Author Topic: Timney triggers?  (Read 823 times)

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Timney triggers?
« on: August 21, 2007, 04:12:02 PM »
I just ordered a Remington 700 Sps 243. I was wondering about the trigger on them? I think they put a new triggers system on this model? Is it any good or do I need to take to my gunsmith to have him work the trigger? I am sure even if it is a decent factory trigger it would need work by my smith any ways to reduce the weight of pull. I was reading the reviews at Midway on the Timney triggers and one person said the safety did not work well with it and if you plan on using it on the new SPS's you should order one with the safety included so you get a positive lock. Have any of you experienced this problem? Here is a link to the trigger I am talking about.  So tell me what you guy's think of the Timney triggers are they worth it and does someone else make one that is as good but less expensive.       Dale
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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2007, 04:24:09 PM »
Adjust the pull weight and shoot it 100 times or so before you buy a new one.,,, Most of them turn out to be pretty good triggers... Simple one screw adjustment.  ;D

Offline sniperVLS

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 01:08:57 AM »
Unless Timneys have dropped, they are quite expensive are they not? Yeah I just clicked on the link you provided, still around 100.00. Thats the last thing I'd put be doing research on for a 500.00 rifle, that is until you shoot it and realize you don't like the factory trigger which is possible. To each their own though....

The old triggers were great after 15 minutes of tweaking, the new triggers are supposedly much much better to work with and most don't need tweaking. Many hardcore shooters at other forums love it and leave it alone most of the time(the new trigger).

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 06:22:05 AM »
Dale I am with the other guys here. I would give it a try just as it comes from the factory, if you do not like it, tweak it the best you can. Then try it some more. If after trying it out for awhile and you do not like it, then think about a new trigger. If at that time you decide you want a new trigger, you may want to consider Rifle Basix. They are in the same price range as the Timney triggers. They are not a Jewel trigger, but they are not in the $200+ range either. I have had good luck with the Rifle Basix on a couple of Stevens 200s I have. In fact they helped so much, I am now considering putting one on my 700 BDL VS. I was very satisfied with it until shooting the Stevens with the new triggers. ;)
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 07:29:06 AM »
Thanks guy's. I know I am putting the cart in front of the horse. I was just looking for ways to tweak this new rifle to get every ounce of accuracy out of it that is possible. I was also looking at those H-S aftermarket stocks and they are like $500.00. I don't think I will be getting one of those. I have not saw the laminated stocks like the ones that come on the VLS any where. I wonder how much they are?  Dale
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Offline sniperVLS

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 08:10:21 AM »
I'll try to explain this as best I can without having slept for 32 hours....

Those 500.00 stocks do not fit the short action 700 with the varmint contour barrel, those are for thicker/bigger bull barrels like the m40/M24 and so on.

The Only TACTICAL model from H-S that will fit the short action SPS Varmint is the PST12. Its the Police stock that the Rem 700 Police uses.

The PST59 and 60's looked good until I found out from H-S that they are for the LTR barrels(light tactical rifle), a much shorter barrel hence a shorter stock and bedding block.

Anything that says "Varmint Barrel Contour" is a good sign. Thats what ALL Remington Varmint/Tactical rifles have from the factory, a Varmint Contour Carrel.

The H-S "VARMINT" stock that will fit the SPS-V barrel is the PSV74, thats the stock that the Remmy Milspec SS 5R comes with(if you don't know about that beast, do some googling).

Midway sells the PSt12 for 297.00 and has them in stock. When I order the SPS, I'll be ordering that from Midway the same day. Otherwise, the wait for a stock that hasnt been made is 3 to 6 weeks, some are backordered for half a year.

The Police PST12 is popular so they stock them without a problem.

I don't know if we discussed this before but here's a review of the SPS Varmint from the factory, and later on in the Review, the shooter swaps the factory cheapo stock out(which still gave sub-moa groups mind you), with a Police stock(PST12) and did a comparison. It shows pictures of the barrel in the H-S Police stock if interested. It's quite sexy!

*The last pic on the following page is with the H-S stock attached.....

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 08:55:12 AM »
I read that article a few days ago and is what made up my mind on the SPS. It does sound like a very promising rifle. In my search for stocks I found this. It is a sniper stock made by Choate. I think it looks cool and very functional for ground hogs with a bipod.    Have any of you ever used this stock?  Dale
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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 08:56:56 AM »
This is NOT a Handi-rifle Dale, all you need to do is adjust that one screw that changes pull weight for the trigger put some clear or any color for that matter fingernail polish on it to lock it back in place and shoot the thing. Ya won't need new triggers or new stocks or any such crap. Just find the load it likes and be happy. The gun will do the job if you can.

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 09:07:15 AM »
Thanks Graybeard. :o ;D      Dale
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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2007, 09:35:55 AM »
This is NOT a Handi-rifle Dale, all you need to do is adjust that one screw that changes pull weight for the trigger put some clear or any color for that matter fingernail polish on it to lock it back in place and shoot the thing. Ya won't need new triggers or new stocks or any such crap. Just find the load it likes and be happy. The gun will do the job if you can.

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Offline TLARbb

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Re: Timney triggers?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2007, 03:10:20 PM »
Thanks guy's. I know I am putting the cart in front of the horse. I was just looking for ways to tweak this new rifle to get every ounce of accuracy out of it that is possible. I was also looking at those H-S aftermarket stocks and they are like $500.00. I don't think I will be getting one of those. I have not saw the laminated stocks like the ones that come on the VLS any where. I wonder how much they are?  Dale

Remington still makes the VLS (I think) and you should be able to buy a VLS stock directly from the parts department.  I bought a VS stock for my VLS, but I don't know whether I like it better or not.  I've seen them on eBay in the past, but since the changes, it looks like the gun parts area is drying up there.  I'm not saying you should do business with eBay, but it might be a source if you like the VLS stocks.