A few years ago I bought an H&R Model 58, .30-30, made in '83 ( #AX..). Anyway, it has the tapered 22" barrel, which is a pound lighter then the current .30-30. I replaced the wood, straight-grip stock set with Handi plastic, pistol-grip, straight comb ( lighter then monte-carlo ). Took off the open sights, put on a Grim-reaper scope mount ( looks heavy, but is milled aluminum, and though kind of bulky, is lighter then H&R base and weaver rings. Mounted a used Leupold compact 4X ( no longer made, I believe ). Replaced the butt-stock bolt with a titanium bolt ( you can see things are getting out of hand !!). And finally put a plastic butt-plate in place of recoil pad. With a chambered round, it is 5 lbs, 13 oz. FWIW.
Once it was done, I couldn't help but laugh at myself, thinking of what a gunsmith said in " The Book of the Springfield" about lightweights, something to the effect that people who worry about such things should first wash the dirt from behind their ears!!
It is kind of neat, though. Shot good before, no reason it shouldn't be as good, now.