Author Topic: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!  (Read 3062 times)

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Offline SM Bob

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2007, 05:10:10 PM »
Have you ever had it hurt so bad you cry?HuhHuh  The pain is really unbareable.  Dale

You are damn right I have! I'm 6'1 250 lbs and I was on the floor crying like a little girl! When I ruptured my disc it pinched
my sciatic nerve. That's the nerve that runs down the back of your leg all the way to your heel. That is some serious pain
my friend! I kid you not! I can take pain pretty well, but this was unbearable. I had never been in the hospital before either.
I had never even broken a bone or went to the emergency room for anything before this. After I talked to my neurologist
he asked me when I could come in for surgery. I told him "How about right now!" I was able to go in for surgery 5 days
later. Once I woke up from surgery other than where they cut on me I was finally pain free. My back still bothers me
sometimes. When it does I have to take it easy.


I am sorry for your pain also. I meant no disrespect when I asked if it ever made you cry. I just know that right now my pain is over the top.  Dale

No disrespect taken at all my friend. I am on your side, believe me! Pain can do bad things to a person. I was a miserable (censored word) to be around when I was going through my back problems. You are definitely on the on the right track by asking for help. I don't want to lump people into a group, but it is common knowledge to a lot of people that some doctors have been, shall we say, less than correct with their diagnosis. Stay positive and believe that you are going to get better. Find another doctor in your area who is willing to help you.
Good luck brother. I'll say a prayer for you and your family.


Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2007, 05:15:17 PM »
Have you ever had it hurt so bad you cry?HuhHuh  The pain is really unbareable.  Dale

You are damn right I have! I'm 6'1 250 lbs and I was on the floor crying like a little girl! When I ruptured my disc it pinched
my sciatic nerve. That's the nerve that runs down the back of your leg all the way to your heel. That is some serious pain
my friend! I kid you not! I can take pain pretty well, but this was unbearable. I had never been in the hospital before either.
I had never even broken a bone or went to the emergency room for anything before this. After I talked to my neurologist
he asked me when I could come in for surgery. I told him "How about right now!" I was able to go in for surgery 5 days
later. Once I woke up from surgery other than where they cut on me I was finally pain free. My back still bothers me
sometimes. When it does I have to take it easy.


I am sorry for your pain also. I meant no disrespect when I asked if it ever made you cry. I just know that right now my pain is over the top.  Dale

No disrespect taken at all my friend. I am on your side, believe me! Pain can do bad things to a person. I was a miserable (censored word) to be around when I was going through my back problems. You are definitely on the on the right track by asking for help. I don't want to lump people into a group, but it is common knowledge to a lot of people that some doctors have been, shall we say, less than correct with their diagnosis. Stay positive and believe that you are going to get better. Find another doctor in your area who is willing to help you.
Good luck brother. I'll say a prayer for you and your family.


  Thanksssssssssss   Dale
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Offline trotterlg

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2007, 05:50:46 PM »
I'm no expert on this subject, have you ever considered that you may be considered disabled and eligable for disabled benifits from Social Security?  Larry
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Offline Sourdough

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2007, 06:47:12 PM »
Dale:  Been there done that, so to speak.  Sign up at the earliest possiable date for the classes!    Dr.s told me to quite lifting, but hardheaded me would not listen.  Well I was 46 when I decided to take a position on the night shift, working alone so no one would know how bad I was getting.  I was able to hide it till I reached 53.  Then the pain got so bad I could no longer hid it.  I was dragging my left leg by the end of my shift, and one night the Fire Chief told me either I get help or he was going to report my condition to safety.  I went to the Doctor again finally.  I had four herniated disk, with narrowing of the nerve channel.  The space where the nerves run down the spine was so narrow it was pinching the spinal nerves and causing my legs to go numb.

First doctor (Orthopedic Surgeon in Fairbanks) wanted to operate, according to him I had to have surgery and right away.  Wife wanted a second openion.  Second doctor (Orthopedic Surgeon in Anchorage) said I was not a cantadate for surgery.  Wife wanted a third openion.  Third surgeon, (Air Force) said I was not a cantidate for surgery.  At this time the VA called me in for an examination for re-evaluation of my service connected disabilities.  (I had been knocked off a 14' ladder by a car, my second year in the Air Force. Injuring my back.)  The VA surgeon also said I was not a cantidate for surgery, that the surgery would be worse than the condition I currently had.  The first doctor really went through the roof when I told him I had decided no surgery.

