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Offline Fazak

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2007, 10:42:26 AM »
As of yet, I can't find any info that the colleague in question actually represented the terrorists as opposed to representing their lawyer, who was Libyan.  Short of Matt getting anything really good on this, I have suspicions that the effort was to allow the foreign attorney privileges to defend his clients.  Perhaps that was what the 3.3 hours was about.

Look forward to any results you get Matt.

The 3.3 hours that Fred Thompson billed was for his expertise of avoiding extradition of the terrorists.

In other words,... he was advising them on legal maneuvers which would keep them from being brought to the U.S.A. to stand trial.

Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2007, 10:44:55 AM »
As of yet, I can't find any info that the colleague in question actually represented the terrorists as opposed to representing their lawyer, who was Libyan.  Short of Matt getting anything really good on this, I have suspicions that the effort was to allow the foreign attorney privileges to defend his clients.  Perhaps that was what the 3.3 hours was about.

Look forward to any results you get Matt.

The 3.3 hours that Fred Thompson billed was for his expertise of avoiding extradition of the terrorists.

In other words,... he was advising them on legal maneuvers which would keep them from being brought to the U.S.A. to stand trial.

How many other terrorists did he get off the hook to gain this expertise?

Again, the only quoted info I can find is stated above.

Offline Fazak

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2007, 10:51:40 AM »
So now that it's been made abundantly clear that Fred Thompson has WAY too much dirt on him to be electable,... who you folks gonna vote for?

Choose wisely,...You'll get Hillary if you don't!

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2007, 11:08:50 AM »
If I posted what I really think about your posts GB would get on me so I won't but your almost getting laughable compared to the dirt that has been exposed about the hildibeast this is nothing nothing at all yet your all a tither that this is great stuff. dream on it is nothing at all.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2007, 11:38:34 AM »

   So, if Thompson gets the nod the democrats will have a field day with that story...

    Not nearly as much fun as the Republicans will have with these stories..

               how about

         Enjoy, Fazak....
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Offline Fazak

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2007, 11:57:47 AM »
hmmm,... I'm not sure why you have me looking up urban legends on Hillary,.. especially when snopes says they're fake.

In any event, Fred Thompson's lobbying efforts and his attorney history isn't fake,..

And I'm a Ron Paul conservative.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2007, 12:04:29 PM »
  Thought you could read beyond the facile explanation given by Snopes..

    She organized demonstrations the caused classes at the university to be made "optional" in othger words, she and her radical friends shut down the school .

   So I'll drop the Snopes references..just use the latter is a bit more plain for you to read
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2007, 12:09:40 PM »
ok here are some things I have found but the source is FakesNews so I am tring to confirm it with several other sources.

I will say that to me it looks as FN folks dont care for thompson much.

Story follows:

Now that Thompson has finally declared his candidacy, albeit on the Jay Leno show, many are pinning their hopes on him as a later-day Ronald Reagan.

But he’s no Ronald Reagan and he’s never going to be viable. Here’s why:

He’s A Political Light Weight and He’s Not Ready For The National Stage

In his first week of campaigning, Thompson has shown that he has neither the substance nor the experience that is essential for a serious presidential candidate. One wonders what makes him — and his supporters — think that he is, in any way, up to the job.

He skipped the New Hampshire debate last week and he’s passing on a candidate forum in Fort Lauderdale next week. But given his air-headed performances in public so far, he ought to stay away. Far away. Maybe after a few more years of briefings, he might be ready — but, he’s definitely not presidential material right now.

In several recent public appearances, he’s shown his complete lack of understanding about critical policy issues. For example, he apparently had no idea about the issues of importance to conservatives surrounding the Terri Schiavo case about termination of life support, following a 15 year coma.

The case dominated the national media for months and involved dramatic decisions in the Florida courts, the federal courts, the state Legislature, Congress and the Florida Supreme Court, but Fred seems to have missed it. When asked about the Schiavo case on a Florida cable show, Thompson seems to have drawn a complete blank: “I don’t remember the details of the case.” Apparently, his handlers quickly realized that this was not the right answer and later persuaded the Associated Press to report that he actually had an opinion, but did not share it. What’s the big secret, Fred? Later, he rambled on about the importance of letting locals make the decision. Evidently, no one told him that conservatives had fought vigorously to overrule the local courts and turned to the president and Congress for support.

