My best shooting load for the 7/08 Handi is 130 gr. speer bullet with 41.5 gr. of H4895, Rem 9 1/2 primer. please check it in a book to make sure I didn't write it wrong. But it shoots 1 1/4 @100. MANY loads I have tried are 3" so I think the 1 1/4 is good. Killed a few deer with it. (If I worked the trigger I know it would be a tighter shooter. Just scared to rip into it.)
I have a few different guns to choose from and this handi is my favorite.
1" to 1 1/4" @ 100 yards for a hunting rifle is more than enough to do the job!
I was fortunate in that when I got my new to me 7MM-08 barrel, that I was shooting that type of group from day one with the ammunition that I had originally gotten with the barrel, so I just left well enough alone.
I also couldn't hold steady enough using the under the hinge hold, so I bedded the barrel just ahead of the barrel screw and fore stock for a pressure point, and to dampen the harmonics using a piece of rubbery foam cold drink coozie cut to fit, and now I use the standard rest of just behind the front sling swivel when I aim and shoot, and have never looked back!
I've had two hogs that have dropped to this rifle for the short time I've had it, and I'm looking to use it for deer this next month and have confidence it will do fine!
I shot mine at 200 the other day just to see what it does, and put two shots almost dead center and 1" apart, and decided I didn't need to shoot anymore that day.