If the 243 is a Superlight, you'll likely need to use a different powder, Hodgdon data and H4895 with the Speer 100gr work for mine and Stimpy's Superlights, keep the barrel cool and take your time shooting, the light barrel heats very fast, mine will put the first two inside ½", then the 3rd opens the group to 2" if I shoot 3 rounds in less than 2 minutes.
I'm working on a 95gr SST load myself with H1000, one of our New Zealand members shoots that load in his Superlight, gets moa accuracy. My COL is 2.783" which is .010" off the lands, H&R rifles in general are long throated, no surprise there, at least the lands can be reached in the 243, that's not possible in some other H&R chamberings like the 223 and 7x64.