I can see your concern, but if Romney gets as far as the general election; who will be the real Christian in the race that we can vote for ?
I see no fruits among his competitors on the Democrat side ! Which ones have backed prayer in schools, the teaching of abstinence, homes school vouchers or
voluntary Bible clubs/classes in school ?
Which one of them have backed Judge Roy Moore in his " Ten Commandments" clash..simply by saying, " they are posted in the US Supreme Court, so why not in his court ?"
Which ones took the side of Terry Schiavo, to keep her from being starved to death ? Which ones have voted against the practice of killing children in abortion and "embryonic stem cell research" ?
Which one of them watched Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton campaign for office and collect funds in churches..then went to their offices and took the ACLU to task, telling them to stop trying to have tax exempt status removed from other churches ..for much less egregious actions ?
In fact, speaking of the ACLU some say, Anti-Christian-Liars-Union...which one of them have EVER criticized anything the ACLU has done ?
Add up the names of who did the Christian thing,.... Is the score STILL zero ?
We have many Christian troops serving in the war zones..In my opinion, each of these Democrats now running (at least the 3 leaders) has each had his/her turn at giving aid & comfort to the enemy by condemning what our troops are doing . Don't forget, it was leading democrats that called our troops terrorists and "cold blooded killers"..!
I have heard no apology or retraction from either Kerry or Murtha, looks like bounty hunter "Dog" Chapman is a better man than either of them !
....And the whole party is guilty..since noone in that nest of vipers has even tried to get them to apologize..or even tried to apologize for them !
Tells a lot about a WHOLE political party and the level of REAL Christianity in it, doesn't it !
Keep in mind, a chattering chipmunk can CLAIM to be a Christian...and some "churches" would probably accept them as members !
All in all, Romney, Giuliani, Hunter, Thompson, Huckabee, McCain or even Ron Paul seem miles ahead of anyone the Demoncrats can seem to conjure up !
William..Sorry if I sounded like I was scolding you..it wasn't meant that way..