Ok, let's get honest here. I love my Rugers for 'hunting' guns. They are bull strong and trouble free. But I agree with azmark, they don't have the feel of the SAA 'clones' at all. Balance, heft, and feel are very different. Most any of the clones (except EAA, those feel like the Ruger) have a much better balance and feel to them. The 'feel' is one of the reasons that I always passed on the 'old' Ruger Vaquero's. Now the 'New' Vaquero is another animal. It's still not quite the same feel as a SAA, but it's a long sight better than the old Ruger's were. I like mine and plan to add another very soon. It is still a little early, but if you can find one used, they will set you back about $350. For that money you can buy a new Heritage Big Bore by Pietta. I'm very impressed with that gun, especially for the money involved. It does have a transfer bar and the trigger sits a little forward like the Ruger does. That does not bother me at all, but some folks want the more traditional looking trigger.
I recently picked up a used Uberti for under $200 (see .357 to 44 conversion thread). The action is not as smooth as some but I like the gun very much. You had asked about a brass grip frame and I have to say it used to be found on the 'cheaper' guns. If you don't care about 'authenticity' a brass grip frame is fine, and I like the looks of this one. I now have a Gaucho (used) on layaway that will be only $250 out the door, and it has a very smooth action. A little bit ago I bought a nice EMF Hartford for about the same money. These bargains don't come along every day, but they are there if you watch and wait for them.
If you are talking least amount of money period, the dull finish Uberti's are the way to go. Good, serviceable gun fur the money. I know several people who have them and like them. If you need a shiney looking gun, (I do!) that brings us back to the Heritage Big Bore. I may just talk myself into one of these yet! 44 Man