Today after physical therapay, and a total readjustment of my thinking and acting, I am at a position where things are much better.  I no longer work, I tell everyone I am retired, but actually I am getting VA, and Social Security disability.  I no longer pick up anything weighing over 15 lbs period.  Yes, I still ride my snowmachine and go out into the woods all the time, but the way I do it is a lot differant.  I no longer ride the trails at 35 to 40 miles per hour, I now go 10 to 15 MPH.  When I kill a Moose I don't butcher it on the spot.  I tie it to the back of the snowmachine and drag it to the shop at a friends gold mine.  There we use a hoist to lift it up for dressing it out.  I no longer do my own oil changes, it hurts to get down on a creeper,  I use Jiffy Lube.  But the biggest thing is that I joined a gym, and go and do my physical therapy everyday that I am not out in the woods.  The Therapist set up a routine and I follow it.

The pain is still there, 24/7, but it is under control now.  Most days it is not the main thing I am thinking about, but it can be if I don't watch what I do.  Other days it rules my every move.  It is something you have to learn to live with and handle.  If I don't watch what I do, I move wrong, or pick up something heavy, I need the heavy drugs.  But they are so debilitating the next day I don't want to use them.  Therefore I am concious of what I am doing at all times.  I plan every move and action to avoid the things that cause pain.

Get a desk job, before it's too late.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2007, 01:03:11 AM »
Been there and done it spent two weeks in the hospital bed could not move because of the back. Have had the problem for a long time. It has not bothered me in years. I do know for a fact the liquor will make it worse like I said been there and done it. Won't do it again, rather be shooting.
from Tennessee---Paul

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2007, 03:34:05 AM »
Surgery or not you need a plan B that you will not be lifting any more.
Bad backs run in my family. I am still young and have been careful though.
I spend 2 years as a mechanic (not near as much lifting as a Carpenter).

Decided that it would have to be a hobby cause 50 hours a week of that would shorten my life for sure.
I took a pay cut when I went to selling parts but have worked my way up past before and feel much better in the mornings.

Offline cascadedad

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2007, 08:55:01 AM »
#1..... If you are packing around ANY extra weight, LOSE IT!!!!  I would bet money that no matter how bad you feel, you will feel MUCH better without packing around the extra weight.  I speak from experience.

#2..... Stop the alcohol for pain relief.  Stay on top of your meds and don't run out.

#3..... FIND A WAY to get it surgically fixed.  You need to get this thing fixed and get off the meds and alcohol.  You go that route long enough and you're going to pay for it.  Those around you will pay for it also.  Surgery scares you.....well, so be scared.  That should NOT stop you.  Lots of people have to do tough things that are scary.  It's part of life.

#4..... Put getting well and your family first in your life.  There are different times and seasons during our lives.  Right now is the time that you do what you NEED to do and not what you WANT to do.  Where you spend your TIME and MONEY needs to reflect where your priorities are.  ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW!  Do they?

#5..... You NEED insurance.  Get a job working for someone that provides insurance.  My guess is, you should have done this a long time ago.  Yes, it is nice to be your own boss, but you must get insurance.  Probably can't afford it on your own.  Remember, even when you are your own boss, you really aren't.  There is always someone to answer to.

#6..... Since this is a NEF/H&R forum...... IF you ever buy another Handi Rifle, get the superlight.  The heavy barrels are HEAVY and you need to keep things as light as possible.

Sorry if any or all of this sounds harsh.  I don't mean it to sound harsh, it is just what I truely believe you need to do.  My outlook on life is, it's not easy.  At some point, we all have to buck up, take charge and do the right thing.  Many times that means we have to deny ourselves our WANTS.  Not too common in our society, that is what makes it so difficult.

