MTJerry: I have just started sizing my .357 Max cast bullets to .359", so far with good results. My Handi bore slugs at .357", but it has a very long throat. Accuracy was just as good shooting .359" seated normally, as it was at .358", seated way out to approach the origin of the rifling more closely.
I have tried the Lyman 358627 at .359" so far, seated to the crimp groove. It's a heavy Keith-style bullet, about 215 grains, and has done well over a slightly compressed charge of Reloder 7. The goal is to develop a durable cast deer load with no exposed lube for my Max. I'm going to try H4227 in the spring (load testing is on hold for the interval of our cold, snowy winter). I want to give .358" jacketed bullets a try, too.