Thank you for bringing that article to our attention..
In reading the article I find that neocons want:
A) Lower taxes
B) Less deficits
C) To end the old struggle between "haves" and "have nots".
D) To replace the "welfare state"with a more viable alternative.
Neocons "are not afraid of big govt" ( I'm not too comfortable that one ! )
On the other hand neocons do believe that:
A) Patriotism is natural and good and should be encouraged.
B) Isolationism would cause the U.S. to decline in economic and political influence.
C) "A statesman should, above all, should have the ability to to distinguish friends from enemies."
D) " World government is a terrible idea "..
E) "World government can lead to world tyranny !"
...And last but not least..in fact most important to many here I am sure, that tend to believe in God as most Americans traditionally have :
The statement as Mr. Kristol wrote it :
"...But it is only to a degree that neocons are comfortable in modern America . The steady decline in our culture, sinking to new levels
of vulgarity, does unite neocons with traditional conservatives; though not with those Libertarian conservatives who are conservative in economics
but unmindful of the culture ."
It would seem to me that most of us realize that America is not a single facet nation, based only on economics . While economics is an
important part of American success, this nation would never have gotten "out of the blocks" without being a basically " good and decent" nation.
As Mr Kristol so aptly pointed out, neocons are more in the type of Tocqueville than Kirk. Tocqueville said that the secret of America's success
was not in it's economic power, but in it's innate goodness. He even stated that he looked for the secret of it's greatness and found it not to
be in it's markets, it's factories or it's vast land holdings etc...but it was in it's churches !
Tocqueville said, " America is great because she is good; if America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great !"
Frankly; I believe Tocqueville was very prescient and perceptive...and history will prove him correct ! I am sure many posters here agree with that
The nations of Western Europe I believe, have declined as their belief in God has declined ; should that not be a warning to the U.S. ?
All in all , I must admit to much greater kinship with neocons than I expected . Anyone that believes American citizens should be
only concerned with ECONOMIC well-being; that man is simply a materialistic creature who need not regard his spirit and soul,
smacks of the Marxist dialectic too much for my comfort zone.
Man cannot REALLY LIVE by bread alone ....
While libertarian conservatives believe others are the "new conservatives" and they ( the libertarians) are the heirs to the founding fathers, I submit
that the " new conservative" movement is simply a new birthing (rebirth) of our founders' philosophies and principles. It is the libertarians that have
strayed from the paths set by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Patrick Henry....
BTW: Mr. Kristol along with a few other "neocons" is probably Jewish..but then Jews and Christians both share many common values, and both are
concerned by the decline in decency in recent years.
We both realize that great nations are rarely defeated from without, but often defeated by indecency and moral rot from within. Just read the
Old Testament, and you can see why the Jews, perhaps above all, know just how this happens !
As Rush said, "neocon' is a code word for "Jew"..does the term "Zionist"..tip one's hand ?