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You gotta love the NAACP!
« on: August 22, 2007, 07:48:16 AM »
NAACP Urges NFL to Let Vick Play Again
Posted: 2007-08-22 13:14:18
ATLANTA (AP) - An NAACP leader said Michael Vick should be allowed to return to the NFL, preferably the Atlanta Falcons, after serving his sentence for his role in a dogfighting operation.

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said R.L. White, president of the group's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

White said the Falcons quarterback made a mistake and should be allowed to prove he has learned from that mistake.

On Monday, Vick said through a lawyer that he will plead guilty to a federal charge of conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and conspiracy to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture.

Three Vick associates have pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge and say Vick provided nearly all the gambling and operating funds for the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting enterprise. Two of them also said Vick participated in executing at least eight underperforming dogs, raising the possibility of the animal cruelty charges.

Last month, state and local leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People urged the public not to rush to judgment in the Vick case. The civil rights organization said animal rights groups, talk radio and the news media were vilifying the embattled athlete, and that his team and corporate sponsors were prematurely punishing Vick.

White said the Atlanta chapter supports Vick's decision to accept a plea bargain if it's in his best interest, but he questioned the credibility of Vick's co-defendants, saying an admission of guilt might be more about cutting losses than the truth.

"At this point, you're not looking at guilt or innocence," White said, referring to the possible harsher sentence Vick could have received had he taken his case to trial and been found guilty. "You're thinking, 'What I better do is cut my losses and take a plea.' But if he saw this as the best thing to do at this point for his future, then I think he made the correct choice."

White said he regretted that the plea deal will mean all the facts of the case might never be known.

"Some have said things to save their own necks," White said. "Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he had killed a human being."

White said he does not support dogfighting and that he considers it as bad as hunting.

"His crime is, it was a dog," White said.

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 09:18:08 AM »
I don't want to sound prejudice, but I think the NAACP is fast to act on any situation involving a black, and would have totally different views if the person were white.

How many times have you read about the NAACP protesting the police killing a black person while in the commission, of a crime, but at the same time they have no problem with a situation like that that occurred in Tennessee earlier where a group of blacks (men and women) kidnapped, robbed, tortured, gang raped and killed a young white couple.  The NAACP even issued a press release defending the actions of the group.  It is not a two sided sword with them.

This is another case where they fail to recognize the severity of the crime, and do not hold Vick accountable for the situation. 


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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 09:38:20 AM »
well well now !
MR. WHITE i have to ask , if you speak for a group that bills itself as a group to advance African Americans ( colored people is so dated ) how can a man that broke the law in so many ways , threw away a golden opportunity AND LET DOWN BOTH HIS RACE AND TEAM not to mention family , be a role model for your people ? There are so many examples of leaders from the group you support that you could praise why waste your time on an admitted criminal ?
Your opinion of hunting is certainly yours alone but dog fighting is illegal and hunting is not ! But I must question your ability to represent your chapter when you display such a lack of ability to distinguish between lawful and not ! Then again you may be an Al Sharpton or Jessy Jackson want to be ! neither who do much for their race either !
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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 11:38:12 AM »
This is one of the rare times I agree with the NAACP.

When Vick serves his time and is released then why not let him play?
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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 12:04:59 PM »
  Mr. White is obviously an ignorant man, incapable of reason.  I will agree with those who have posted about Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson in that they do nothing for the advancement of the black community.  In fact, I believe they must manufacture racism where it doesn't exist in order to validate their existence.  Beyond these two "reverends," I will say that, sadly, there aren't many in the black community that are hunters and therefore lack the experience we have concerning our sport.  If there were more fathers, both black and white, who took more interest in their children and took them hunting, maybe our sport would not be losing the number of participants that it is. Instead, it is just easier to hand children a controller, a TV and let them entertain themselves with mindless games.  Hunting is part of the American experience, it is our heritage and I take pride in doing it. To hunt, to me, is as necessary and natural as it is to breathe. It is our responsibility to teach those who know no better than to equate something like dogfighting with hunting.       

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 12:24:56 PM »
He shouldn't play because the NFL has strict rules against any type of illegal gambling which Vick did. Also, most places of employment have morality clauses that you agree to when you go to work for them. I know where I work that getting a dui is a firearble offense. The NFL has to think about its image and letting Vick play again gives them a bad image. I'm  a casusal football fan, and I know that I will not ever watch another game if he is allowed to play again. If you look at the images of how he beat those dogs to death they would make you sick. I know everyone should get a second chance but, he has had a second chance before and it lead to this. Not to mention that he lied about having anything to do with it. Of course he is going to be remorseful now because he has no other option.
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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 01:53:21 PM »
If we had a NAAWP, a foundation called White American College Fund,  White Entertainment Television, or a White History Month, I would feel things are equal.  I'm afraid that the tables have turned and prejudice has swung mostly the other way.  Prejudice can go both ways, black or white.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are racists, period.   It is so one sided now with many African-Americans wanting to use race to justify criminal behavior.  Even Martin Luther King Jr. said he wanted all Americans to be recognized by the color of their character not the color of their skin.