Then he was asked about a national catastrophic fund that would help Florida residents who have been inflicted with extremely high increases in homeowners insurance since the hurricanes of the past few years. "I don't know enough about it yet," he said, while visiting Florida.

This man is out to lunch.

Perhaps the most puzzling thing that Thompson said last week concerned Al Qaeda. According to Fred, one of the big reasons that Iraqi citizens supported the U.S. is because they were upset about an Al Qaeda ban on smoking. Unfortunately, this is not a joke. And, in discussing Usama bin Laden, Thompson seemed more concerned about due process for the terrorist murderer than anything else.

This man is out of touch. And, he’s not what he pretends to be.

The Political Insider

Thompson is not at all the outsider maverick that he claims to be. In fact, he’s the ultimate Washington insider. He was a successful lobbyist before he went to the Senate and he returned to lobbying after leaving it. Until very recently, he worked for Equitas, a British insurance company trying to squirm out of paying for asbestos/cancer claims. He also represented a Tennessee Savings and Loan, Toyota and Perrier.

Jean Bertrand Aristide, the quasi-Marxist deposed Haitian president who was last generation’s equivalent of Hugo Chavez was one of his clients. And the right will not like that he lobbied for the Teamsters Union Pension Fund.

Although Thompson is adamantly opposed to government subsidies, he sought a handout for Westinghouse for its nuclear power plant in Oak Ridge. And, although he claims to be pro-life, he was an advocate for a pro-choice group.

The New York Times reported this week that in 1992, Thompson’s old law firm actually advised the lawyer for the Libyan terrorists who were charged with planting the bomb on Pan Am flight 103, which blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland. The firm was paid over $800,000 — that’s a lot of lawyering. The Libyans billed the firm for several hours for conferring with the lead attorney on the case. According to the firm’s lawyers, Thompson advised them on “jurisdictional” issues.

Translation: how to keep the terrorists from being extradited to stand trial.

At the time, Libya was refusing to extradite the suspects and the entire international community was outraged. It was then that the U.S. added Libya to the list of countries where there is state-sponsored terrorism. Ultimately, the suspects were extradited and tried in Scotland. One of them was convicted, while the other was acquitted. In 2003, Libya admitted responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing and agreed to pay $2.7 billion to the families of the survivors — no thanks to Fred and his law firm.

Thompson’s view on lobbying for questionable clients is that it is no different than a lawyer defending a client. He says that he makes “no apologies” for his lobbying clients. But apparently Thompson doesn’t realize that voter don’t like lobbyists (or lawyers, for that matter) The latest Gallup Poll reports that 75 percent of the American voters believe that it is “unacceptable” to finance a presidential campaign with contributions from Washington lobbyists. How will they feel about voting for one?

Questionable Conservative Credentials:

One of Thompson’s lobbying clients, in particular, will rankle with conservatives: The National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association. While Thompson says that he has “no recollection” of lobbying for the group in 1991, the minutes of a September 14, 1991 meeting of the association report that he was hired to “aid [the association] in discussions with the administration.”

Judy De Sarno, the executive director of the group at the time says that she has specific memories of discussing Thompson’s lobbying work with him in phone conversations and during meals at Washington restaurants.

Former Congressman Michael D. Barnes (D-Md) confirms that Thompson worked for the abortion rights group. He was employed by the same lobbying and law firm that Thompson worked for and he said he talked to Thompson “while he was doing it [lobbying for the group], and I talked to [De Sarno] about the fact that she was very pleased with the work he was doing for her organization.” He added: “I have strong, total recollection of that. This is not something I dreamed up or she dreamed up. This is a fact.” How odd that Thompson would have “no recollection.”

When Thompson first ran for the Senate in 1994, he checked a box on a questionnaire about abortion indicating that he believed that abortion “should be legal in all circumstances for the first three months.”

And when he ran again in 1996, he told the Christian Coalition that he “opposed” a constitutional amendment protecting “the sanctity of human life.” He wrote on the questionnaire “I do not believe that abortion should be criminalized. This battle will be won in the hearts and souls of the American people.”

