IT's a great idea to wear them anytime when shootng.
A few yrs ago on a 105 degree day two of us were taking turns shooting prairie dogs with my Sako fairly rapidly. The barrel was plenty hot. I kept check to keep it cool enough we could hold it bare handed, but, that's about the way it was kept for three hours or more.
Bud walked over the hump and came back to tell me there's a bunch over there. So we gathered things up an moved. I left one in the chamber during this 15 minutes to get set up.
First shot, it blew a primer and unburnt powder hit my contact lense. Was mighty lucky as no harm was done other than the lense was ruined. But, sure am thankful I was wearing them.
Gunsmth said: "hot loads, hot guns, hot days, lots of shooting it'll happen everytime".
I wear shooting glasses now.