 Many private business owners that I know will not hire African-Americans.  I have five people who help out on my farm that are paid full time.  I'm not a racist but I will not hire any either. Not because I am predjudiced but because they can play the race card and bring all kinds of trouble when terminated. I saw it all the time when I worked for the Department of Energy. You had to have at least six months of records and weekly or sometimes daily corrections documented before you could terminate a minority. I just don't need the trouble. I have many fellow farmers that are black and they are some of my best friends, but that is it. The African American community would be a lot better off if they disbanded these organizations and really do something to bring this country together.  As long as they have seperate organizations and a different set of rules in the courts, we will always have predjudice.  No man should have special treatment if sane and is guilty of breaking the law.

Dog fighting is not my cup of tea and never has been.  I think it is brutal and I can't understand why anyone would love something so vicious.  They should not let Michael Vick play again; why feel sorry for a man that threw away more money than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes with something so stupid?  He could have flown to another country where it was legal if dog fighting was his thing.  If they let him back in the NFL, Pete Rose should be allowed in the Hall of Fame.

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 03:06:00 PM »
Pete Rose got a life time ban from baseball he was only gambling not killing and torturing dogs. What Vick did was sick I don't give a damn they ever let him out.
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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 03:13:44 PM »
Instead, it is just easier to hand children a controller, a TV and let them entertain themselves with mindless games.

While I do agree that video games make for a poor babysitter, games aren't as mindless as one would think.  Sure there are some mindless ones out there, but many newer video games have some very deep storylines behind them, and I've enjoyed many far, far more than most movies.  Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate I and II, Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic. most of the Final Fantasy series, Grandia II, etc.  Gaming has very much become a modern art form and means of expression.  Don't be so quick to brush it off.  It's not about quirky noises and tiny spaceships just shooting things like it was 20-30 years ago :).  There are those of us who enjoy hunting and gaming ;).

But as to Vick - eh, I don't care one way or another.  I certainly think he should be punished for his crimes, but once he gets out of prison (and I do think he should go to prison for this), I don't particularly care if the NFL lets him continue to play or not.  Heck if he serves more than a few years he's gonna be seriously out of practice regardless.  I never really cared for the Falcons anyways :).


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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2007, 04:01:26 PM »
The next time someone ask, "What's wrong with the kids today,"  just tell them nothing, they are only following in the footsteps of their role models.

In my humble opinion, folk that project themselves, or that are in high visibility positions that influence the younger folks should set the proper example.  There are far too many jocks, and actors that our youth try to emulate that contributed to their bad behavior, and leads them down the path of self destruction.

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2007, 05:04:08 PM »
What about Latrell Spreewell?  He choked his coach (white) out while playing in the NBA.  He was allowed to keep playing.  What if it Latrell would have been white and the coach black, do you think he would have continued to play?  No! Our country has different allowances for African Americans with fame and money.   If OJ would have been white and his ex-wife black, we would not see him making tv shows and writing books.  I can only hope and pray, Vick gets justice.  The odds are slim though. 

He will probably get off with doing public announcement commercials.

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2007, 05:40:11 PM »
well well now !
MR. WHITE i have to ask , if you speak for a group that bills itself as a group to advance African Americans ( colored people is so dated ) how can a man that broke the law in so many ways , threw away a golden opportunity AND LET DOWN BOTH HIS RACE AND TEAM not to mention family , be a role model for your people ? There are so many examples of leaders from the group you support that you could praise why waste your time on an admitted criminal ?
Your opinion of hunting is certainly yours alone but dog fighting is illegal and hunting is not ! But I must question your ability to represent your chapter when you display such a lack of ability to distinguish between lawful and not ! Then again you may be an Al Sharpton or Jessy Jackson want to be ! neither who do much for their race either !

Well said.  I'm so sick of the NAACP crying foul.  They are communicating to their youth that it's okay to break the law - we got your back.  Sick and tired...


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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2007, 01:32:08 AM »
30/30man the list of whats wrong with the NBA is way to long to list , read the paper lately ?
and as far as vic playing , he was granted a golden opportunity and blew it why not give it to a new person with talent ?
why waste it on a reckless , loose cannon ?
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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2007, 03:45:24 AM »
My, my, the NAACP as apologist for black miscreants--I'm shocked.

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Re: You gotta love the NAACP!
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2007, 10:56:46 AM »
  I'm assuming you're an adult and I was speaking in terms of of children being left to their own devices in the absence of parental interaction/intervention.  Glad you agree video games are a poor choice of a babysitter.  It's a small point I was making about the larger problem of how these people become the "adults" that participate in this kind of criminal activity. Mike Vick may have been a product of the inner city lifestyle growing up but the point I was making is that if parents were to be what they are supposed to be to their children, maybe they wouldn't be so misguided as adults.  That was my point. 
  As far as his possible future in football, I couldn't possibly care less if he plays again.  I watch the NFL all the time and love the game but I think this has been allowed to overshadow the game itself and no one player is bigger than the game itself.  I think he's had his chances, been given his gargantuan contract (WHO is worth 130 million to play a game?  It's ridiculous.) and had his share of VIP treatment.  If he isn't, and obviously he isn't, capable of appreciation and handling his status, then he should no longer have it.  If he can't channel it in a positive way, let someone else who will have the opportunity he's had.  Bet Bobby Petrino wishes he were still back in Louisville coaching at U of L.