If the season has started the fur is alright.
One year down here in Texas it was so dry,
{ I had just gotten out of the hospital after a 5 month stay,
and was determined to run a line.}
I knew I could either run the line or check it.
When I start baiting and checking traps it is harder to extend the line.
I was so weak, it was exercise for not only my body but for my soul.
So, I ran out the old line as best as I could,
and it was the 10th of December before I opened any of the traps and baited the sets.
{Season here is dec-jan.}
The legal seasons are a guide to when the fur will be prime.
In a real cold wet year it may be sooner and in a dry hot year it may be later,
But a couple of weeks either way.
J. Knife
{and his 'sure fire' coon hound, Sandymay}
{ Sandy got her a bath today y'all }
{ woo woo... }