I'd like a DA revolver slightly larger than a NAA Black Widow, perhaps in .32 mag, with a trigger guard, in stainless.
I like my NAA revolvers, but I want a little more than .22 mag.
Understand about using the NAA 5-shooters as a model for a .32Mag / .327Mag sub-J Frame size revolver! (that would indeed be neat!)
I wish NAA would come out with
a 6inch version of their Mini-Master, or even a slightly larger-framed 6-shot (sub-JFrame size) double action wheelgun in .22 caliber.
Wish S&W would expand production and choices with their M317's, would want a round butt 4 or 5 or 6incher!
Wish Thompson/Center would offer their Hot Shot singleshot in all the other rimfires besides the Long Rifle.
Would also like to see a handgun verion of the Hot Shot, too.
Wish Ruger would remake the Service Six/Speed Six/Security six wheelguns in .38/.357Mag, but also an 8-shoot version of that gun in a .327 Fed Mag, and 5-shot in .41 Special and even .41Mag.
H&R/Remington Hand-Rifle needs to be offered in .30-40Krag and or 7.62X54R Russ.