In another post,a fellow ask about game kills with .454,.460 .500, etc and would a .44 mag do the same.
I shot this one yesterday morning,coming right towards me,bullet impact was at 12 feet,went in the top of the shoulder right under the ear,came out in the brisket by that little tuft of hair(by the elbow) in the close-up pic.
Would a .44 mag do that,sure it would. A .22 mag(between the eyes) would have also done it, just depends on what you want to hunt with,after 45 years and about every different weapon you can think of i'm down to a Martin Savannah long bow and a few rifles and handguns that make a lot of noise,kick like hell,throw large chunks of lead real fast, and knock big holes in pigs and such.Thats what it takes for me, others are all different. Like old Elmer Keith said,animals won't go far leaking out both sides.
Thanks for listening.