Okay, I'm ticked and I'm going to shout it to everyone I know. Taurus has flat out lied to me and jerked me around like a child. Little background, we used to sell about 10-15 Taurus guns a month, not a lot but enough. Ever since this little problem I've pulled them and returned the ones that I could to the Dist. house. I told this to Taurus and they could give a crap less, not exactly those words but close enough, really! So my stance is now that I cannot sell Taurus products to my customers and lie to them telling them they are good guns and if anything goes wrong it will be fixed.
Here we go, I got a .41 Mag Tracker in and the crown was totally off center and there was a gouge in the barrel. Called Taurus and asked for a call tag to have it picked up and repaired, they tell me no I'd have to ship it in and send a copy of the invoice and they would refund me the amount. Sent it in and called to fax the invoice in, then they say "No, we usually send call tags" Wait a frigging minute! You told me last week that you didn't do that! "I'm sorry sir, you must have misunderstood" Misunderstood hell YOU LIED!!!!
Okay, I wait the needed eight weeks, get it back with a target and a service order showing "NO PROBLEM FOUND"
HUH?! How blind can they be?! So I call to complain and am told that I'd have to speak to Robert the service manager, he's not in and I have to leave a message and the gal told me she'd also give him a written message; he should be back in about a half-hour. Okay, so I wait a few hours, no call. Try to call him back, still not in. Okay, so I wait all Friday, all Monday, and half of today Tuesday. Call again, and get Richard, he won't transfer me to him but takes all the info and tells me that there is no record of my S/H invoice and no notes in the file. I tell him about our new policy about not selling Taurus due to this incident and we are awaiting it to be cleared up. Silence......"well sir that is your business" Well forget you too! Ask to speak to Robert (service manager) nope, he's too busy I'm told.
So here we are now, they are sending a call tag and I'll update you all on the progress of this little situation. But my position is, if as a dealer we cannot get a brand new gun that was defective from the factory fixed, how can a guy that has something broken get his fixed? What kind of crappy service will he receive? They obviously don;t care about the customers and it looks like the quality is going back to how it was in the '80's and early '90's.