With a Republican field of a pro-choice candidate (Giuliani), a recent convert to pro-life (Mitt Romney) and a former abortion lobbyist (Fred Thompson), the right wing doesn’t have much to choose from.


But Thompson will also get in trouble for his immigration positions. In 1995, he voted against limiting services other than emergency medical care and public education to illegal aliens. He was one of only six Senators to vote against the proposal. Voters will not like that he wanted to use tax money to provide a host of medical and other services to those who flouted our laws and came here illegally.

And, in 1996, he voted against creating an employer verification system so that businesses could identify illegal immigrants who applied for jobs in their companies.


As noted above, Thompson and his law firm worked to help keep Libyian terrorists from standing trial for killing all of the passengers on Pan Am flight 103. In the aftermath of 9/11 and on its sixth anniversary, Thompson will have difficulty with his past work.


Finally, Thompson has ruled out signing a pledge not to raise taxes if elected president. A no-tax pledge, a fundamental for any conservative candidate, is a litmus test for most voters in the New Hampshire’s Republican Primary and they will not take kindly to Thompson’s position.


Thompson paid his son, Daniel — for four years — as a no-show employee of his PAC after he had left Congress.

The PAC had about a quarter of a million dollars available when he decided not to run for another term in the Senate. Since 2002, the PAC has been almost totally dormant. It raised almost no more money and gave out $70,000 to other political candidates. The balance, $170,000 went to Daniel. The PAC had no office, no phone, no fax, and almost no activity. But Thompson used it to pay his son, a total abuse of campaign funding.

Turmoil Within

All summer, the war has raged, not pitting Thompson against his Republican rivals, or even his Democratic opposition, but featuring a battle of Mrs. Fred Thompson against virtually her husband’s entire campaign staff.

The list of axed, fired, or forced-to-resign employees would distinguish a campaign of far greater tenure, but coming in a candidacy yet even to be announced, it is truly unique.

The first ax fell when Jeri Thompson — who fancies herself a political consultant — challenged Tom Collamore, an experienced southern political operative for control of the campaign. Jeri’s indignation at what she perceived as the staff’s wasting her husband’s money rose to an apogee when she arrived at the campaign headquarters and allegedly took attendance!

Collamore, who is a former VP of Altria, the sanitized name for Philip Morris, was forced out and former Bush Energy Secretary of US Senator from Michigan Spencer Abraham was brought in to take his place. Abraham lasted all of ten days and a new team was installed in place.

The latest casualty of these endless internal wars is former Fox News staffer Jim Mills, the third communications director in this still fledgling campaign. Also gone last week was his close aide, Mark Collaro. Every day brings new firings and departures.

Unless Thompson’s house gets itself in order, it won’t be a campaign, but a floating civil war.

No dough

Thompson and his staff worked assiduously throughout June and July to raise funds for his exploratory committee. They boasted that they would exceed expectations as they beat the donor community for money. But the results were underwhelming. They raised only $3.4 million and spent $600,000 of it in the process. More to the point, half of it came from Tennessee, where Thompson had served as senator, indicating future troubles in mounting a broad based fund raising operation.

So, for all of the above reasons, Fred Thompson is not likely to survive the stark light that shines on every presidential candidate.


Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton's political consultant for 20 years, guiding him to a successful reelection in 1996. He is the author of New York Times bestsellers Because He Could, Rewriting History (both with Eileen McGann), Off with Their Heads, and Behind the Oval Office, and the Washington Post bestseller Power Plays.

Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2006. To obtain free copies of all of the columns and newsletters by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann for non-commercial use, please sign up at

there several things that I dont like that if are true is bad for him but they are still yet to be confirmed.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein

Offline Fazak

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2007, 12:10:49 PM »
  Thought you could read beyond the facile explanation given by Snopes..

    She organized demonstrations the caused classes at the university to be made "optional" in othger words, she and her radical friends shut down the school .

   So I'll drop the Snopes references..just use the latter is a bit more plain for you to read

*shrugg*,... if you say so,.. but why are you telling me?

I'm a pro second amendment, anti Iraq war, small government Republican.