My best wishes to you and your family.
God Bless.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #37 on: October 09, 2007, 01:06:21 PM »
one the drugs and alcohoil my sister in law got addicted and we had to send her to detox because she didn't have surgery done. she was a home heath nurse and lifted patients all day with her back. it caused her to relapse 2 times in one day. so shes in the na now and still a nurse had the surgery and has been "clean" for way over 5 years. also i recently lost 100lbs now down to 230 and it feels great to lose weight and be able to move. i did apply for the cross bow thing didn't like it and let it expire now i gun and pistol hunt. some muzzle loading too. just stay well and do what you have to do.

my prayers are with you.

The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline Mac11700

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2007, 06:41:38 PM »


There is new technology on the market that helps those with your condition...It isn't cheap...but damaged disc can be replaced with artificial ones... are a lot of good back surgeons in this country...and finding one is as simple as making a few phone calls...on almost any doctors exchanges...If you have to go to another city ...then do it...I've had my back broken 2x...and the same for my neck...All 4 times was life threatening with ruptures...I lived in constant pain for about 10 years until I started inversion therapy...It was easier than being in traction...or going under the knife repeated times...and can be done at home...If your disc are out of will take a week or 2 of traction & anti inflammatory medicine to straighten it's very old fashion medicine...but it works...IF surgery has to be done...then get it done...I refused to take the pain pills prescribed because of being able to getting hooked on them so easily...and almost lived on Sports Cream and hanging around like a bat for 2 years...I went from having 30% mobility and constant 98% mobility and pain only when I don't lift heavy objects properly and strain myself wrong...If your reaching for the pill bottle constantly and counting days with them...then Brother your well on your way to being addicted...This I know for a fact...and you ain't gonna like what I say...but...Drinking on top of medication is STUPID...Yes...that's right...STUPID...Alcohol can and does degrade the pain killing ability of many type of pain killers...Do you think all the alcohol is out of your system by the time you take your meds?...Or....are you mixing them...? If ain't doing your body any damn good by doing so...and you need to stop now...

Get on the phone and find a good back surgeon...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline trotterlg

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2007, 03:46:58 AM »
Dale, only listen to real doctors, the medical advice you get here is probably worth as much as the advice about Handi rifles you would get on a board for Brain surgery or Nuclear reactor safety.  Larry
A gun is just like a parachute, if you ever really need one, nothing else will do.

Offline Mac11700

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2007, 05:04:25 AM »

Larry...You way out of line here with this statement...What worked for me...worked...and was doctor recommended and approved in my case...and has been used successfully by many in various forms...It's non-invasive and can give relief...and is something for him to inquire about with his doctors..Other than that...try reading all what folks have said...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline 30-06man

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2007, 10:40:32 AM »
trotterlg you are out of line with that comment. what mac said is right! it says it on the medication bottle!! on all medication including asprin. dale you have got to quit the path your on. so whats to say i am not a nurse or some one on gbo isn't a doctor on this? i know some of the stuff i type comes from my family which is all nurses and docs ecept me and my brother in law.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline mattparliament

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2007, 01:20:03 PM »
your rad report has no mention of previous fracture.  Grade I spondies are generally considered stable unless they're progressive.  Do you have any previous film?  If so what dates and do you have rad reports for each?  PM me....

Life is tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.  ~John Wayne

Offline trotterlg

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2007, 01:55:11 PM »
Giving out medical advice or speculating on some condition if you are not a doctor is just plain dangerous (not to you).  It has no more place on a Handi Rifle board than discussions of expermenting with overloaded cartridges or rifle barrels on shotgun frames.   I want Dale to get better, I hope he can find a someone who can help him get there.  I don't know what he needs to have done or do, I've never met the man, so I have nothing to base my opinion on.  Read the thread, have surgerry, don't have surgery, take medicin, don't take medicin, to this do that, My fifth Cousin had a problem like that once and he...............................Larry
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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2007, 02:45:27 PM »
but you can cause relapse taking medication and achoil at the same time. your not suspose to do it
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline cascadedad

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2007, 03:23:44 PM »
Larry, Every doctor in the country would tell Dale to lose weight and quit the alcohol.  If they don't, they're a quack.  It's only common sense.  It's also common sense that he needs to do something to get off those pain killers.  I've used them one time and I tell you , those things will mess you up and you are addicted in no time.  Luckily for me it was only for a few days and the prescription ran out.  My body was telling me it needed more.  I can easily see now how these athletes get addicted.  They get paid miillions to perform and they can get the drugs to play through injuries.  Then they are hooked.

