I have the 7TCU in a 10 inch, and since I just got a 7x30 in 16 inch, I am removing the scope and going back to rifle sights. I know you were talking about the 14 ", but I just have to say that the 10" TCU is not only a pleasure to shoot, but it is amazing to carry with-out a scope with a sling. I have heard people say dont bother with the shorter 7x30, for exactly the reason you stated, it just dosent deliver much more, however, I think my 16 " 7x30 has got way more power and flatter shooting.
I'll save you a lot of trouble here....just get both.
The only shortcoming I have seen so far with my 7x30, is that it seems to have a way shorter throat, my TCU handles the 168 gr hardcast bullets better.