Hillary is Hillary,...

Offline Matt

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2007, 12:41:11 PM »
Well here is my summation on Fred and it is only my opinion and is based only on the facts that I found and only on information from reliable sources.

Fred on the cover seems to be a southern republican but falls short of convening me of such. He is for big corporation plain and simple. This is a bad thing if we look at the current state of affairs. He is a lobbyist and proud of it, this puts a very sour taste in my mouth to start with. Then when you look at who he has lobbied for they are big biz. I do not want another leader that will bend to the wishes of big biz. That is why we are in the mess we are in now is politicians selling out for money.

Next Fred is a lawyer and though I have many friends that are lawyers I would not vote for any of them… Lawyers in most cases have no problem with a little lie here and there if they get the win. Again this is not what I want in my president. But the one thing that disappoints me the most about Fred is the fact that he was a large part of one of the most anti-gun TV shows in history. Now don’t tell me he was just doing his job because his job was not acting prior to getting the part. He was a lobbyist and lawyer so he took that job and by doing so helped the antis fund the fight for our guns. I will therefore not vote for him in the primary and will vote independent if he wins the republican nomination. So looks like if Thompson does win the republican nomination then we will get our first “first man”.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2007, 12:58:26 PM »
With over 13 month's to go, I'm sure not going to get my blood pressure up yet. There is going to be so much mud slinging and dirt digging in the next year, everybody running will look like a mud pie. Will do some homework, try and sort thru the dirt piles to find a rose. -gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2007, 01:04:40 PM »
Fazak:  As for my spelling, sometimes I do misspell words, but most of the time my arthritic fingers don't go where the hillbilly brain tells them to.  And I just don't care enough to proof read everything I type.  I figure 99% of the people can get the drift of what I'm saying, and for those that don't, that's their problem not mine.  Lifes too short to worry about the small stuff.

I'm not a Republican any more anyway, I'm a follower of Old Joe.  (Joe Vogler)  I've joined the Alaskian Independence Party.

Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2007, 01:06:29 PM »
   I think you've got it right, Gypsyman..


   The only reason I bring up Hitlary's radical/Marxist  personality... is to remind ourselves that if we don't accept an ELECTABLE Republican,
     ..we can be ready to congratulate Hitlary...
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2007, 03:55:42 PM »
Like I said Matt if your going to pick Thompson apart because he is a lawyer and a lobbiest then you I would guess be against most politicians because most of them are just that.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2007, 05:52:18 PM »
Like I said Matt if your going to pick Thompson apart because he is a lawyer and a lobbiest then you I would guess be against most politicians because most of them are just that.

You are absolutely right... I am against every single one of them who have sold out which in my opinion is about 75% or more.

See the problem is our politicians are no longer a civil servants, they are now company men & women.
Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein

Offline Dee

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2007, 02:12:18 AM »
People who think you can judge the character of a lawyer by the people his firm represent are either misinformed, willfully ignorant, or have an agenda...  (I wonder which one applies here?)

People who think a lawyer "HAS ANY CHARACTER", are either WILLFULL IGNORANT, or have an agenda.....(I wonder which one applies here?)
No. No agenda. Their willfully ignorant.

Other posters whom say that they defend folks with no regard of whether the folks are guilty or not have hit the nail on the head. The silent creed of the the lawyer. TO HELL WITH "REAL" JUSTICE, AND WHAT IS RIGHT! WRITE ME A CHECK!
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett


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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2007, 02:27:22 AM »
It is getting funny now , we claim that no one is guilty until proved guilty ! Yet we judge them before they set foot in a court room , get pissed when they are found not guilty , and blame the lawyer when he does his job !
Am i the only one that feels that if a crook goes free the DA or CA did a poor job and should get the blame ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Davemuzz

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2007, 02:46:28 AM »

People who think a lawyer "HAS ANY CHARACTER", are either WILLFULL IGNORANT, or have an agenda.....(I wonder which one applies here?)
No. No agenda. Their willfully ignorant.

People who make "blanket statements" about a class or group of individuals reflect their true level of knowledge and understanding. Now, it's not yet clear if they don't have the capacity to understand, or if they simply choose to not devote the energy and thinking it takes to comprehend the knowledge, so they do understand, and accordingly "blanket statements" are taken for what they are...generally from small minds or lazy ones.


