Toy soldier;
Whatever King James was... is of no consequence ! Remember; God used a big fish to convince Jonah where to go , and a donkey to scold Balaam !
King James did not DO the translating..he only ordered it done. As a matter of fact, the scholars who were chosen for the job were a luminous group, who worked with so much diligence and with so many checks & balances that they could not help but do an outstanding job.
God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise...and the weak things to confound the mighty ( I Cor 1: 27 )...thus it actually points to likely Godly intervention, in that God should use an evil King in doing a great and good work !
Most of the verses you used as bad examples come from the Old Testament; we now live under A New Covenant..a new deal, so to speak.
The New Testament passage you cite ( Col 3: 22 ), you should read in "whole Bible" context ! Yes, slavery was spoken of, but that does not mean it was approved of !
Actually, slavery in a New testament context most often refers to slavery toward some kind of sin or some false religion...
In Eph 6:9 & Col 4;1 slave owners are told to take good care of their slaves, and in Col 3: 22, slaves are told to be peaceable.
Yes, Jesus could at that time have risen up and freed all slaves, healed all the sick, raised up all the dead and brought on the millennial kingdom..but that was not God's plan for that time .
Were I in your Sunday School class at that time, I would have challenged you on those conclusions !
Frankly, I have taught Sunday School for many years, often do relief preaching and have spoken (as Chaplin) at several American Legion funerals, and if I could not believe that the Bible were TRUE in it's ENTIRETY,I could have done none of those things . My conscience would have forbidden me !
I simply do not subscribe to "cafeteria style" Bible usage..
Slavery, as an institution, has been ended in this country..and praise God for it !
There are however, some countries in this world where slavery is still widespread ( e.g. Sudan& Darfur ), and some whole countries either enslaved ( N. Korea & Cuba ) or becoming enslaved, ( Venezuela ) .
There are people enslaved by false religions ( cults ) or whole nations enslaved by religion ( Middle East, North Africa & etc) and millions more enslaved by drugs (sorcery), alcohol, pornography, vile music, filthy "Hollywood lifestyles, hedonism and dissolute living...
I wonder when the usual outspoken, "beautiful people" and politicians are going to rise up, speak out, and campaign against these forms of slavery ?
BTW: If this discussion is to continue, perhaps we should continue in " Misc relig" thread..