Okay, okay if you go out back of my place and go south 151 yards towards the white pine with a lighting struck top and then go west 59 yards to a yellow birch tree right next to creek. At that spot i caught a 59 # dog yote in one of my jake traps. Okay nuff of that. Now you cross the maple tree lying across creek to other side (carefull bark is off tree and is slippery now as it is raining out) then when across log pace off 32 paces to north and you will find a deer trail going northwest over steep ridge. Follow deer trail over ridge till you hit neighbors fancy horse fence (must have lots of money) then go directly north for 98 yards and you will hit gravel road. Turn right and go approximately 100 yards till you come to a driveway going south. Turn here as thats my driveway, Knock on door and ill show you the traps :-D