I shoot Excals and am not bashful about the reasons why. 1st off, no bow shops around me, hence no presses for string changes/re-serves on a compound. Excal has dominated the 3-D shoots for years. They don't come w/ a warranty card, you don't need a warranty, lifetime guarantee. i have more than a little experience w/ xbows, but not as much as some, Digger comes to mind real quick, lol. I've shot and set up Horton's and PSE. Dirty little secret, they will all kill deer. It's not whether or not they all shoot well, it's how long they shoot well, stolen from Bill T, co-owner of Excal. there are all kinds of choices out there from $2000 10 pts, $1600 Stryker, and on down. You may very well get a Steellforce and just love it, but most don't and that was the answer to your question.