Based on what Dale has said, the doctors can't come to a consensus either.  So, Dale is going to have to make a decision.  He's frankly going to have to make a lot of hard decisions.

Personally, I agree, this discussion doesn't belong here, but Dale brought it up.  Along with several other issues that have nothing to do with Handis.  My REAL suggestion for Dale is to focus his efforts on getting better and taking care of his family and less effort on the gun sites.  Sorry if it's harsh, but it is the way I feel.  We can't solve Dale's problems, he has to.  Enough said.

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2007, 03:31:35 PM »
i agree. but i don't see a problem with him posting that here. i think its a good thing if he is wanting our views on it. i think its a good thing that he is conferable doing that it just says something
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline cascadedad

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2007, 05:23:08 PM »
There are hundreds of people that post and read here daily.  Glad we don't have to hear about EVERY person's life problems.  If we did, there would barely be room for a Handi post, because most of us have our fair share of problems.

Don't mean to sound insensitive, but that is what we have REAL LIFE friends for, to go to when we are down and need advise/help.  In my opinion, the internet is not the right place to do that.

I sincerely hope Dale gets things straightened out.  I personally believe he has received some excellent advise.  He just has to wade through it all, find out what is right for him and do what needs to be done.

By the way, I don't post a lot here, just because I am pretty new to Handis and I haven't had time to do much shooting lately.  But, I come here to read about how all you are doing with your Handis on a daily basis.  That is what I come to this site for.

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2007, 05:33:39 PM »
i still don't see the problem with it. i mean we may not know what we all look like but we are not what you would call strangers but not like life long people we know
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2007, 05:40:27 PM »
Whatever you decide to do Dale, I wish you the best. Please know and understand that others will be thinking about you and praying for you.

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free your heart from hatred ... free your mind from worries ... live simply ... give more ... expect less

Offline trotterlg

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2007, 06:08:14 PM »
When anyone has a really big problem no matter what it is, it becomes very difficult to reason objectively.  That leads to poor decisions that seem good at the time.  In the extreme people do really odd things and seek out really strange treatments because someone gives them hope for something they view as hopeless.  Too much information at the wrong time leads to poor decisions.  When things get really bad you need to simplify everything to the lowest, most basic level.  Nature designed us that way, when the Bear is about to eat you, your choices are down to two, fight or flight, you will tune out all other thoughts whether you want to or not.  Dale, find a Doctor you trust and do what he says within your ability to do it (unless it involves dead Chickens and strange Chants).   ;)  Larry
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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2007, 07:19:11 PM »
Dale , I can feel your pain . I've had 5 back and neck surgerys , 3 on the lower back 2 on my neck . If you are running out of meds it's time to do something . And drinking is NOT it . Yes ,i still hurt every day of my life , but i can live with it . I still take some pain meds , but not much . First thing you need to do is stop the drinking, i cant drink one drink ,because it may make me fell better and i would stay drunk !!!! I WILL NOT  put my wife and girl thur that .

                                   Good Luck

  ps I was 33 years old the first time and i'm 51 this year .

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2007, 11:39:33 AM »
Thanks for the support guy's. Maybe this was not the right place to bring this up but I have made many friends here and consider most here extended family. I would do what ever I could do for almost anyone here in a time of need. I do know that taking pain meds and drinking is not the answer. There was a time when I first started taking the pain meds that did not like the way they made me feel. They made me a little high and clouded my judgment. Over time though I have built up a tolerance and they don't effect me the same way. I do have to admit that I have drinking problem. The main reason for that is my back. I know that is not an excuse but I would much rather have several drinks and have no pain than to be in so much pain that I have tears in my eyes. I am going to look into medical assistance and get my back fixed. I can't take it any longer and have to do something. I know I also have to lose pretty close to 100 pounds. I have been thinking of getting 2 more bicycles and going riding with my wife and daughter. Thanks again for the support Dale.
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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2007, 11:46:28 AM »
Good thoughts all Dale, stay on that path and I am sure things will eventually be better....<><....:)
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley

