Author Topic: .454 Casull or .460 S&W  (Read 442 times)

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Offline Paints-n-cows

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.454 Casull or .460 S&W
« on: August 27, 2007, 02:09:23 PM »
Are these cartridges too much for the SB2 receivers?  I seem to see quite a little bit about the .357 Max but I was thinking that you could have a plinker in the .45 Long Colt or a decent deer cartridge with some versatility with the others.

You should be able to get decent velocities out the barrel lengths available through H&R.

BTW, these little rifles are addictive.  2 in two weeks and waiting on a third to get transferred.

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: .454 Casull or .460 S&W
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2007, 02:51:01 PM »
Welcome aboard!  2 in two weeks is a good start, you're only 35 Handis behind me, lots of room for growth if you keep that rate up, they are indeed addictive!! ;) There are several threads on the subject, the Casull at 60kpsi is doable, but the 460 at 65kpsi may be a bit too much. Either way, the underlug is likely to set back as it does when hot loads are shot in the 500 S&W unless you do an underlug improvement, see the FAQs on that.

As far as the 45 Colt Carbine barrel, I've shot 250gr Speer GDHPs and the Hornady 250gr SST muzzleloader bullets at over 1900fps in mine, the SST has an MPBR of over 150yds with over 1100fp/lbs energy, so it would be a fine deer getter. ;D

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Re: .454 Casull or .460 S&W
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2007, 02:57:09 PM »
I was just about to respond...Ole "QUICK" fingers beat me to it!!  As usual, good job Tim!!  ;)

 The 45 COLT is a GREAT and VERY versatile cartridge that will do just about what those Johnny come latelys do... just about. But its all relative because as you likely know...there is no different degrees of "DEAD".  ::)

 I don't know if the search is better... but there is some information on this here...its been asked a couple times before. ;) ;)

BTW, Tim, Do you have a supplier for them SST's? Mine are about gone and I have yet another 45 Handi to feed!!!


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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: .454 Casull or .460 S&W
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2007, 03:05:39 PM »
CW, Sportsmans Warehouse sells em for $12 per 20, but only with the sabots.  Grafs sells em for $10, shipping is $3.95, I think that's the best souce online. I'm hoping maybe Hornady will offer the .452" flextips as a component that the 450 Bushmaster uses. ;D

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Offline eskimo36

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Re: .454 Casull or .460 S&W
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 04:36:12 AM »
That bullet sure makes the 45 colt look modern... but if you put a round nose lead bullet in a tarnished case it looks 100 years old.
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