Author Topic: Very interesting soldiers blog  (Read 1172 times)

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Offline Fazak

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Very interesting soldiers blog
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:37:10 AM »
I've had this blog bookmarked and have been monitoring it for a while.

It provides quite a bit of insight on what's going on in Iraq from a young soldier with excellent writing skills.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 07:46:51 AM »
OK he has an opinion just like the rest of us. It does not mean that he is right or completely accurate of the situation over there or even that his fellow soldiers may agree or disagree with him. From all your posting of links you seem to think if its in print it is gospel. Not true we see things on the net all the time that are false or have a grain of truth that is twisted to a different point of view. Yes we also see the truth but it up to us to decide what is true or bs or an opinion of the writer. He is fighting for our right to free speech so yes he does have the right to exercise that right. That stil only means its his opinion only. Just as this is my opinion of the blog.
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Offline magooch

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 03:54:31 AM »
Yes TM7, and you'll find the opinions of that group just as mixed as any other group--except for the Moveon. Org. crowd.

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 04:12:32 PM »
Fazak, this soldier basically is repeating what my son and others home from Iraq are saying. But what do they know? They have been there, and are just young experienced combat soldiers. Those whom have the media to listen to MUST know better. The media, and us at home know FAR more about what is happening there in Iraq than the American Combat solider EVER could. How sad. :(
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Offline Fazak

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2007, 05:54:40 PM »
A friend of mine has two nephews who are over there on their second deployment.

Last year when they were back in the states between deployments they said it was all over.

It's obvious that at this point it's all about trying to keep the lid on it as much as possible in order to minimize political damage,... but the political damage is done,..

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2007, 06:22:58 PM »
SO does your hatred of Bush put your blinders on to ignore the soldiers that support what we are doing over there and have volunteered to go back? Not every soldier is against their CIC or against the war. To pick a few and say that they all feel this way is wrong and misleading.
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Offline Fazak

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2007, 06:26:34 PM »
SO does your hatred of Bush put your blinders on to ignore the soldiers that support what we are doing over there and have volunteered to go back? Not every soldier is against their CIC or against the war. To pick a few and say that they all feel this way is wrong and misleading.

I'm not much of a hater,... I guess I'm just not emotionally energetic enough to demonstrate hate.

That's about as much as I care to say in response to your silly post.

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2007, 06:48:20 PM »
What is silly about it you guys hate Bush and you want to convince us that every soldier over there does not think it is working or does not support what we are doing over there. That is false and misleading and to think other wise is silly.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2007, 01:47:15 PM »
I don't hate bush. I just think he is a political, prideful, self-righteous, and decietful, moron. I believe jh45gun, convincing you of anything could prove most difficult. No one has said anyone HATES anyone. Along with you INFINATE knowledge of the Iraqi situation which you were able to glean off the TV, are you also a MIND READER? :o
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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2007, 02:12:26 PM »
What is really interesting is that all these folks want to free iraq and are so pro bush and what he is doing in iraq... All the while not even having a clue what it is that they are so pro about and what freedoms they are helping the iraqis to have so I will help and enlighten those who need it.

The current constitution of Iraq was approved by a referendum that took place on 15 October 2005. The constitution was drafted in 2005 by members of the Iraqi Constitutional Committee to replace the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period (the "TAL"). The TAL was drafted between December 2003 and March 2004 by the Iraqi Governing Council, an appointed body that was selected by the Coalition Provisional Authority after the Iraq War and occupation of Iraq by the United States and Coalition forces.

Here is Chapter 2 give it a read....

Chapter Two: Rights and Freedoms
Part One: Rights
First: Civil and political rights
Second: Economic, social and cultural rights
Part Two: Freedoms
Chapter Two details the rights and freedoms of all Iraqis. It details what determines a natural Iraqi citizen and what rights each citizen has regarding that status. Basic rights are defined regarding trial and punishment, personal liberty, ownership, health care, education, and observance of family. Personal freedoms and the right to religion, assembly, and movement are guaranteed.


FIRST: Civil and Political Rights

Article 14:

Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, origin, color, religion, creed, belief or opinion, or economic and social status.

Article 15:

Every individual has the right to enjoy life, security and liberty. Deprivation or restriction of these rights is prohibited except in accordance with the law and based on a decision issued by a competent judicial authority.

