went out and took a deer the other evening. it was still legal shooting time, but dark, heavy clouds and drizzle. the deer were in a field feeding about 100 - 150yds away and even though i could see them plainly, i was having a hard time seeing my crosshairs on it. the big doe i wanted to take fed to within 100yds of me and turned broadside slightly quartering towards me. i took her on the shoulder, in spite of a little difficultly being able to see the crosshairs on her. if i had been in the woods i wouldn't have been able shoot at that time because i wouldn't have been able to see the crosshairs even though it was still legal shooting time. this has got me thinking about illuminated riflescopes. Anyone have any experience with one? What's your opinion of it or them? i need a short scope, less than 11.5" to fit on my ruger compact, otherwise the scope will look bigger than the gun. i'm thinking about: aimpoint 9000L with 2moa dot, trijicon 1-4x24, burris euro 30mm 1-4x24. any others i should consider? would really like to hear of other people's experience with illuminated scopes.