Author Topic: handgun and caliber recommendations  (Read 1177 times)

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Offline azmark

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handgun and caliber recommendations
« on: November 10, 2007, 11:13:30 AM »
What do you recommend for carrying while walking or hiking in SE AZ?  As far as I know, the biggest thing around is black bear.  I hear they tend to be shy, but I guess you never know. 
Mark Dickinson
USAF, Retired

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 12:20:04 PM »
 I predict this one is going to get some mighty opinionated responses.  If hiking is your main pursuit, weight and portabiity are factors to consider.  I'd go with a small, 2 1/2 inch barreled, 5 shot S&W, chambered in 357.

Offline moxgrove

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 01:10:51 PM »
I think 357 would be fine. My favorite hiking handgun is a 4 /58 ruger Blackhawk 41 mag with moderate handloads. Not magnum

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 02:09:50 PM »
I would say a nice 45 Colt, either a Ruger or a Smith & Wesson.
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Offline kennisondan

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 05:40:49 PM »
in revolvers : 357; 41; 44; 45. Barrel length : 4.5 to max 5.5  single or double action if you will learn the single action repeat shots are fine. if not go Double action so you can pull the trigger if you need or decide to.
in semi autos : 45 auto, 10mm, either double action or single action.
the lightest would be a short barrelled lightweight double action 357, or 44 special
a little more info on your experience and what amount you intend to shoot and any other uses for it as well as your experience would help in being more precise.

Offline Ak.Hiker

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 05:43:14 PM »
I have done a lot of hiking over the years. I have carried all kinds of handguns. Everything from 9mm Glocks up to a Ruger Super Redhawk in 454. If I had to pick one over all others for a combination of power and light weight I would go with my Glock 29 in 10MM. If you want some expansion and good penetration the 200 grain XTP load is a good choice. A hot 200 grain FMJ will go even deeper if you need more penetration. My second choice would be a 4 inch medium frame 357 Magnum. Of course the 357 has quite a variety of loads that would be good for the trail. I like the 180 cast loads in the 357 for trail use.  

Offline azmark

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2007, 07:17:49 AM »
Kennisondan:  you asked about my experience.  Ive shot several handguns from a single six to a Raging Bull.  My last gun was a GP100 and I shot it moderately, enough to feel confident.  In addition to defending myself, I would want to go to the range and do some plinking.
Mark Dickinson
USAF, Retired

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2007, 09:38:52 AM »
then with that experience you should not have any recoil problems and would learn the weapon so it is just a wide open choice.  all of the suggestions seem fine.. I would guess that in addition to bears you would possibly have a cougar or mountain lion encounter ? I am from La. and just guessing, of course.  you want the gun to be quick to hand and aside from making the first shot count you may feel better if second shots are available fairly quckly, but that is a matter of practice : more practice for single action sixguns, then double actions sixguns, then of course semi's. For all of them the lighter recoiling rounds allow quicker recoil recovery and sight re-orientation.  I personally would use either my 45 1911 or my 45 -4 3/4 inch single action ruger; or the 44 - 5.5inch but I do practice and paractice second shot finding the target and touching off the shot as a followup.  IT does take some practice to shoot timed accurate repeat shots with a single action.  if my concern was second or followup shots I would bring my semi - auto and practice some double taps, two shots in fairly quick succession for two legged predators and four legged ones as well.
You should also practice with the holster where you will wear it with a day pack if you will be wearing one, and on uneven ground after exertion... practice and reality should match up some. I used to take a really brisk jog/walk and when I got to the end of the trail, a small bayou, I would throw in a small stick, produce my concealed weapon and fire at the drifiting small target as many times as it was in a safe place to do so or in sight... if the walk run got my heart pumping and a little sweat, it was the best I could do to simulate a little stress and tension and exertion.. used to shoot really close range too.. just for practice... some will suggest using a cartidge that can be factory loaded in specials or magnums, or hand-loaded up and loaded down like the 357. 44. 45  in revolvers that are not affected by higher or lower an auto might be affected and become unreliable.  If I am going ro pracitce only enough for proficiency with otherwise minimal effort to save time for other things, I would probably choose a semi auto, probably the 45 as the rounds are available and cheap. they are reliable and proven design, and effective... if it was going to be another hobby in its own right, I would personally choose my six guns, but it would be a rough choise to make
There are others with more and different advice... take what you need or want and leave the rest..
it is interesting and all meant to be sincerely helpful and offered by other enthusiasts.

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2007, 09:55:30 AM »
I would add to get the gun in stainless; for extended hiking with exposure to moisture, rain, sweat, accidental dip in a stream.   Unless you want your evening routine to include cleaning your weapon, stainless is the best choice.  I have several pistols in blued and stainless and always use the stainless during bad weather or on extended camping hunts.  One less thing to worry about in the field.

Offline moxgrove

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2007, 12:23:20 PM »
I might get one of the ruger sp101 327 mags. Sounds like the cat's meow for roaming.

Offline Elwood

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2007, 01:38:19 PM »
Don't worry about the bears worry about the smugglers.
I have been tromping these hills and boondocks around the border of Southeast Arizona since 72. I have never been in a tight spot with a bear although I have seen several. I have been in a difficult position with marijuana smugglers and human smugglers several times. I carry a 45 1911 with a extra magazine and prefer a AR-15. I have never had to use it yet but things have gotten alot hairier in the last ten years or so.
I recommend packing.
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Offline Ak.Hiker

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2007, 03:15:02 PM »
I saw a show on Fox News the other evening about what has become of some of our National Parks along the Mexican border. They even had signs in the park warning people of the dangers of smugglers in the park. One park service employee even said the park was a dangerous place.  If this is the case I would go semi auto for sure if in these kinds of areas.

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Re: handgun and caliber recommendations
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2007, 03:02:02 AM »
Easy one.  A 1911 in .45 acp, or a .44 spl or .45 lc revolver loaded to 900 fps.  Personally, I would be more concerned with 2 legged predators so light and handy so it would always be with me would be a priority.  I had a friend out walking in Arizona a couple of years back when he and his wife were threatened by some illegals.  His wife back around behind him and he turned and put his hand on his 1911 and the illegals decided they really wanted to be someplace else.  He reported it to the Sherrif afterwards and was told if threatened like that again he had full right and permission to shoot.  Yup.  I wouldn't want to be in that situation without a gun.  44 Man
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