Only been out once for deer. Had three bucks in front of me last Wednesday, just out of range and not in my shooting lane. One was fairly aloof from the other two which sparred playfully for about 20 minutes before walking away. Will try again this week when the weather is favorable.
Went up north to a friends hunting cabin Saturday and Sunday to work on stands, the cabin and yard, and get in a little grouse hunting. The leaves near Itasca were still plenty thick giving the grouse a distinct advantage. The leaves were coming down fairly rapidly in that area. It was very warm Sunday and windy. We did get 2 grouse in the little time (about 4 hours total) that we actually spent hunting. Most of the other flushes were only heard and not seen. My new Brittany pup had a good time and seems to be at home in the woods hunting. I plan on doing some bow hunting this weekend and sneaking up to the Osage area for a little while to chase after a few grouse.
I plan on trying out the Early Anterless Season next month, if it works out.
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