Do you understand that "almost" is a qualifier?
as far as original books- Slims books, Hoofbeats, Carmen's snow trapping- to name but a few.
YOU are the one that brought up all the tangents- my DISAGREEMENT with you- was your post saying that:
Not to rain on any parades, I read every book i can and watch every video i can.....but alot of em are Bovine scatology in the works, either copied generalized knowledge or made up so called pro had a video with a segment on truck organization.....this goes here etc... thing was
he was general trapping, rats coon skunk fox coyote etc....and he had the smallest box in the truck for his catch looked like a yote a fox and a cple rats would fill it....another pro's yote book shows a dead yote in a trap...look at the neck....snare mark......and so on.
Thing is read em, think about what you read,try it see what you think...but the best education is seeing things for yourself,like i don't know how many books ive read say put the trap x distance from the scent post ....then in the snow you see its like half that on big eastern yotes.. or whatever...Ive read books that tell you for canine to soak everything in urine...traps gloves everything now maybe that works, i was younger tried it didn't work did cause some problems tho with flipped and dug up traps
maybe I'm missing the small things but mostly the books all seem close to the same info, there's some that break that mold ...but then there seems to me it doesn't matter that much. Many writers will tell you how you need this and that and the other 20 things(mostly they sell these things directly or indirectly)well i can tell you they don't walk far off the beaten path carrying all that crap not much anyways.
See I think some one unheard of, with real knowledge could write a book with useful truthful info in it...and it wouldn't sell well. First they need a publicity campaign to tell you how good they are....fictional or non fictional.
Your education starts now get out and learn! and another thing have fun doing it, I know the writers say nope cant take the time to smell the roses...more bovine scatology if there so busy how come they have time to go to all these conventions,write all these books make and bottle all that lure write all the zine articles and what not.....oh wow popped a brain blood vessel gotta go to the hospital now cya's sorry for the rant
Where you downplay knowledge for beginners from books.
heres another tangent: then how come there aren't many kids trapping now and almost no teens
hunting , fishing- ALL the outdoor sports are declining rapidly- WHY? because of many things, primarily being our shift from rural to urban living. And trapping is a hard sport, because of the TIME needed to trap. Your conclusion, and it's the only logical conclusion based on your post- is that BOOKS are the cause? LOL
you apparently are saying you never carry gear and don't walk and they need alot of only drive, drive over the set reach down out the window?
it would be a better debate, if you actually trapped yotes in any numbers. Do you? Because from your posts, it doesn't seem likely.
Thing is read em, think about what you read,try it see what you think...but the best education is seeing things for yourself
now how does that statement draw this much fervor?
too bad you didn't make that statement without all your other little comments- but you didn't, did you? THATS why the fervor about your post.
and if you think that trapping a coyote makes one a professional, because he "gained"- then you do.
Hey- I found a baseball this morning, so I gained in baseball. Am I a professional?
I fill out a Sch C each year- where is the catagory for "fur trapping" only?
It's TRAPPING- whether ADC, or fur. and since my business is trapping AND supplies- both are included, as is aboput EVERY true professional trapper I know.