Dave - I have just got my Model 40 and I really have not had a chance to look the trigger over. I have read that they are a crisp 2.5 - 6 pound pull. I know I am spoiled and have either worked over or replaced about every trigger I have had in rifles. Shotguns and hand guns I have not done much with. I was a little disappointed that the trigger was not as advertised - crisp. With the creep, it feels mushy. The 2.5 pounds I can live with. I would rather be 1.5, but I can live with the 2.5. I am going to look at it closer when I get a chance to see if I can rework this trigger to make it better. I just hate to get into a new gun and work on the trigger right away, it messes up the warranty. I will if I have to, but probably wait until I shoot it enough to know it is OK, so if I have to send it back, I am still covered. If that does not do the trick, then I guess a new trigger is in order.