Article 16:

Equal opportunities are guaranteed for all Iraqis. The state guarantees the taking of the necessary measures to achieve such equal opportunities.

Article 17:

First: Every individual shall have the right to personal privacy, so long it does not contradict the rights of others and public morals.

Second: The sanctity of the homes is inviolable and homes may not be entered, searched, or put in danger, except by a judicial decision, and in accordance with the law.

Article 18:

(First: Iraqi nationality is the right of every Iraqi and shall be the basis of his citizenship.)

(Second: An Iraqi is any person born to an Iraqi father or mother. This will regulated by law.)


A. An Iraqi citizen by birth may not have his nationality withdrawn for any reason. Any person who had his nationality withdrawn shall have the right to reclaim it, and this will be stipulated by law.

B. The Iraqi nationality shall be withdrawn from the naturalized in the cases stipulated by law.

Fourth: An Iraqi may have multiple nationalities. Everyone who assumes a senior, security sovereign position must abandon any other acquired nationality. This will be organized by law.

Fifth: Iraqi citizenship shall not be granted for the purposes of the policy of settling people that cause an imbalance in the population composition of Iraq.

Sixth: A law shall regulate the provisions of nationality. The competent courts shall consider the suits resulting from it.

Article 19:

First: The judiciary is independent and no power is above the judiciary except the law.

Second: There is no crime or punishment except by a stipulation. The punishment shall only be for an act that the law considers a crime when perpetrated. A harsher sentence than the applicable sentence at the time of the offense may not be imposed.

Third: Litigation shall be a safeguarded and guaranteed right for all.

Fourth: The right to a defense shall be sacred and guaranteed in all phases of investigation and trial.

Fifth: The accused is innocent until proven guilty in a fair legal trial. The accused may not be tried on the same crime for a second time after acquittal unless new evidence is produced.

Sixth: Every person has the right to be treated with justice in judicial and administrative proceedings.

Seventh: The proceedings of a trial are public unless the court decides to make it secret.

Eighth: Punishment is personal.

Ninth: A law does not have a retroactive effect unless the law stipulates otherwise. This exclusion shall not include laws relating to taxes and fees.

Tenth: Criminal law does not have a retroactive effect, unless it is to the benefit of the accused.

Eleventh: The court shall delegate a lawyer at the expense of the state for an accused of a felony or misdemeanor who does not have a defense lawyer.


A. (Unlawful) detention is prohibited.

B. detention or arrest is prohibited in places not designed for it, pursuant to prison regulations covered by health and social care and subject to the scrutiny of the law.

Thirteenth: The preliminary investigative documents must be submitted to the competent judge in a period not to exceed twenty-four hours from the time of the arrest of the accused. It may be extended only once and for the same period.

Article 20:

The citizens, men and women, have the right to participate in public affairs and to enjoy political rights including the right to vote, to elect and to nominate. Article 21:

First: No Iraqi shall be surrendered to foreign entities and authorities.

Second: A law shall regulate the right of political asylum to Iraq. No political refugee shall be surrendered to a foreign entity or returned forcibly to the country from which he fled.

Third: No political asylum shall be granted to a person accused of committing international or terrorist crimes or any person who inflicted damage on Iraq.

SECOND: Economic, social and cultural liberties

Article 22:

First: Work is a right for all Iraqis so as to guarantee them a decent living.

Second: The law regulates the relationship between employees and employers on economic basis and with regard to the foundations of social justice.

Third: The State guarantees the right of forming and joining professional associations and unions. This will be organized by law.

Article 23:

First: Personal property is protected. The proprietor shall have the right to benefit from, exploit and utilize personal property within the limits of the law.

Second: No property may be taken away except for the purposes of public benefit in return for just compensation. This will be organized by law.


A. Every Iraqi has the right to own property throughout Iraq. No others may possess immovable assets, except as exempted by law.

B. Owning property for the purposes of population change shall be prohibited.

Article 24:

The State guarantees freedom of movement of Iraqi manpower, goods and capitals between regions and governorates. This will be organized by law.

Article 25:

The State guarantees the reform of the Iraqi economy in accordance with modern economic principles to ensure the full investment of its resources, diversification of its sources and the encouragement and the development of the private sector.

Article 26:

The state guarantees the encouragement of investments in the various sectors. This will be organized by law.

