Author Topic: NRA Called Last Night.  (Read 2804 times)

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Offline thxmrgarand

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NRA Called Last Night.
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:28:52 AM »
The NRA called last night.  Turned out they called as my wife was preparing dinner, and she is the member they had on their list.  We certainly agreed to give them money, and for once we did not mind the dinner-time phone solicitation.  I watched the recent Democrat debate, and I can see the money pouring into the anti-gun candidates.  I know there are those who own guns but have some beef with the NRA, and given the lay of the land today, if I had problems with the NRA I would work from within to implement the changes I thought were needed.  I hope those non-NRA people still participate in the election process, which means not merely voting of course but registering voters, volunteering for pro-gun candidates, holding fundraisers, inviting candidates to shooting events, and supporting gun rights at every political level - municipal, county, state and national.  Whether a shooter does or doesn't support the NRA, every one of us needs to do more to help young and new shooters learn how to safely handle firearms and to enjoy shooting and hunting.  I give cheap .22 rifles to a fellow who refinishes them and gives them to kids in what he calls his ".22's for tots program," and I wish his program could be copied everywhere.  When I pick up shooting, hunting and trapping books I give them to the school libraries, and I understand they are the most-often checked-out class of books at the jr. high library.  I think the NRA is the best interest group in the USA today, and I could not be more grateful for the WWII generation that supported them and built them into what my generation inherited.  But even those who do not support the NRA need to participate in the democratic process; democracy is not majority rule, it's rule by the majority who show up.   Thanks for your time.  

Offline myronman3

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 08:52:33 AM »
 yup, same old same old.   tommorrow the gestapo is going to kick your doors in and the nra alone is what is stopping them.  i have heard this song so many times i can sing it myself.     i have bad news for ya, the nra is working hand in hand with the antis to undermine our rights and gut the pocketbooks of the well intentioned along the way; all the while telling you how much they are your friend.   sorry to be the bearer of bad news.   this is a huge can of worms, and i am glad i didnt open it  this time.   lol.   

i do agree about helping introduce more people into shooting and educating as many with TRUE information about guns,  instead of scare tactics and fear mongering.    i also incourage others to take the time to teach new people about guns, hunting,  and shooting.   to me it is the single best way of protecting ourselves.  it is much harder to b.s. someone when they have facts and firsthand knowlege about any given subject,  especially guns. 

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 09:14:20 AM »
LMAo@ the NRA is the only thing stopping them... there getting RICH cutting out throats  ! Open your Eyes people, the NRA of today is NOT what it used to be ! They just Helped pass Anti Gun legislation ! ~Ace~

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2007, 04:37:09 PM »
WHAT EVER!!!! ::)
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 06:23:13 PM »
We all know its true,they cowtow to the antis,it is a FACT.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline thxmrgarand

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 04:16:13 AM »
I hope the people who do not support the NRA still find ways to do their part in defending the 2nd Amendment.  Registering new voters, holding fundraisers for pro-gun political candidates, going door-to-door during election season, helping new shooters come into shooting, and a myriad of other actions will get the job done.  Sulking in a corner over how badly the world is going will not help at all.  Something that environmentalist organizations seemed to have learned (from my outsider observation) is that candidates for state (legislature) and statewide (governor and US Congress) office now garner plenty of money; what they need is shoe leather and elbow grease.  Voters are deluged with paid ads during election years so it's the personal contact from neighbors that has become very important.  So whether you support the NRA or for some reason you dislike the NRA, gun owners need to participate in the political process at every level.   

I could write several pages about why I am optimistic regarding gun rights; the recently adopted right to carry in so many states comes to mind of course.  However, I will just cite one positive observation.  About 10 years ago, after hunting, shooting and reloading ammo for decades, I began trap shooting.  At that time I was very disappointed to see that many writers in trapshooting publications openly questioned the need to own one sort of gun or another, and they frequently placed some distance between trapshooting and 2nd Amendment issues.  Not anymore!  Trapshooters today are staunch and vocal gun rights advocates now.   All shooters can now see that if we don't hang together then the anti-gunners will pick us off one by one.  2008 will be a fateful year for gun owners.  We have faced worse and have come out on top.  Please don't be afraid to donate a few dollars and a few hours to candidates who support us (or else call a press conference and declare your own candidacy).  Pitching in has always worked better than bitching.  Thanks for your time.

