I know it can be difficult to find a ranger sometimes......but trust me , they want this kind of information. Down here in the bootheel....they send an amazing number of folks in the area, equiped with cameras, video and still....scour over potentially "baited fields" .....during dove season.........they write a ton of tickets in the area.......... The local guys ( conservation agents) I know personally...say they write an amazing number of "tickets" during that first week of dove season.....I cannot imagine they would not use the same type of approach , if , as you say , the poaching in your area is that wide-spread. Deer here in or neck of the woods, are SO scarce....due to the amazing amount of row crop, and tree lines and woods that have basically been bulldozed down, cut , burned, buried, and planted over.....so poached or not, at least you have some woods to go to ....I guess the idea of being safe is more than important....best of luck in your area.