Offline 30-06man

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2007, 11:53:55 AM »
 the medical assistance will help and you won't be on near as many pain killers as you are now and it may slow the drinking problem. just keep going to get help and it will turn out well
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline safetysheriff

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2007, 11:23:00 AM »

i'm goin' way out on a limb!   and i'm not saying anything to be judgemental.   i have no room to judge.

you are in a battle for your soul; and i think it may be obvious to you now.   some may disagree; but look at your statistics for time spent on just this website, even if you are a moderator.    you have spent over 29 DAYS on this site, just since january 26 of this year!    you have spent almost one whole month out of the last 8 months and 2 weeks (give or take) on this website alone!    you are being called, i believe, to a REALITY CHECK!    what time do you give to a proper, FIRST and SECOND and THIRD priority if this website is taking up so much of your time, energy, and talent.    beyond this website how much time are you spending on the hobby itself?   how much are pain pills and alcohol really helping with your life, too?   

you may have not noticed it, but i quit looking at/posting on your topics some time back because of your enormous appetite for this hobby.    believe me, i was in a spiritual battle over this some years ago and was prayed for because of it.    some will deride that; but it's true.    but i began to see you as someone just as pre-occupied as i used to be: like kids in a candy store!     GOD has been put back into my life as my PRIMARY focus.    but i, too, suffered because of my battles with my priorities before being prayed with/over.   

do you need a doctor?   i would say so!    do you need anything more than a doctor; more than the relief that he/she may be able to give you?     i believe so!    i see a need for your priorities to line up like this; GOD......FAMILY.....JOB.    and you 'feed' your spirit and your soul with daily prayer, daily bible study, and frequent Christian fellowship; not the GBO website.      (bible study can be done alone or with your wife)

i am no better of a man than you.    not at all.    but i see GOD calling us, as this world is slipping into deeper and deeper problems without HIM.    answer HIS call, Dale.    ask GOD to come into your life as its focus and LORD, and ask HIM to help straighten out ALL of your problems.     AND, put your family second, your job third, your country fourth, and so on, 'til you finally come down to this website...........


Yet a little while and the wicked man shall be no more.   Though you mark his place he will not be there.   Ps. 37.

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2007, 01:24:08 PM »
Dale, since medical insurance is a problem, try to hook up with a doctor that can get you into a university hospital. There are teaching programs involved and they are generous with their services. I can speak from experience.
The surgeons are teaching professors and they will videotape and use the surgery in classroom work which you have to sign waivers for, but caseworkers can find grant money to cover a lot of the cost if not all.
Use the web to seek out info on your state med school hospitals and present your case. Insurance companies only want to cover sure bets and not experimental surgeries or medicine anyway. Good luck and god bless.
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2007, 01:51:44 PM »
 RugerNo3 Thanks for the advice but when I have this done I want a sure bet also. I do not want to take a chance of never walking again. Safety sherif I do not even know to respond to your post. Please continue not  reading my posts.  Dale
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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2007, 02:51:54 PM »
dale you aren't the only one that can't quite understanding why how much time you are online matters with your back. yes the university doctors are a good route as long as you don't mind being studied by students after its done. most of the time your name is kept confidential and all they know is that its someone having surgeroy
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I am thinking I need a new line of work!!!!
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2007, 03:23:10 PM »
dale you aren't the only one that can't quite understanding why how much time you are online matters with your back. yes the university doctors are a good route as long as you don't mind being studied by students after its done. most of the time your name is kept confidential and all they know is that its someone having surgeroy
To be honest I have spent a lot of time on line here at GBO. Some of this really has to do with my back. My back hurts a lot less sitting up straight. Walking and standing kills me most of the time. So I do spend a lot of time sitting on my ass here because I am limited as to what I can do sometimes. There are days I would love to go out and hunt Groundhogs or what ever. I have a hard enough time just trying to go to work. I can think of dozens of times this summer I would have loved to hit the fields for some Groundhogs but I new I hurt to bad at the time and I would really pay for it later. I may have loged in a lot of time here in the past 8 months or so but I have learned more in the past 8 months than I have my whole life. Just because I am almost at times cripple does not mean I can't continue to learn about things I love.  Dale
The quality of a mans life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence.

A bad day at the range is better than a good day at work!!