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 04:54:19 AM »

Very good Post ! I agree 100% We need to be Involved, for Most of the gun owners, paying there "Dues" is there part of the fight... Today that is simply Not enough, and possibly counter productive ! We need to be Doing Something every chance we get, Research is #1 when deciding who to vote for, and whom to pressure others to vote for. Lots of candidates will Claim to be Pro Gun, but have a voting record that screams quite the opposite.

When we vote in GOOD People at the local level, it's Huge. Most State level polititicions started at city or county, and they work their way up the ladder. And Most Fed level came from state.

3 things matter to me the most in a candidate at Any level...

(1) They Support the Constitution ! With that said, the next 2 should not be needed, but this IS 2007

(2) They are Not Animal Rights supporters... And they eat MEAT !

(3) They are not only Pro Gun, but they have a firm grasp on what the Second Amendment means !

Offline NONYA

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 06:08:23 AM »
Just last fall i took two people on their first ever big game hunts,a 12 year old kid and a 33 year old woman,both of them were successful and are probably now lifetime hunters.Helping other get into shooting sports is probably the most useful thing i can do in order to help protect our rights,the more people we have in our sport the better chance we have of voting in the people we need.Forget the NRA,vote for the guys who have a record of progun support and take a kid hunting,THEY are the future of our 2nd amendment rights.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2007, 08:13:51 AM »
NONYA, go back to the other NRA thread here at Graybeard.  You are going to start another war of words which you are good at. But I think you know how other already feel about that.

I have taken a bunch of people out hunting for there first time also, but if hunters and gun owners don't stand up for our rights, no matter which group they choose to support, our sport and rights are domed.

A good example of that is, here in Delaware the State is going to charge hunters a $10.00 fee each time we use State land to hunt, but the horse back riders (Equestrian) and bird watchers that use the same State lands don't have to pay... Why you ask, because the bird watchers and horse back riders show up to the legislative hearings in force, and the hunters sit on there A$$es and do nothing for there rights. I was at a legislative meeting and it was a packed house, but as soon as the Equestrian issues were addressed the place was cleared out and only a handful of hunter were left to hear issues for hunting.  Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a huge percentage of them just wait around for others to do all the work for them.

Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues, if no one is there to voice there opinions.

NRA, NRA, NRA..... I will support them 110%
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Offline myronman3

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2007, 09:31:16 AM »
mr. la pierre  and his banker would like to thank you for your blind allegiance.   

I hope the people who do not support the NRA still find ways to do their part in defending the 2nd Amendment.  Registering new voters, holding fundraisers for pro-gun political candidates, going door-to-door during election season, helping new shooters come into shooting, and a myriad of other actions will get the job done.  Sulking in a corner over how badly the world is going will not help at all.  Something that environmentalist organizations seemed to have learned (from my outsider observation) is that candidates for state (legislature) and statewide (governor and US Congress) office now garner plenty of money; what they need is shoe leather and elbow grease.  Voters are deluged with paid ads during election years so it's the personal contact from neighbors that has become very important.  So whether you support the NRA or for some reason you dislike the NRA, gun owners need to participate in the political process at every level.   

I could write several pages about why I am optimistic regarding gun rights; the recently adopted right to carry in so many states comes to mind of course.  However, I will just cite one positive observation.  About 10 years ago, after hunting, shooting and reloading ammo for decades, I began trap shooting.  At that time I was very disappointed to see that many writers in trapshooting publications openly questioned the need to own one sort of gun or another, and they frequently placed some distance between trapshooting and 2nd Amendment issues.  Not anymore!  Trapshooters today are staunch and vocal gun rights advocates now.   All shooters can now see that if we don't hang together then the anti-gunners will pick us off one by one.  2008 will be a fateful year for gun owners.  We have faced worse and have come out on top.  Please don't be afraid to donate a few dollars and a few hours to candidates who support us (or else call a press conference and declare your own candidacy).  Pitching in has always worked better than bitching.  Thanks for your time.

well said.  it is obvious that you thought that out, instead of mindlessly spouting the same propaganda others use.   i couldnt agree more with you in the above statement.   