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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2007, 02:56:46 AM »
Perhaps you have not been in enough courtrooms, or maybe don't pay attention to the news. There is nothing funny about TWO BIG EGOS going at each other in a courtroom (defense & prosecution) with right and wrong haveing NOTHING to do with the two lawyers agendas. One wanting a good conviction record, and one wanting a good acquittal record.
Apparently you haven't spent YEARS watching good people whom are trying to do the right thing, and step forward as a witness, and have their reputation and credibility SCHREDDED by a lawyer, whom will then make a big donation to his church, after getting his check for defending a pedophile or murderer.
Then again maybe you haven't spent YEARS watching drug dealers, pedophiles, murders, and so on, go free because the evidence wasn't up to his standards, and he didn't want to take a chance on loosing a case, that would "LOOK BAD" on his record.
No we're not getting funny here. There's nothing funny about it. A lawyer sitting in a hallway waiting on a jury pertaining to a man I arrested, for capital murder, and he defended, once told me. You want justice? Write me a check! I'll buy you all the justice you can afford. Years later, after watching the backroom deals of lawyers on both sides, I realized he was right. No there's nothing funny about any of it. Naivetivity is not funny either.

 Lawyers are for the most part what is wrong with our government. They manipulate laws to further their own causes, or those of others. That's why they go to school. Fred Thompson is a lawyer whom took money to PROMOTE, what he now says he is against.

O.J. Simpson BOUGHT his way out of TWO MURDERS, with the so called DREAM TEAM, whom were able to SURPRESS CONVICTING EVIDENCE, and DESTROY CREDIBLE WITNESSES, and FULLY "CONFUSE" a jury. The murder victims and their families, were of NO CONSEQUENCE to these lawyers. Just garbage to bury, and forget.
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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2007, 03:04:42 AM »

People who think a lawyer "HAS ANY CHARACTER", are either WILLFULL IGNORANT, or have an agenda.....(I wonder which one applies here?)
No. No agenda. Their willfully ignorant.

People who make "blanket statements" about a class or group of individuals reflect their true level of knowledge and understanding. Now, it's not yet clear if they don't have the capacity to understand, or if they simply choose to not devote the energy and thinking it takes to comprehend the knowledge, so they do understand, and accordingly "blanket statements" are taken for what they are...generally from small minds or lazy ones.


Well Dave the "small mind or lazy one", here would be yours in my opinion, and one or two other VERY IMPORTANT folks.. I dealt with lawyers professionally for 20 years, and UNLIKE Will Rogers, I DID meet a man I didn't like. Lawyers in general.
Your blanket statement is one that I will CONSIDER THE SOURCE, as I believe YOU are the one whom does not have the "capacity to understand" or simply does not devote the energy and thinking it takes to "comprehend the knowledge, so you DO understand.


I agree with God, so the rest don't hold any water with me.

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2007, 06:25:48 AM »
Anyone who groups people together and makes blanket statements about them is ignorant.  There are good lawyers, there are great lawyers, and there are terrible lawyers.  There are lawyers who are good people, and there are lawyers who are not.  If you can't comprehend this I feel sorry for you.

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2007, 06:33:02 AM »


I agree with God, so the rest don't hold any water with me.

believe the translation of lawyers in this case was used to describe "experts" in Old Testament Law.  Interpretations vary, but it seems to me that the context of Jesus's statement was to admonish these religious legalists with the fact that they interpret the Word {strictly and burdensome} and hold other people accountable to their interpretations, however, they themselves do not follow them.

Psalm 106:3 Blessed are those who keep justice, and he who does righteousness at all times!

There are still good lawyers out there.  Unfortunately, your experience with them has always been negative.  Mine hasn't, and yes, I have worked in law enforcement before, just not as long as you.  Maybe I got lucky.

Back to Fred,

I still haven't seen any objective reports as to his involvement other than consulting a colleague, who represented the lawyer of the terrorists.  Nothwithstanding conjecture, jurisdictional issues as have been stated could very well mean the capabilities of a foreign lawyer to practice here.  Despite the fact that they should fry, they still deserve a fair trial.

