Author Topic: Does it matter when selecting arrow shafts and broadhead weight?  (Read 1022 times)

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Offline Cottonwood

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Something I found to be most useful on another web site:

In light of today's carbon arrows or carbon aluminum or all aluminum shafts 300's to 500 dia sizes believe me SIZE MATTERS and not the deal the guy is trying to give you on price.  You just can't get a proper arrow shaft buying from the bulk bins at the big box stores, no offense but you just can not do it.

Q) Does it matter what kind of broadheads you have. Like the grain size?  And what about arrows, does it really matter which ones I use?

A)  Tip weight is very important for arrow FOC (Front Of Center). The lighter the tip the farther forward the FOC will be, the heavier the tip the farther back the FOC will be.

If you go to:

Carbon Express Arrow Selection Guide
Gold Tip Arrow Selection Guide
Easton Archery Arrow Selection Guide

 You can input all of your specs and it will tell you where you want your FOC to be.

Forward of Center, F.O.C., refers to the position of the Center of Gravity(CG, balance point) of the shaft and has two important effects on a Broadhead tipped arrow.
First, if the CG is forward of the center of the arrow, the arrow no longer pitchs and yaws around its geometric center but the position of the CG(balance point). Fletching steers the arrow by drag forces and the amount of steering ability is the drag force times the distance to the CG (Force x Distance = Torque). So as the CG moves more towards the point, the fletch becomes more effective and can better over ride any veering of the broadhead, or being knocked of course by gusts of wind.

For distances under 40 yds, F.O.C. is not a key factor in accuracy, beyond 40 yds as the distance increases the importance of F.O.C. also increases. Easton recommends 10% to 15% F.O.C. for broadheads.

Second, as the tip weight becomes heavier, the arrow flexes more as it is shot. This is called dynamic spine. However, just the opposite is true when the arrow hits the game, it flexes less, so more force is in line with the broadhead and penetration is better. Think of putting a weight on the end of a broom straw and pushing on the straw end ... the straw bends a lot when pushed, but if you push on the weight end, like an arrow hitting a deer and the deer's hide resisting/pushing-back, the straw hardly bends at all. This video shows how much arrows flex when hitting a target...if its a broadhead that can continue to pass through the game, it doesn't flex as much as the video, but you can get the idea of forces at work...notice how far the nock end goes out of line on impact. Its easy to see why a stiffer spined arrow with heavier tip is a preferred hunting arrow.
Arrow Demonstration

Although I'm a believer in low profile fixed blade broadheads like the G5 Striker and G5 Montec, there are many big game animals taken with real good mechanical broadheads as well like the G5 Tekan II and others that are out there. 

Nothing can account for a well placed shot, with a SHARP broadhead.

One last thing, have a safe and productive hunt this year.