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Offline DalesCarpentry

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China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« on: November 16, 2007, 07:15:30 AM »
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

September 23, 2005

Ever since President Richard Nixon entered into détente with the communist regime in China, America has doggedly assisted in the commercial and military buildup of the Marxist nation. Both Republican and Democratic administrations have mollycoddled the Red Chinese to the point that now they have grown big enough to cause serious concern.

Both Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush have facilitated the transfers of billions of dollars of commercial assistance to Red China, not to mention vast amounts of technology which China has used to further its military machine. Each president refuses to identify China as an adversary, choosing rather to call it a "trading partner." However, China has not been hesitant to use this assistance to construct a formidable military apparatus. At the same time, the U.S. seems determined to reduce our military, especially our navy, to dangerously low levels.

For example, since Ronald Reagan left office, the United States has reduced its navy from a fleet of 600 ships and submarines to 288 and shrinking. To give the reader an idea of just how small our navy has become, our current navy fleet is equal in size to that when William Howard Taft was in office!

Beyond that, our carrier fleet is on its way to the elephant graveyard. Three of the five in service were built before 1975. Consider, too, that the number of fighter aircraft has dropped to fewer than 3,500 and is expected to fall to under 2,000. However, while the United States continues to mothball its military, Communist China is (with America's help) building its military like there is no tomorrow.

The Washington Times recently reported that "China soon will receive a new Kilo submarine from Russia, part of a naval buildup of modern warships and submarines that has triggered new fears for U.S. military planners.

"It is the first of eight advanced Kilos that China is acquiring, and intelligence officials say the submarine will be outfitted with advanced SS-N-27 cruise missiles, which are capable of attacking U.S. warships. Since 2002, China has built 14 submarines."

The Times report quoted one intelligence official as saying, "China's surface-to-air missile forces also are increasing, including new short- and long-range missiles, along with a new warhead that can maneuver to avoid missile defenses.

"If you take a step back and look at the entire array of Chinese weapons, the Kilos, the Songs, the Yuans, the ballistic missiles, this [maneuverable warhead] capability, more surface ships with anti-ship cruise missiles, these are all things that are going to give you capability to deal with any kind of naval force that comes toward you."

The China Reform Monitor recently ran a report saying, "Experts are warning that China is outpacing the United States in the development of attack submarines and could have as much as a three-to-one advantage over the United States by 2025."

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently warned that "China's investment in missiles and up-to-date military technology posed a risk not only to Taiwan and to American interests, but also to nations across Asia that view themselves as China's trading partners, not rivals."

Most all China experts agree that the Marxist government in Beijing is planning to attack Taiwan and is preparing to take on the United States if we interfere. It has more than doubled its fleet of amphibious landing and troop-carrying ships. It has entered into an agreement with Russia which guarantees Russia will not help the United States should conflict erupt between the U.S. and China. And just weeks ago, China even participated in joint military maneuvers with Russia. But the Chinese threat is actually even more ominous.

Syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas, recently quoted from a new book written by former special assistant for national security affairs to Ronald Reagan and CIA national intelligence officer, Constantine Menges, entitled, China: The Gathering Threat. Thomas quotes Menges as noting that "China has defined America as its 'main enemy' and can launch nuclear weapons at the U.S. capable of killing 100 million of us.

Thomas continues quoting Menges as saying, "China has threatened to destroy entire American cities if the U.S. helps Taiwan defend itself against a military assault or invasion. China also buys Russian weapons designed to sink U.S. aircraft carriers. It controls more than $200 billion in U.S. debt and sells more than 40 percent of its exports to America, using the profits to strengthen its economy and advanced weapons systems aimed at the U.S."

Furthermore, a World Net Daily report dated Tuesday, September 13, 2005, quotes a Chinese dissident as stating unequivocally that Beijing is planning nuclear war. The WND report states, "Wei Jingsheng, who spent 18 years in detention for his pro-democracy activism, told a forum at the National Press Club in Washington that China needs the distraction of a war with Taiwan to turn attention away from the people's frustration with rampant corruption and failed policies at home."

