I'm using the Burris 3-12X Ballistic Plex on a custom barreled Contender in .225 Win., and on a .223 Rem. center grip XP-100. The eye relief aspect works well through the power range on the XP, because the center grip puts the eye piece closer to your eye, With the Contender, the arm must be bent a bit to achieve a full field of view on the highest magnifications. This is no problem with the light recoil of the .225, but could be problematic for some people with a .308 or larger. The Ballistic Plex reticle is worthwhile, but the slash marks are so small that they can be difficult to see against some color backgrounds. They're still a worthwhile addition in my opinion. I also have that reticle in use on a couple of Burris 2-7's.
My own preference on a .308 is the Burris 2-7X. I have them on a center grip XP, and an Encore, and had one on a Savage Striker in that caliber that I once owned. It's lighter than the 3-12, and offers me about all the magnification I can actually use in the hunting fields. A 3-12 allows me to use up to about 9 or 10 power, but the arm bending and scope movement tremors make more magnification un-useable for me. You'd better really be bagged up if you want to use the highest magnifications.
Burris scopes have been dependable for me. On many big game hunting single shots, I also have had very good service from the Bushnell 3200 2-6 Scopes, which are still lighter and more compact than the Burris 2-7's.
My scoped revolvers generally wear the even more compact Leupold 2X or 4X scopes, although a couple have Ultra Dots on them.