not sure. we use bear river stands for a lot of bowhunting, they are packable, but don't fold, they come apart in sections about 24" long. the brace needs re working but they last day in and day out, season after season.
one of the few stands ready for a bowhunter without modification. they are a round steel(?) construction flat black in color. as i say, i like them for bowhunting.
there are many good and great stands on the market, you usually get what you pay for. The average bowhunter doesn't require what we do from the stands but keep in mind that most stands, ladders especially, are not well suited to bow shots. if you need to stand in order to shoot we don't recommend it. A P&Y or B&C buck will not tolerate a hunter standing up, and while you may think you will have plenty of warning on approach you likely will not.
EDIT: this link is some new photos we are putting up, the young lady is Rosemary, 19, and the three bucks she arrowed in the last 6 years. she has passed on many. Even if she were not my niece I would be proud of her. ( the dog is the new walker puppy & looks like a great cat dog so far)