Author Topic: Cobbler? Well maybe.  (Read 832 times)

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Offline rb in ar

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Cobbler? Well maybe.
« on: June 19, 2003, 07:40:05 AM »
This is perhaps not cobbler in the true sense but it is very good. Try it someday and see.


2-4 Pounds fresh fruit apples, cherries, peaches, apples, ect.
2 sticks (1/2 lb.) of butter (please use the real stuff unless you don't care about the taste)
3/4 Cup of good tasting wine (I like the real dry ones here but any drinking wine will do)
1.5 Cups of flower
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
2  cups sugar
brown sugar (small amount)
cinnamon (small amount)
1 cup fruit juice or milk

Start by combining the fruit, 1 and 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 stick (1/4 lb) of butter  and the wine (use fruit juice if you object to wine) in a large cooking pan. Place on a low heat and cook until all the contents are warm. Actually getting the contents hot won't hurt them but it makes them harder to handle later.

Cream a stick of butter with a half cup of sugar. Then combine all the dry stuffs in a mixing bowl with the creamed butter. You add fruit juice of the fruit chosen to the mixture or milk if fruit juice is not available to get a dough that is just wet enough to pour. Stir the dough just enough to prevent any lumps.

To finish the cobbler pour the fruit mixture into a deep baking pan. Then pour the dough mixture evenly over the top. Try not to get a big blob in the middle of the pan. Then take a small handful of brown sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the top. Bake in a 350 degree oven for an hour or untill the dough is crusty on top.

The exact amount of fruit depends on your baking pan. If you are unsure what size you have fill the baking pan half full with fruit that should be the correct amount.