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2007, 07:02:45 AM »
My use of Luke Chapter 11 verse 46, was in context in the fact that lawyers do precisely what the LEGALISTS were doing in OLD TESTIMENT LAW. They were INTERPRETING it to SUIT THEMSELVES and "THEIR" needs.

Nothing has changed, and are not our PRESENT laws based on the MORAL LAWS of the Scripture?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2007, 07:09:29 AM »
Maybe I should make a blanket statement about police. Between 1972 and 1985, my parents carry out was held up 12 times. The police dept. solved 1. Pretty bad batting average. And the only reason that guy got caught was because when he held up a dry cleaners just minute's before hitting my Dad's place, a witness got the liscence plate number. Should I say that all police are lazy and incompetent. No. I don't like lawyers either, as a simple forclosure cost my brother and I over $20,000, by the time the other guys lawyer strung out the law suit over 2 years. And since the guy we sold it to, didn't have a pot to pee in, or a window to throw it out, we decided not to take it any further, as that would have run up our fee's even higher.(we got a judgement against him for over $35,000, havn't seen the first dime of that either)
Back to the subject, as much as I hate to admit it, there are some competent lawyers/politicans out there. We just have to weed thru them and pick out the best. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2007, 07:10:25 AM »
Anyone who groups people together and makes blanket statements about them is ignorant.  There are good lawyers, there are great lawyers, and there are terrible lawyers.  There are lawyers who are good people, and there are lawyers who are not.  If you can't comprehend this I feel sorry for you.

I feel sorry for you for being so "ignorant", of the fact that lawyers MANIPULATE the law, to win, and then claim to be moral. Their commission in the beginning was to administer it JUSTLY. That has long since evolved into corruption in all levels.
To make excuses and defend them is sadly IGNORANT in itself. I have NEVER met a lawyer who would not defend someone whom is CLEARLY guilty, if the money was right. Most don't even want to know if the person is guilty, they just want their check.

Your opinion does not make you the smart one, and me the "ignorant one" just because my opinion differs. So the ignorance is in your corner, when it comes to making "blanket statements".
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2007, 07:25:32 AM »
Dee If memory serves me correct you do not have to tell Dukkillr anything about Lawyers as He is one. At least that is the impression  I got from reading one of his post. 
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2007, 08:40:21 AM »
I am, and I'm proud of the work I do, and person I am.  I believe in the constitution, and I believe in the rights it grants people.  I believe every American citizen should be advised of those rights. 

Of course he can claim to know more about me that I do, and you can decide for yourself. 

Offline Davemuzz

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2007, 08:48:27 AM »
Ghee Dee, I dealt with attorneys for 25+ years in my work. None of these fine people were criminal defense attorneys. Some were assistant district attorneys in fraud or theft cases that I was involved in. Most were in the practice of general business, contracts, wills and estate practices. Funny thing, not one estate out there ever killed anyone. And some of those estates even owned gun collections. ;D

I'm glad that you agree with God. Funny though, I don't see where he says he agrees with "Dee". You got it all figured out. A real legend in your own mind. Your like my BIL,...don't agree with you and I'm just flat out wrong. Then you pull the "God" card. me out here but didn't OJ pull the "race" card? Kind of the same thing. You pull the "God" card and people back off 'cause you think they get all scary of you and they will go to hell or sumpin.

Nah....I think not. Try humble. It might work for you. 'Cause this current method doesn't stand a chance.



Oh, save your scripture quotes. I got the book. Read it too. (Imagine that!).


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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2007, 10:02:45 AM »
Dee has a point , some might not like it same as what i posted ! Both cases exist in this country ! with reguard to non criminal attorneys some are good and some ain't !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Oh my,... look what's hit the news now
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2007, 11:42:11 AM »
I am, and I'm proud of the work I do, and person I am.  I believe in the constitution, and I believe in the rights it grants people.  I believe every American citizen should be advised of those rights. 

Of course he can claim to know more about me that I do, and you can decide for yourself. 

I was not knocking you I was just letting him know your occupation. Just because we do not agree on archery  ;D does not mean I disagree with every thing you have to say.  ;D
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.