beautiful and have found it to be a place where my wife and my children can hunt with me and it is affordable.  

I wish I could hunt Africa, or other places lilke the King Ranch etc.. but I can't afford it, and if I saved all my pennies up, I might make a hunt there, but it would be to the exclusion of my family.  Personally, and this is just my feelings, is that I would prefer to share the experience with my kids and wife while I can. One day soon, they will have families of their own and I may not get a chance to hunt with them.  My health could fail me and then I would be wishing I had hunted with them etc..

We have met people who run other game ranches who don't like Thompson, although they could not specifically state why.  I think it due to competition.  Then we have met store clerks in Garvens store who said he was a great guy and they loved him.

If you want an easy hunt (shoot) sit up on the water hole in the mountain pasture and wait until evening.  If you want a hard hunt, then have Thompson drop you off on top of the mountain and hike on foot down into the back canyon by the old abandoned cabin.  Those sheep back there are quite wild, and anything you shoot will have to be back packed out.  Happy hunting.

Offline cam0063

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« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2003, 01:04:43 PM »
Quite an interesting topic here...

I could talk for hours here. I am certainly not going to get into naming people. Not the place and not my place to.  I don`t know of ranchers who are against a particular operator because of competition, but I do know of ranchers, friends and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept who are against an operator without ethics and who damages the industry chasing the $$$... Ethics I follow and believe in whole heartedly... My opinions are not cemented by other peoples rumours or thoughts, but by my own 1st hand experiences... I met an operator who didn`t impress me with his lack of ethics and his attitude to an industry I enjoy and would like to be a part of. An industry that the Greenies are waiting for the next opportunity to destroy. The fellow I met gives them all the ammo they need! Unfortunately....

I hope oneday you get to visit Africa. If not to hunt at least to see the place. Totally awe inspiring and an experience you will never forget! There are very well run high fenced Ranches as well as open Reserves. So much diversity. It is amazing at times how similar the Hill Country/Sth Texas terrain can be to parts of Sth Africa. It can be expensive to hunt there, but then it can also be relatively cheap to hunt. The U.S dollar is strong against the Rand, most currencies are, even our Aussie dollar. I saw Kudu hunts being offered for upto $6500 in Texas. You can hunt them for much, much less in Sth Africa. They are so common, they are almost like sheep. Guess it is like - you go in there with the big dollar and they will show you the big dollar hunt. You go on a budget and you will be surprised what you can get and do. They have their dodgy operators too, so you have to research. Tho they are weeding them out. A lot to esperience out there.

For now, I am looking forward to my next visit to your great state and may even be able to fit a hunt or two in whilst I am staying with friends. The Hill Country is a wonderful place. A visit down to the King Ranch chasing Wild Pigs would be a real treat too!

good luck and good shooting.
way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline cam0063

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Most challenging and least challenging ranc
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2003, 01:16:20 PM »

Had this on file and just came across it again. Will show a few pics and info on the "Aussie Razor Back". You may find it interesting. tho the hunting pics from memory maybe graffic...

way Down Under
Western Australia.

Offline markc

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Hey Cam
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2003, 04:21:30 AM »
good posts!   I've not hunted many game ranches, as I am just a working guy with a family.  In Texas, so much of the land is privately owned that you must either hunt public land, or lease a piece of ground to hunt, or go on day hunts, or similar set ups.   I hunted in S. Texas on an invitation for 2 doe and 2 hogs last season.  Nice place, and I saw some really large bucks.  The way these guys hunted was to drive a truck around the ranch and upon approaching a large 2 person box blind sitting on the ground, was to turn on a bumper mounted corn feeder and spread corn 100yds either side of the blind.

With so many deer and hogs on this place, my preferance would be to get out of the box blind and hunt other areas off of the roads,  but thats just the way this ranch does it.  Some people would find the ethics there to be wrong, bad, not good, whereas others would simply find it perfectly legal and a good way to hunt.  It ertainly increased the odds of seeing deer and hogs.

They also had lights on their stationary deer feeders for shooting hogs at night.  They had tripod stands within bow range of the feeders.  Some would find that unethical as well.  These guys were real quick to bash Thompson for his style of hunting one of his ranches.   Whats the difference?  A little maybe,  but not too much.  Their place was high fenced also.

If it is legal, then why not?  It isn't my preferred way of hunting and when I finally get to purchase my own place, I likely will not hunt that way,  but I could.  As long as it is legal, I have the option of hunting in a number of ways.  Some times ethics are in the eye of the beholder.

I think it's the same way on Thompsons place.  I will not sit and wait for an animal to come to water in the evening and shoot it and then have my picture made holding the animal while I am dressed in camo.  

I've seen that done with penned feral hogs.  A guy shot a large penned hog with a high caliber rifle with a large variable scope from a distance of a few feet and then had his picture taken over the hog all dressed in camo, like he had actually  hunted the animal.  This wasn't at Thompsons by the way,  but another place with a large web site, and forums.

Not my way of doing it,  but others surely will.
 :-) markc