If you have a friend that has one,ask to shoot it at the range! Then you won't be setting on the fence,as long
! I done as Redhawk1 said,I got the Pro Hunter ML first,then recently purchased the .223 barrel,rings,base,forearm (it's different than the ML forearm). The .223 barrel is showing me it shoots as good,(or better) than any small bore rifle I own). Another selling feature is,you can assemble another rifle,cheaper than going out and buying another complete rifle. This may,(or may not) be a selling point with the wife!
I learned this,FROM my wife. Last week she saved US, $200.00 by buying a $500.00 coat on sale for $300.00! It's only fair that YOU , should try to help out,by buying barrels,mounts,rings,scopes,ect. that are on sale,saving you BOTH even more money!
Before long you will be saving more money than her (if your real fast) which leads to having more money and,buying more barrels(remember,it's saving more money, for BOTH of you!) Then the snow/ball effect will kick in,and you can buy about anything you want,from ALL the money YOU saved,BOTH of you, buying barrels,and stuff!