Most Garmin handheld gps units work in the same general manner. I say “general” because there is always an exception, and I have only used a small sample of Garmin gps units.
I first must explain how I normally operate. I leave my gps in the Track Mode and it generates a Track as I travel. The map becomes rather cluttered if I stop at one location. As an example I stop at a viewpoint and watch an area for an hour. At the end of the hour that location on my map may look like a big splat from my moving around. I have the Track Mode working when I am driving into the woods because things look different when I am driving out at night. When I am done with the data I clear the computer page, see 2.b.
To turn on the TRACK MODE, bring up the MAIN MENU page, select the Tracks Icon. At the top of the Screen it will be identified as the Track Log. To the right of that you will see and ON and OFF option. You can select the option you want by moving the dot with the thumb stick or rocker. You need to hit the Enter button to select the option.
The next option offered on the screen is the SETUP. Hit the enter button and it will open the SETUP screen for Tracks. I select Auto for the Record Method. Under Interval I have selected Normal. The reason is that if I select More Often the number of Map Points generated clutters the screen map and any map that I print. You have the option of selecting the screen color for your track. During a hunt or scouting trip I start the day out with my gps on and the Track mode on. Suddenly I encounter Big Bears track and I want to follow it and create a unique track for it. I might save my earlier track, and start a new track with a different color. This helps me determined travel patterns and prevents mix-ups. It also allows me to save the Track to Google Earth when using Google Earth Plus gps option.
1. Saving part of a track. (This will not work with a track that has been saved before.) Go to the MAIN MENU PAGE, and select the TRACKS ICON, Scroll to the Save Option and hit enter. You will get a screen that asks you if you want to save the entire track. Select NO. When you do that a map pops up with the words BEGIN and END showing. Use the Rocker Key or Joy Stick to move the Panning Arrow to the point on the track line that you want to become the beginning of the Saved track and hit Enter. You will receive a prompt that will as you to select the Ending Pint for the saved trace. Use the Panning arrow to identify a point on the track that you want as the End Point and hit Enter. You will then get the Save the Track page that will provide you with the standard options. I believe you will find this information in Garmin Ease on pages 27 & 28 of your manual.
2. At this point you have saved the track segment you wanted. I believe you have a couple of options here.
a. Verify that in the saved tracks window the segment you wanted to save is listed. Select the OFF button in the Track Log Screen. Then using the Rocker scroll down to the Clear Option and press Enter. You will get a pop-up that ask “ Do you really want to clear the track log? No or Yes. Select Yes and do the deed.
b. My day-to-day practice to clear unwanted tracks is to select the Trip Computer Page. Select Menu, Select Reset, by default I have selected the following options: Reset Trip Data, Reset Odometer, Reset Max Speed, CLEAR TRACK LOG. I scrolled down to apply and hit enter, which warns me that I am going to delete the data, I select OK.
The 60CSx stores up to 20 tracks. On occasion I evaluate the tracks I have stored on my unit, I will delete those that I do not think I will use in the future. I generated a number of them while practicing. I also try and download my tracks, waypoints, and routes to my computer. During deer season I had a glitch in my gps and had to contact Garmin Support by e-mail for advice. One of the things I had failed to do was save my most current data to the computer. It had been a month and half since the last time I saved. Lost the waypoints and tracks I had created during hunting season.
Another little lesson learn is check the unit if you take a fall. I took a hard fall, check to see if I broke any bones, and proceeded with my hunt. I traveled about ¼ and set down at a location that provided a view. I checked my gps and found that it shut down when I fell. I most like depressed the power key rolling around on the ground. On that day the data was loss it was not critical, but it could have been. I re-powered the unit and it has operated without a hitch.
I am going to post this, and then read it again later. I suspect that it needs editing. But Hey,