Article 27:

First: Public property is sacrosanct, and its protection is the duty of each citizen.

Second: The provisions related to the protection of State properties and its management and the conditions for its disposal and the limits under which none of these properties can be relinquished shall all be regulated by law.

Article 28:

First: No taxes or fines may be imposed, amended, exempted or pardoned from, except in accordance with law.

Second: Low wage earners shall be exempted from taxes in a manner that ensures the upholding of the minimum wage required for survival. This will be organized by law.

Article 29:


A. The family is the foundation of society; the State preserves its entity and its religious, moral and patriotic values.

B. The State guarantees the protection of motherhood, childhood and old age and shall care for children and youth and provides them with the appropriate conditions to further their talents and abilities.

Second: Children have right over their parents in regard to upbringing, care and education. Parents shall have right over their children in regard to respect and care especially in times of need, disability and old age.

Third: Economic exploitation of children shall be completely prohibited. The State shall take the necessary measures to protect them.

Fourth: All forms of violence and abuse in the family, school and society shall be prohibited.

Article 30:

First: The state guarantee to the individual and the family -- especially children and women -- social and health security and the basic requirements for leading a free and dignified life. The state also ensures the above a suitable income and appropriate housing.

Second: The State guarantees the social and health security to Iraqis in cases of old age, sickness, employment disability, homelessness, orphanage or unemployment, and shall work to protect them from ignorance, fear and poverty. The State shall provide them housing and special programs of care and rehabilitation. This will be organized by law.

Article 31:

First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.

Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.

Article 32:

The State cares for the handicapped and those with special needs and ensure their rehabilitation in order to reintegrate them into society. This shall be regulated by law.

Article 33:

First: Every individual has the right to live in a safe environment.

Second: The State undertakes the protection and preservation of the environment and biological diversity.

Article 34:

First: Education is a fundamental factor in the progress of society and is a right guaranteed by the state. Primary education is mandatory and the state guarantees to eradicate illiteracy.

Second: Free education is a right for all Iraqis in all its stages.

Third: The State encourages scientific research for peaceful purposes that serve man and supports excellence, creativity, invention and the different aspects of ingenuity.

Fourth: Private and public education is guaranteed. This shall be regulated by law.


Article 35:


A. The liberty and dignity of man are safeguarded.

B. No person may be kept in custody or interrogated except in the context of a judicial decision.

C. All forms of psychological and physical torture and inhumane treatment shall be prohibited. Any confession coerced by force, threat, or torture shall not be relied on. The victim shall have the right to compensation in accordance with the law for material and moral damages incurred.

Second: The State guarantees the protection of the individual from intellectual, political and religious coercion.

Third: Compulsory service (unpaid labor), serfdom, slave trade (slavery), trafficking of women and children, and the sex trade is prohibited.

(Fourth: The State will promote cultural activities and institutions in a way that is appropriate with Iraq's civilizational history and culture. It will take care to depend on authentic Iraqi cultural trends.)

Article 36:

The state guarantees in a way that does not violate public order and morality:

A. Freedom of expression, through all means.

B. Freedom of press, printing, advertisement, media and publication.

C. Freedom of assembly and peaceful demonstration. This shall be regulated by law.

(D. Every Iraqi has the right to engage in sports, and the State should encourage its activities and promotion and will provide its necessities)

Article 37:

First: The freedom of forming and of joining associations and political parties is guaranteed. This will be organized by law.

Second: It is prohibited to force any person to join any party, society or political entity or force him to continue his membership in it.

Article 38:

The freedom of communication, and mail, telegraphic, electronic, and telephonic correspondence, and other correspondence shall be guaranteed and may not be monitored, wiretapped or disclosed except for legal and security necessity and by a judicial decision.

Article 39:

Iraqis are free in their commitment to their personal status according to their religions, sects, beliefs, or choices. This shall be regulated by law.

Article 40:

Each individual has freedom of thought, conscience and belief.

Article 41:

First: The followers of all religions and sects are free in the:

A. Practice of religious rites, including the Husseini ceremonies (Shiite religious ceremonies)

B. Management of the endowments, its affairs and its religious institutions. The law shall regulate this.

Second: The state guarantees freedom of worship and the protection of the places of worship.

Article 42:

First: Each Iraqi enjoys the right of free movement, travel, and residence inside and outside Iraq.

