I've been on his site quite often, for gun content only, unfortunately you get much more of nothing. Pictures are there, check it out on Friday's, seems to be the day there compelled to offer porn. There in the posts and last until photobucket finds them and removes them. He has his views on what "his" guns should be. Nothing wrong with that but don't tell me what you "WILL" give me, and if I can't get it or don't want what is offered I'll move on, (which I have). But what he gives you is top notch, I've handled two Rugers he has worked on and there right up there in quality. He has a following, you will never communicate with just him, smart ass comments are the norm. I've seen this professional also rip other smiths, one time comes to mind with a smith who is well known for his work on T.C. products (remember G.R. also makes barrels and such for T.C. products) "but" in the next post he obviously remembers he is on worldwide and recants somewhat. When the story first broke, initially, on the huge hog taken, a regular showed a link to Graybeards site and the thread. His response was to the effect that, this is what is wrong with this site and other sites similiar to this, "TO MANY EXPERTS". To many experts??, as opposed to what, only "ONE" on Gary reeder custom guns? Take it for what its worth guys, spend your money where you want, apparently his cronies will keep him going in orders. CRASH87