I was goofing around on the net and put an advertisement on the net that i would like a hog hunting lease only,
To my surprise a guy answers back with his number as we talk he tells me about his lease and asks if i would share the meat, asks if i would maintain the traps so i told him i would as we talk he tells me that they have to get rid of the hogs as it is part of the management agreement with the timber company and that him and the other 4 members do not have the tie to do this so i ask him how much for this lese he tells me 80.00 per year I am thinking that is awesome. So i go to this location kind of skeptical of any hogs being there WOW i seen over 30 hogs not real big ones but some 200lb sows so i know if there are some big sows daddy is somewhere. i have one more test to pass on thursdy or so i am meeting with the vice pres and several of the gys if they like me i am in the ease s a mere 4 mles from my doorstep