Author Topic: New Handi Rifle barrel break in.  (Read 844 times)

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New Handi Rifle barrel break in.
« on: September 16, 2007, 07:51:10 AM »
Hello everyone, I've been reading here on GBO for sometime now. Mostly due to my interested in the Handi Rifle.

I've just purchased a new one in .308

I've seen tons written on barrel break in concerning Handi Rifles. I know to clean it before ever firing the 1st shot. Then clean it again. But can some of you give me your routine in breaking in a new barrel? One can read many opinions on this matter all over the web.

My personel thoughts about it are that perhaps it isn't neccesarily the barrel in itself needing X number of rounds before it begins to 'settle' in. I wonder if it isn't a better matting of the parts taking place?

My next question is about the forearm. I read about removing it and firing the gun with it removed to see how well it groups. Then placing it back on to see if it changes group size. Anyone ever fully glass bed (Brownells Acuglass) a Handi Rifle barrel and did it help or harm accuracy?

By the way, I was by my gun deals place a week or so back. I tried the triggers on several of the Handi's on the shelf....NICE! I wonder if barrel quailty hasn't improved as well?

I know this is a fair amount of questions to be asking for my 1st Handi rifle post. But from what I've seen on this forum so far, I'm sure there a several here more than willing to help me get started on the right path.



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Re: New Handi Rifle barrel break in.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 10:03:43 AM »
I read this on Varmit als web page.  I tend to think the same way for break in. Why spend so much in ammo to do the same thing with the jb a lot faster.

NEW BARREL BREAK IN.... There is so much black magic out there about breaking in a barrel, that I am not going to suggest any procedure. I will merely tell you what I do with a new barrel. I take the brand new barrel and use J-B on it. That's right, I clean and polish it with J-B before even firing the first round through it. I put a light coat of J-B on a patch and give the barrel about 50 strokes from end to end with it. Then I clean the J-B out with a couple of patches of Shooter's Choice MC#7. I dry the bore with 3 or 4 patches until it is completely dry. I carefully clean the chamber of J-B too. That's it, the barrel is broken in and I am ready to sight in, shoot some groups, and work up an accurate load. I take the rifle to the range and shoot 3 or 4 five shot groups with Moly-coated bullets. I clean the barrel with Sweet's 7.62 and usually there is no copper. From then on, shooting only Moly-coated bullets, I clean the barrel when I feel guilty. If there is copper on the first cleaning, I conclude that I didn't do enough with the J-B and repeat the J-B treatment. All that these shoot-clean, shoot-clean, etc. break in processes do, in my opinion, is perform a slow, inefficient, and expensive polishing process which the J-B does better, smoother, and faster. I use a plastic coated stainless steel cleaning rod and a jag style that you wrap the patches around. I use the blue Shop Towels for patch material and I cut a roll into a number of 1-½-inch wide rolls with a sharp knife. I never use brushes in my barrels and I don't even have any. I use J-B, Shooter's Choice MC#7, and Sweet's 7.62. I am sure there are other procedures that are just as good or superior, but this works very well for me. If I have a particularly bad copper fouling barrel, I use Flitz Metal Polish instead of JB. Here and you can see what Shilen recommends for breaking in a new barrel.

NOTE. A J-B patch will turn black even after the barrel is clean so you shouldn’t try to clean a barrel with J-B until the patch remains "clean".

WHAT IS J-B?... J-B Non Embedding Bore Cleaning Compound. My two ounce jar of J-B has lasted me for 15+ years and is still going strong. It is a bore cleaning compound that polishes the bore. Here is more info I have just received and verified on J-B. Page 229 of Brownells' catalog #50 has a complete write up on the "J-B bore cleaning compound". It claims this to be the original formula developed by Jim Brobst (Jim Brobst is the name on my old jar of J-B) and produced under an exclusive license. From them, a two ounce jar sells for $5.95. Brownells' phone number is (515) 623-5401.

Stupid Hurts

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Re: New Handi Rifle barrel break in.
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 12:03:59 PM »
The Varmint Al info is in the FAQs along with several other links to threads on break-in and accuriizing, spend some time in there and check em out, you can bet your Handi  that any question you have has been asked before. ;)

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