I need some advice on how to "fix" my old Dutch oven pan. Mine is the big kind that has the ridge around the lid... you put hot coals around the lid. It also is the kind that has three legs.
I have an iron tripod for it... I got it brand new YEARS ago through the Cabela's catalog, and have been cooking venison stew, biscuits etc. in it for around twenty years or so. When I first got it, I followed the instructions that come with all cast iron cookware and baked on a "patina" in the oven. This patina, or seasoning, has been just fine for years and years.
Here is where I need help. As you all know, my nickname is IronKnees. This is because in the past two years (2001 and 2002) total knee replacements on both knees. Where I'm going with all of this is that for the past three years, Becky and I have not done any camping or other outdoor activities together, and my Dutch oven sat in the back of my pickup all that time. Today, when I cleaned the truck out, I discovered that the pan was about a third full of water, and was rusted badly. The lid is okay though. I have been scrubbing the pan and coating it with cooking oil, and think I am making some progress, but if any of you guys can give me some advice on how to get the rust out and bring my pan back to good condition, I sure would appreciate it.. Sorry for the long dissertation... Dave (IronKnees) Quick[/img]