that is often the case with 22's but the time it takes to work often leaves long enough for the attacker to kill you !
do you know of any departments that issue back up guns that issue 22's ? i read where many issue 38 spl. or such .
i hope this is not out of line , but why on earth would anyone not want the best possible chance to survive they could give themselves ?
I read once that 80 % or more people shot with a handgun survive , so at best the handgun is not the best choice for protection , most use it because of laws , dress ,cost or reasons other than its fight stopping record !
most shot guns launch a 24 cal buck shot at 1200 fps and send a bunch down range at a time !
the 22mag. sends one smaller bullet down range at near the same speed ( out of a revolver ), the shotgun depends on multiple hits to work and no.4 buck ain't most folks choice to start with ! any handgun round is at a disadvantage to start with and the smaller you go the bigger the disadvantage gets ! there is an old saying about a Texas Ranger being ask why he toted a 45 , his answer was because they don't make a 50 !
another test for self defense is to get a shot timer place an index card ( 3X5 ) 7 yards out get a buddy to time your draw and shot , if you can do it in 1.5 seconds ya got a chance . want to put a little pressure on hand your buddy 10 bucks every time you come up short , this is one of the best test i ever had to see how good i was , after hard practice most can do it 8 out of 10 times or better !
when some one has committed to hurt or kill you nothing you think , own in the truck or at home , saw on tv the movies etc means anything , its what you got with you right now and know how to use right now ! make your choices wisely !