The Anniv. model 99 is a 308 with the medallion in the fancy walnut stock, gold trigger. There was only 999 of them made in 1970 and the books are saying it's worth about $550.00 in the box. I don't think it's gone up enough to warrent keeping it this way.
I do by the way still have quite a number of guns that have been passed down; 10 ga. s/b/s Damascus circa 1852-1853 by the makers marks; 32 cal. rifle , octigon barrel, by M. R. Hixson from mid Ohio around 1840, and my Great grandpas first 22 made in Belgum, a Baird rolling block from about 1880 that my 12 year old daughter still shoots. Theres about 10 more but those are our favorites that will be passed down.
Back to the 99, I'm sure that if I take it out and shoot it that I'll wind up keeping it. Just such tough choices to make.