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2007, 09:39:04 AM »
+ 1

-=TDC=- -=TDC=- -=TDC=- I will support them 1000%
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2007, 09:58:00 AM »
A good example of that is, here in Delaware the State is going to charge hunters a $10.00 fee each time we use State land to hunt, but the horse back riders (Equestrian) and bird watchers that use the same State lands don't have to pay... Why you ask, because the bird watchers and horse back riders show up to the legislative hearings in force, and the hunters sit on there A$$es and do nothing for there rights. I was at a legislative meeting and it was a packed house, but as soon as the Equestrian issues were addressed the place was cleared out and only a handful of hunter were left to hear issues for hunting.  Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage of them just wait around for others to do all the work for them.

Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues, if no one is there to voice there opinions.

NRA, NRA, NRA..... I will support them 110%

Well, buddy... Maybe I am a Idiot, but Where the HELL was your precious NRA at this meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LMAO, your Posts are killing your position !

Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage

When you insult an entire group of people... but calling them dumb Please Spell HUGE right !

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 10:22:30 AM »
"Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues"

You are sooooo wrong.....
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2007, 10:27:36 AM »
two things i love doing.... introducing new people to hunting, shooting, reloading; and exposing the nra for the backstabbing organization that it is.   cockroaches hate it when you shine a light on them.......

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2007, 01:42:41 PM »
A good example of that is, here in Delaware the State is going to charge hunters a $10.00 fee each time we use State land to hunt, but the horse back riders (Equestrian) and bird watchers that use the same State lands don't have to pay... Why you ask, because the bird watchers and horse back riders show up to the legislative hearings in force, and the hunters sit on there A$$es and do nothing for there rights. I was at a legislative meeting and it was a packed house, but as soon as the Equestrian issues were addressed the place was cleared out and only a handful of hunter were left to hear issues for hunting.  Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage of them just wait around for others to do all the work for them.

Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues, if no one is there to voice there opinions.

NRA, NRA, NRA..... I will support them 110%

Well, buddy... Maybe I am a Idiot, but Where the HELL was your precious NRA at this meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LMAO, your Posts are killing your position !

Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage

When you insult an entire group of people... but calling them dumb Please Spell HUGE right !

Thank you ACE for the spell check. 
If  you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2007, 01:45:05 PM »
A good example of that is, here in Delaware the State is going to charge hunters a $10.00 fee each time we use State land to hunt, but the horse back riders (Equestrian) and bird watchers that use the same State lands don't have to pay... Why you ask, because the bird watchers and horse back riders show up to the legislative hearings in force, and the hunters sit on there A$$es and do nothing for there rights. I was at a legislative meeting and it was a packed house, but as soon as the Equestrian issues were addressed the place was cleared out and only a handful of hunter were left to hear issues for hunting.  Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage of them just wait around for others to do all the work for them.

Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues, if no one is there to voice there opinions.

NRA, NRA, NRA..... I will support them 110%

Well, buddy... Maybe I am a Idiot, but Where the HELL was your precious NRA at this meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LMAO, your Posts are killing your position !

Gun owner and hunters are dumb, a hough percentage

When you insult an entire group of people... but calling them dumb Please Spell HUGE right !

Ace, it was not a gun issue, it is a hunting issue. Come on,  if you want to try to look smart at least know what you are talking about.  ::)
If  you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Offline Redhawk1

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2007, 01:48:34 PM »
two things i love doing.... introducing new people to hunting, shooting, reloading; and exposing the nra for the backstabbing organization that it is.   cockroaches hate it when you shine a light on them.......

Sorry myronman3, I was wrong. You do belong to the TDC.  LOL.....        But you still have not convinced me that there is anything better out there.
If  you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2007, 01:54:39 PM »
"Sorry NONYA, but taking people out hunting is not going to help with legislative issues"

You are sooooo wrong.....

NONYA, I am not going to get into a war of wits with an unarmed man. You and I have nothing further to discuss on the NRA issue. We see it differently.

