Author Topic: accuracy out of a 25-06?  (Read 720 times)

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Offline Savage Tactical

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accuracy out of a 25-06?
« on: June 09, 2003, 07:02:52 PM »
I have a Savage 110 FLP Tactical chambered in this round. I have been able to get about 3/4 in groups with speer 100 gr spitzers pushed by 52.5 gr of IMR-4831 (I probally could get better, I was shooting from a bipod and not a rest). I know this rifle has been reported to get under 1/2 MOA, but is 25-06 really accurate enought to get this performance?

Offline KN

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accuracy out of a 25-06?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2003, 07:34:57 PM »
Mine will one hole at 100meters most of the time using a Sierra 100 spitzer boat tail and a similar charge of IMR 4831. If I remember right I use 54grs. This is with the gun in a Choate Varmit stock that has been weighted down with lead and wieghs about 18lbs. I use it for long range prairie dogs. I never could get good groups with the standard plasic stock that came with the gun. It's just too flimsy. Mine was shooting about 3/4" at best before the stock change. Being yours is a left hand I don't know what kind of stocks are available for it.   KN

Offline stv

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« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2003, 12:33:16 AM »
I have owned 2 - 25-06's.  A Rem 700 from about 72 and recently a Browning 25-06 with a BOSS.  Either rifle could be very accurate but the The Browning  with a boss was the most consistent with any load.   Your quest is for sub MOA and you may have to do a lot of Tweaking to get there.  Contact Sharp Shooter Supply in Dolphus OH.  The owner is Fred Moreo and he specializes in Savage upgrades,  Triggers, Stocks Action work etc.  He might point you in the right direction

Offline Savage Tactical

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accuracy out of a 25-06?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2003, 06:05:10 AM »
I have a choate sniper stock on mine. She weights aproximately 15 lbs (with harris bipod). I'll put her on the rest today. My original load for these speer had 54 gr of 4831. We were shooting them in cool weather, and they showed signs of over pressure. Hopefully I will have 3 different types of sierra boattails to test by the end of this week.

Offline safetysheriff

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accuracy out of a 25-06?
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2003, 10:59:53 AM »
Would you possibly do better going to a somewhat faster powder to complete the burning and the lessening of the pressure sooner - before the bullet reaches the muzzle?   The effect of the high pressure gases to tip or push the bullet upon exit from the muzzle could be a factor here.  

The narrow bore in a .25 caliber is awefully constricting and delays the consumption of the powder, too.  Powder burn rate is a big consideration, but so, too, is the bore.  

I would also,  as said before, consider changing the stock, too.
Yet a little while and the wicked man shall be no more.   Though you mark his place he will not be there.   Ps. 37.

Offline Lawdog

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accuracy out of a 25-06?
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2003, 11:25:00 AM »
Savage Tactical,

The "quarter bores"(.257) have always had a great reputation for accuracy in rifles.  Starting with the .25-20 up to the .257 Wby. it usually doesn't take much to get one shooting well.  The .25-06 is noted for it's accuracy on everything from varmints to big game.  I have three .25-06's now and it's no problem to get them to 1/2 - 3/4 inch groups with most any good load.  I get some of my best groups with RE-22 and IMR-7828 using 100 gr. bullets.  My Rem. M700 Varmint loves the IMR-7828 while my Rugers seem to like most all of the powders.  I'm one of the big fans of quarter bores, collect them in fact.  Lawdog
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