Author Topic: Glock 20  (Read 1227 times)

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Offline Savage

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Glock 20
« on: June 14, 2003, 06:46:53 AM »
I have put quite a few rounds thru the Glock 20 and have found it to be as comfortable to shoot as the 21. I can't tell any difference in recoil. Hi-cap mags are available in limited numbers and they bring a premium price. That could change if the law regulating this foolishness is allowed to sunset next year. There is not a lot of ammo available out there at reasonable prices, however  .40 cal barrels are available for a little as $70 that will allow you to shoot the cheaper readily available ammo with  a 10 second barrel change! How's that for the best of both worlds!!!! Handle a 20/21 before you make your purchase as the grips are quite large for most hands.
Stay Safe,
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Offline Stan_TheGunNut

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Thanks Savage
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2003, 07:13:21 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  I have handled some G 20's at the store, and they feel great to me.  I have large paws though, and I can see your point about being a large gun for small framed folks.  As for the barrel change, I was under the impression that the 357 Sig and 40S&W were simple barrel changes, but was not aware the 40 S&W and 10 mm were.  I know they are the same caliber, but the 10mm is longer as well, so I could see the need for a barrel change and a magazine swap.  I didn't think a 40 S&W mag would even lock into the magazine well.  I'm assuming the 40 cal bullets would feed out of the longer magazine?  Let me konw if I'm mistaken.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Offline Savage

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Glock 20
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2003, 06:46:47 PM »
No worries mate, you use the same mdl 20 mags for .40cal and .357 SIG. A simple barrel change is all it takes. On the ones I have tried the stock mdl 20 recoil spring worked just fine too! You can order the barrels from Lone Wolf Distribitors, they are made by Federal Ordance and sell for about $70. And yep, the .357 barrel will work too. I carry a mdl21 as a duty weapon, I could very easily convert it to the .400 Corbon or the .45 Super with a barrel change. The Super would require changing the recoil system as well. Don't see the need though, the .45 has adequite power and cheap pratice ammo is readily available. Of course I reload and that's even cheaper! The mdl 20 is an excellent choice in 10mm.
Good Luck,
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Offline Cottonwood

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Glock 20
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 02:43:11 AM »
Savage - I was real surprised the other day when I went into a local sporting goods store.  They have a G21 but no G20, and when I asked why the guy says:  "Oh you don't want a G20, those 10mm are over rated and down loaded any way"

Well I told him that I would really like to think about that myself since I am the one wanting it.  

He just looked at me and said, "Well we don't even stock much ammo for the 10mm, so what ya gonna shoot in it?"

Now that was a good question.  Not many shops around here carry 10mm ammo and what they do carry is the FMJ ammo for target practice.

Now I could hang onto those 3 boxes of Win. Silver tip HP 175 gr bullets for reloading onto 10mm cases (nice friend gave these to me)

I know of one deputy sheriff around here that carry's a G21, (most carry the .45 acp on a 1911 style frame) he say's he couldn't be happier with the cartridge.  Same response from some of our airport police at Glacier International.

My choice will boil down to needs.  I like the .45 acp but carry a G27 (40 cal) and it makes a great carry and IDPA weapon.  But I want to also shoot IPSC.  So my next Glock will be for IPSC/IDPA and outdoors, not so much for CCW.  Of course there are also the G29, G30 and G36 to choose from as well.

Choices  :roll:

Offline Savage

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Glock 20
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2003, 03:27:38 AM »
The mdl. 20 should be about the same price as the mdl 21,and I'm sure they can order it for you. Don't be detered by salespersons that just want to sell what they stock,  know little about guns, and nothing at all about your preferences.While the ammo for the 10mm is not as common as the 40/45, it is available. You just have to look for it. If you want full power ammo you can load it yourself or purchase it from several sources. If you are going to shoot IPSC the mdl20 with the .40 barrel would make an excellent platform. You can make power factor with ease with a low recoiling weapon. There is lots of inexpensive .40 ammo out there, and you reload as well, so ammo would not be a problem. I currently own two Glocks in .45, the mdl 36 and 21. Don't currently own a .40, but for a reloader brass and bullets are no problem. The brass is everywhere I look! Get what you want! Don't compromise! You'll be disappointed with anything else!!
Stay Safe,
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Offline Savage

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Glock 20
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 04:05:11 AM »
Forgot to mention a couple of points on the 20/21. To make it competive in IPSC all you need are a few minor mods: 3.5# connector/6.5# striker spring/extended mag release/magwell/and good sights. The big expense now is the hicap mags. Of course that may change soon! Good shooting!!
Stay Safe, Oops, forgot to add the "Firedragon" recoil system!
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Offline adstrin

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Glock 20
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2003, 02:21:57 PM »
Stan you're right on the grip of a Model 20. I'm a small guy and the grip is a hand full for me. I use a glove and it helps. I just can't wait to pig hunt in the Upper Mobile Delta with mine. :-)
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