Wacky,I guess I will have to post a little biography on here sometime today.You must have led a very lucky and sheltered life,if you have'nt run into me at a convention or Rendezvous.Just ask Asa,RdFX,Newt or any of the poor unfortunate soles that have.Now Newt and I are not twins--I believe I am a tad older than him.And I surely am the handsome one of the two.But we have partaken of several meals together---my truck seat still has pizza stains on it from the last time--course they are a bit hard to see over the coffee stains.
Like Lee said ,I spend the largest amount of time chasing water critters.I have held a lifetime fascination with H2O.At age 2 my folks used to give me a bucket of water and a fishing pole, and I would sit for hours.Never did catch anything--but then I did'nt have to clean anything either.
It seems that flea infested animals do not hold the same fascination to me that a sleek fat beaver or ornery muskrat does. well that is enough for now--like I said I will post a bit of a bio later--then let the fun begin. Tom