Second: No Iraqi may be exiled, displaced or deprived from returning to the homeland.

Article 43:

First: The State shall seek to strengthen the role of civil society institutions, to support, develop and preserve its independence in a way that is consistent with peaceful means to achieve its legitimate goals. This will be organized by law.

Second: The State shall seek the advancement of the Iraqi clans and tribes and shall attend to their affairs in a manner that is consistent with religion and the law and upholds its noble human values in a way that contributes to the development of society. The State shall prohibit the tribal traditions that are in contradiction with human rights.

Article 44:

There may not be a restriction or limit on the practice of any rights or liberties stipulated in this constitution, except by law or on the basis of it, and insofar as that limitation or restriction does not violate the essence of the right or freedom.Washington Post

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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2007, 03:04:40 PM »
I do not know if a Democratic style government will ever work in Iraq or any other country over there as the way they are being tribesman and fighing each other. Still I have to look at it this way they must not mind Democracy too damn bad as there are enough of them in this country these days so maybe they can work it out. Dee I wonder have you looked in the mirror lately as your as firmly entrenched on your views as I am on mine but since I disagree with you I must be wrong eh? Maybe I feel the same way about your views   ;D  You guys can say all your want against Bush I think he is doing ok considering what he was handed. I shudder to think what would have happened if Gore or Kerry would have been elected.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 03:41:15 PM »
I do not know if a Democratic style government will ever work in Iraq or any other country over there as the way they are being tribesman and fighing each other. Still I have to look at it this way they must not mind Democracy too damn bad as there are enough of them in this country these days so maybe they can work it out. Dee I wonder have you looked in the mirror lately as your as firmly entrenched on your views as I am on mine but since I disagree with you I must be wrong eh? Maybe I feel the same way about your views   ;D  You guys can say all your want against Bush I think he is doing ok considering what he was handed. I shudder to think what would have happened if Gore or Kerry would have been elected.

jh45gun, I look in the mirror every day. A necessary evil of shaving this aging, (and deteriorating) face. The fact that we DO talk against bush is is in part, what this thread is about. We are voicing our opinion just as you are. I commented on your remark that we HATE bush. I for one do not HATE anyone. I just don't like his ideas anymore. I think he is adrift, and will not admit it. I voted for the clown twice. It is nonsencical to mention what would have happened if Gore or Kerry had won. They did not win. The aftermath of this fantasy is unprovable, and has no merit. You and I are ALIKE in the respect that we BOTH have opinions. It is what makes the world and life interesting. If we all agreed we would most likely set around and just grunt. Would we not? ;)
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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 03:54:02 PM »
I can grunt louder than you can LOL  ;D OK you do not hate Bush your just fed up with him ok so are a lot of other folks I still feel his doing a job that was in part handed to him that most presidents would not want but hey thats part of the job so ya do the best you can. Yea we both have opinions as we all should have on that I agree.  ;)
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2007, 02:43:52 AM »
Well, I think it has been said on this tread, but I have said it on others. Bush RAMMED the Patriot Act down every ones throats, including the weak congress and senate. This so called Patriot Act absolutely GUTTED the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Although I did vote for him twice, I believe he has become the most dangerous president in history. Why? He wants to make the Patriot Act PERMANENT, and that PERMANENCE will ERODE STILL OTHER RIGHTS, until it is a police state. The government has a history of NEVER giving back what it takes, or keeping it's promises. Anyone whom would disagree has NOT read the Patriot Act. tmo
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Offline Dee

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2007, 03:39:31 AM »

Redundant yes, but WORTH REPEATING? :o
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2007, 05:20:35 AM »
The Sky is falling The Sky is falling  ;D
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Dee

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2007, 06:31:02 AM »
The Sky is falling The Sky is falling  ;D

Yes, and I think it hit you on your head. ;D
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2007, 10:24:29 AM »
The Sky is falling The Sky is falling  ;D

Yes, and I think it hit you on your head. ;D

Nope I was inside I was talking about you guys.  ;D ;D
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Dee

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Re: Very interesting soldiers blog
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2007, 11:40:16 AM »
The Sky is falling The Sky is falling  ;D

Yes, and I think it hit you on your head. ;D

Nope I was inside I was talking about you guys.  ;D ;D

Oh, I know whom you were talking about, but I think something has hit you on the head. ;D
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett