Author Topic: And the Winner is:  (Read 502 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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And the Winner is:
« on: October 19, 2007, 07:40:27 AM »
Betty Casey won the ebay auction for the Rush Letter. Over two Million. Rush Pledged to match the funds. Reid what a Phony.

When "Dingy Harry" Reid and the U.S. Senate turned away from the business of the nation to instead smear a private citizen, forty-one of them sent a letter demanding the "repudiation" of their inaccurate interpretation of Rush Limbaugh's comments about Jesse Al-Zaid (a.k.a. Jesse MacBeth) and other "phony soldiers" who falsify their service. This letter was delivered to Mark Mays of Clear Channel Communications, Rush Limbaugh's syndication partner, and widely quoted in the Drive-By Media.

Up for auction is the original letter signed by 41 Democrat senators. This historic document may well represent the first time in the history of America that this large a group of U.S. senators attempted to demonize a private citizen by lying about his views. As such, it is a priceless memento of the folly of Harry Reid and his 40 senatorial co-signers.

The entire proceeds of this auction.. the entire high bid... will be donated to The Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, a registered charity which provides financial assistance to the children of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers. Rush Limbaugh serves on the Board of this organization and has been active on its behalf. All costs of this auction will be paid by the seller... every dollar of your winning bid will go to this charity, which has to date distributed over $29 million.

Rush first publicly displayed this letter on the night of October 11th during a speech in Philadelphia, having a security operative carry it on stage, with the letter itself safely encased in a Halliburton Attache case handcuffed to the agent's right wrist. Included in this auction is that same Halliburton briefcase, as well as a personal letter from Rush Limbaugh, thanking the winning bidder for his donation. The special handcuffs may not be distributed outside of law enforcement and security officers, and thus are not included in this auction.

As winning bidder, you get:
- The original and infamous "Harry Reid Smear" letter, signed by 41 Democat senators
- The Halliburton briefcase in which this letter is secured 24 hours a day
- A personal letter of thanks from the Man Who Runs America, Rush Limbaugh
- A photograph of Rush displaying the letter on stage in Philadelphia on October 11th   


Who Signed?

Harry Reid Hillary Rodham Clinton  Blanche Lincoln 
Richard Durbin Kent Conrad  Bob Menendez 
Charles Schumer Christopher Dodd  Barbara Mikulski 
Patty Murray Byron Dorgan  Bill Nelson 
Daniel Akaka  Dianne Feinstein  Barack Obama 
Max Baucus  Tom Harkin  Jack Reed 
Joseph Biden  Daniel Inouye  Jay Rockefeller 
Barbara Boxer  Edward M. Kennedy  Ken Salazar 
Sherrod Brown  John Kerry  Bernie Sanders 
Robert Byrd  Amy Klobuchar  Debbie Stabenow 
Benjamin Cardin  Mary Landrieu  Jon Tester 
Tom Carper  Frank Lautenberg  Jim Webb 
Bob Casey  Patrick Leahy  Sheldon Whitehouse 
  Carl Levin  Ron Wyden
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: And the Winner is:
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2007, 01:20:36 PM »
You talking about Reid or Rush????  All that money is going to a Marine and Police Charity which to me is not a waste of time or money!!! Furthermore Reid only jumped on the bandwagon at the end because Rush made a total ass out of him so he was trying to do damage control. Before that Reid and his cronies were attacking Rush on the Congress floor instead of tending to business which Rush made good use of. Yes Rush has to match it. While it sounds like a lot to the common guy I would bet Rush can cover it easy as I would bet he makes millions a year.

For what it is worth TM7 as I can see your cog wheels turning I seldom listen to Rush I do however think he did a great thing here and exposing Reid and the other demoncrats for the TOTAL IDIOTS they are. I got this info from a other forum not listening to Rush. Though I did tune in today to hear what this was all about.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: And the Winner is:
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2007, 02:18:04 PM »
Rush got hit by Reid on a comment he made about a Phony Soldier which the guy was. So Reid and all the Democrats charged Rush with saying all our soldiers were phony. So Rush took him to task and put the letter on Ebay and challenged Reid and his cronies to match what that letter brought on auction and he would too. You did not see Reid or any of the challenged putting up any cash now did you nor did anyone else. Rush got them right by the shorthairs.  Now Rush can tell them to put up or shut up. LOL

In brief...

In a segment on Rush's radio show, he trashes anti-war "phony soldier" Jesse Al-Zaid (a.k.a. Jesse MacBeth) who lied about his military record (IIRC, claimed he was a Ranger who had witnessed atrocities in Iraq, when in realty, he washed out of Boot Camp and never even went to Iraq). Several days later, a Liberal watchdog group takes a quote from this segment out of context to make it sound like Rush is calling all soldiers who are against the war "phony soldiers". Liberals run with it, smearing Rush as anti-military, and 41 US Senators sign a letter to his syndication partner asking him to publicly repudiate these comments (that he never made) and ask Rush to apologize. Rush gets the letter, and is now auctioning it off on eBay, with the proceeds going towards a charity benefiting the children of fallen soldiers. Liberals look like even bigger asshats then they were.

Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.