Ace is everything spelled good enough for you. MR. spell check.  ::)
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Offline thxmrgarand

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2007, 03:51:47 PM »
Thanks everyone for a provocative discussion.  This fall will be election season in NH, Iowa and a few other places, at least for the presidential primaries.  The NRA isn't the  issue right now.  The current make-up of the US Supreme Court is an excellent example of why elections matter.

There are at least hundreds of ways to contribute and to participate in keeping our gun rights.  Democracy isn't rule of the majority, it's rule by the majority who show up.  Each of us needs to be a super-voter but we also need to do much much more.  We should be thankful we live in a time and place where we have this opportunity; and we all know this freedom didn't come cheap.  I feel I owe it to the WWII generation and the generations before them to not let the anti-gunners win on my watch.  I will be there with my dollars, my shoe leather, and my energy.  I am every bit as stubborn, as resourceful, and at times probably even as self-righteous as the Brady bunch.  Our cause is superior to theirs.  We will continue to push them back as reason overtakes their rhetoric.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2007, 07:12:45 PM »
A "war of wits" with a guy brainwashed by LaPierre?Shouldn't be much of a war take your best shot!

-=TDC=- Getting stronger every day!
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2007, 08:11:15 PM »
  Okay, I need someone to tell me what it was the NRA did or has done to cause some folks here to post derogatory comments about them.  Thanks.

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2007, 01:08:25 AM »
  Okay, I need someone to tell me what it was the NRA did or has done to cause some folks here to post derogatory comments about them.  Thanks.

.308 Win, a better question for them guys is...Who else is doing what the NRA has done for gun owners?  They want to bash the NRA but for the life of me they can't give my one organization that has actually won any anti gun or second amendment issues.  They also forget that the NRA can only try to influence Legislators. The NRA is not the ones that make the laws.  But you will fall upon deaf ears here.

Spell check please.  ;)
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2007, 07:11:45 AM »
A "war of wits" with a guy brainwashed by LaPierre?Shouldn't be much of a war take your best shot!

-=TDC=- Getting stronger every day!
ouch!   at times,  the truth does hurt.  lol.

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2007, 08:10:49 AM »
Come on myronman3, I was starting to like you....   ;D
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2007, 05:52:30 PM »
  I was just surprised to hear anyone say anything bad about the NRA.  I will agree that they have done more than anyone and when Slick Willy was president, he made reference to the then president of the NRA, Charlton Heston.  He said something stupid like "Not having to bow down to the NRA even if their president IS Moses" in an obvious reference to Heston's character in "The Ten Commandments" from years ago. Seems like every anti-gun politician makes reference to the NRA and I feel like that's because the NRA is who poses them the most problem.  If the NRA is the organization that gets under the politician's skin, I'm in their corner. Next check I get, I will (and I mean this) become a member. I should have a long time ago.

  I'm not a spell check kind of man.   
 ::) ::)

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2007, 10:05:58 PM »
The NRA you immortalize is long dead.

-=TDC=- Making the world a better place!
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2007, 12:50:37 PM »
again,  check out the thread in the hunting general discussion forum on "who is not a nra member and why"...  you will learn alot and maybe even see the light....
t.d.c= shining the light of truth on cockroaches everywhere.

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2007, 09:20:42 AM »
Oh yes myronman3, there is a handful of you anti- NRA guys spouting off your mouths and everyone is suppose to take your word as the only truth. Sorry dude, but all you Internet experts here are wrong.

Go back to the thread you pointed out and read my last post, when you and all your anti-NRA buddies can answer that question, let me know.
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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2007, 09:42:47 AM »
again,  for your arguement to hold any water,  one would have to concede that the nra is doing more good than harm; and i dont agree to that.   it is all about the dollar to la pierre and his ilk,  and dont get mad at me because i see them for what they really are.  but you arent really interested in an intellegent debate, you just want to spout the mindless blather that has been drilled into your narrow mind.  we are trying to help you,  but you refuse it at every turn.    some people just cant be reasoned with.   unfortunately for you, you are one of these people.    never underestimate the power of denial.   

  the t.d.c.=educating those in need.         

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Re: NRA Called Last Night.
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2007, 11:33:52 AM »
Never underestimate the ignorance of brainwashed sheeple.

-=TDC=- Helping the sheeple see the light
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!