Has anyone tried/heard of such a thing?
Reason I'm asking, I have regular access to a W. Texas ranch where historically, lions have been seen/killed. I don't have dogs and was pondering the effectiveness of using killed javelinas, tied-off as baits and checking them regularly for signs of feeding... much as is done in Africa for getting leopards.
Could find nothing in Texas game-regs against baiting for them. They are not a protected animal in Texas. Hunters take around 50 a year in this state.
I'd read some on a report from California where lions were found to feed on mule deer carcasses that were set out in similar fashion (tied-off so that they couldn't be dragged and checked daily for signs of feeding). The baits here were hit by lions on numerous occasions.
Of course the ideal situation would be to have buzzards lead me to a fresh lion-kill to hunt over. There are plenty of mule deer out there (it's in Brewster county).
I'm thinking on spending a couple of weeks out there. Might try walking the canyons during the day with a predator call in the hopes that a big tom might pop out for a look and maybe get a shot.
An intentional digression, one of the owner/partners actually took some pictures of a black bear near one of the watering troughs earlier this year, a BIG first for the ranch. The ranch is about 20 miles N of Big Bend. Naturally, I'm not out to shoot a bear as they are heavily protected and as rare as an honest politician down here.
Any thoughts/suggestions about those lions?
Best Regards,
P.S. I won't settle for one any smaller than this!!!