Author Topic: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours  (Read 2377 times)

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Offline Dee

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #60 on: September 30, 2007, 07:05:32 AM »
Fred is PRO GUN and has the RECORD TO PROVE IT. Dee lying about it does not become you!  YOU Three Musketeers blame every one here who does not support your poor choice for a candidate (Ron Paul) being blind to the facts yet you are just as guilty. FACE IT the cards are stacked against him and HE WILL NOT WIN!  >:(

To say that I am lying about something is idiocy, which is your standard, and while not BECOMING, does identify you. ;) I have not LIED about ANYTHING. Did Thompson not lobby against the 2nd Amendment. Is he not a lawyer, turned lobbyist, turned politician, turned actor, turned politician AGAIN?

If someone has standards, or claims to have, they should not go AGAINST THEM, for money. It would seem to me and MANY others besides these "Three Musketeers"  ::) whom are not BLAMING ANYONE FOR ANYTHING. Just noting ignorance, to AVAILABLE information.
I personally believe Paul is what he appears to be. A pro-Constitutionalists, and pro-Bill of Rights candidate.

The FACT, that Fred Thompson's NAME RECOGNITION comes from his ACTING STATUS is something any moron would recognize, as his LAZINESS, as a senator, has been WELL DOCUMENTED. Nothing has to be MADE UP, or LIED ABOUT.

To say that Ron Paul "LACKS" name recognition is a gimmie, which once again, any moron knows, but supporters would hope that would change, from a POSITIVE stand point concerning leadership, and Constitutional "VALUES", rather than a part on a TV program.

I had never "heard" of Bill Clinton until he ran for president, but I certainly know about him now. Your prediction of Paul being defeated is quite possible, but one backs the candidate he believes in. The only thing to date you seem to believe in, is criticizing those whom DO have a candidate in mind, and the reasons the are backing the candidate.
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #61 on: September 30, 2007, 11:00:24 AM »
Dee I have never lied about anything on this site and I read what you guys are trying to twist or spin about Thompson. First of all I have researched his progun activities in the Senate and they are well known he was pro gun. I never seen where he was lazy just an other smear on your part. My only issue is Ron Paul cannot win he does not have the momentum or the press backing to do so and unless things drastically change he is a non issue.  I do  not have to attack Ron Paul like you and Fazak are doing about Thompson as why bother first of all not my style and second of all why bother my biggest issue with him is he is not going to win. My second issue is anyone who claims they are running a Revolution makes me wonder whats with that? That Revolution talk seems a little odd to me. One thing about Clinton and I hate the guy but he has Charisma no way you can say that about Ron Paul so don't even bother to to compare the two there is no contest Paul even loses in that race. If your not down and out Lying about it then your spinning the facts which to me is just as bad.
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Offline Swampman

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #62 on: September 30, 2007, 02:27:43 PM »
Fred Thompson's political record is well documented.  The people of Tennessee really liked him, and he was very very popular.  Ron Paul is a moot issue.  He won't be around after the primaries.

If the Republicans are to win(a big if)Fred is the only one that has a prayer.

It's him or Hillary.  I'll stick with Fred.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #63 on: September 30, 2007, 07:10:13 PM »
Fred Thompson's political record is well documented.  The people of Tennessee really liked him, and he was very very popular.  Ron Paul is a mute issue.  He won't be around after the primaries.

If the Republicans are to win(a big if)Fred is the only one that has a prayer.

It's him or Hillary.  I'll stick with Fred.

I agree that Fred's records are well documented and that he was very popular in Tennessee. It is easier for Dee and Fazak to try to spin Thompsons record so any one that reads their post that does not know better may think he is not worthy of running while in the same breath try to convince us of how the good doctor is going to save us. I agree that is a moot issue.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #64 on: October 01, 2007, 02:56:16 AM »
The bottom line is, no matter who among the front runners wins their parties nomination, we will still be selecting a president from the lessor of two evils.  Our system of electing a president in no ways provides for the election of the best qualified individual, but places us in the position that necessitates voting for the most poplar, or individual that raised the most funds. That is the American way, and always will be as long as we have a two party system, and have to select from an individual selected as the party candidate by a bunch of out of step convention attendees.

Offline magooch

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Re: Ron Paul campaign raises $280,000 in 24 hours
« Reply #65 on: October 01, 2007, 03:30:29 AM »
So, our system ain't perfect, but it will do until perfect happens.  If anyone knows of a system that works any better in a country as large and diverse as ours--bring it on.

Ron Paul does have some admirable principles, but his problem is that in his presentation he hasn't learned the difference between scratching his butt and tearing a hole in it.  Frankly, he comes off sounding a little nutty.

In any case, by the time this thing gets really rolling, there is precious little we won't know about the eventual finalists--both factual and invented.