The WND report also quoted Jingsheng as saying, "The Chinese Communist Party is considering nuclear war, because it is not afraid to sacrifice China's people." Jingsheng cited Chinese general Zhu Chenghu's recent public declaration that "we [China] will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all the cities east of Xian" which would include Shanghai and Beijing. When one considers that China could lose the equivalent of the entire U.S. population and still have over 700 million people left, General Chengu's threat cannot be taken lightly. So, while the United States continues to spend its manpower and monies on a mouse-size threat in Iraq, it is virtually ignoring-no, worse than that, it is commercially aiding and abetting-our most serious threat: Communist China. Just about everything we buy these days is stamped "Made in China," major American corporations have moved and are moving their plants and operations to China, and all of this is being encouraged by our own government in Washington, D.C. Lenin was right: we are purchasing the rope which will be used to hang us!

What do you guy's think of this. Dale

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: China is a country we should be worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2007, 07:57:05 AM »
The Chinese are no damn better than the muzzies or the N Koreans. All three are a problem and China is a huge problem because of their new found appetite for raw materials and oil. Plus they would be nutty enough I think to start a war as they know they are over populated half the country could easy be cannon fodder for them and they would not even miss them. They are just as serious a problem as the muzlums maybe more so since they have nukes.
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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2007, 05:51:43 PM »
It is definite that we are building our own path to self destruction. >:(

Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2007, 06:42:22 PM »

What do you guy's think of this. Dale

Dale, I think it is SILLY!  Think about it...  If China attacked us, what would it do to its economy?  WE are the ones buying all that Chinese stuff...they NEED us.

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2007, 02:13:33 AM »
I had the same thoughts as DakotaElkSlayer.   Who would buy all of China's cheap #$#*& if they went to war with us... Russia?

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Offline Dee

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2007, 06:31:55 AM »

What do you guy's think of this. Dale

Dale, I think it is SILLY!  Think about it...  If China attacked us, what would it do to its economy?  WE are the ones buying all that Chinese stuff...they NEED us.


Dakota, not picking at you just using your remark along with Dale's analogy of China combined. I do not think China NEEDS to attack us, as they are selling us their junk as fast as they can manufacture it. Why would they conquer their cash cow. Second, they own approximately 70% of the home mortgages thru finance companies in this country with Japan owning about 20%. Their ravenous appetite for oil and raw materials comes from the UNBALANCED trade agreements that our government continues to let them (China) get away with, and our buying their junk. Try buying something as simple as a toy in this country that is not made in China. Hell you can hardly find a guitar, that is NOT made in China. Regardless of past Presidents and their view of China, our PRESENT President thinks their a great bunch of folks.
Our defeat will be thru the same method as we defeated the Soviet Union, when they were occupying Afganistan. BANKRUPTCY! When Clinton left the White House, the Federal Debt was 6.9 TRILLION dollars. Seven years later it 9.9 TRILLION dollars. GW is the SPENDINGEST President in history, concerning wars, and a couple of weeks ago PASSED Johnson on spending and Vietnam was a 10 year war. I was not, nor am I now, a Clinton fan, I am just making an observation, concerning our OUT OF CONTROL governmental spending.
China will help, and IS helping with our demise, but it will come economically. We are self-destructing. JMO
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Offline Hairtrigger

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2007, 06:43:40 AM »

September 23, 2005


 Not like any of this is new news. Why start yet another anti China thread?

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2007, 07:47:54 AM »
Would you have preferred me starting a pro China thread!!!!!!!! I think that would be hard to do. Dale
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Offline Hairtrigger

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2007, 12:22:15 PM »
I am hoping the falling value of the US dollar makes it harder for countries to export to the USA and be profitable.
Am I pro China?? NO I sell an American made product and compete against chinese junk daily, This story has been going on for years it just seemed strange timing to me to start a thread using an article that is over 2 years old as a base.

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2007, 02:56:55 PM »
Well Hairtrigger, in defense of Dale, I don't find anything strange about the timing of it, I just see him (Dale) to be paying attention to world events and pondering the seemingly absence of wisdom coming from D.C. on whom we do business with.
As far as the falling value of the U.S. dollar, I am hoping it will REVERSE itself, as I see no benefit to it other than a possible depression. The Germans couldn't buy a loaf of bread with a wheel barrow of German money during the last depression. And here in the U.S. the dollar was as big as a saddle blanket, and damn hard to come by.
When the dollar goes down, the prices don't, and with the coming of $100.00 a barrel oil, and all the commuting to work, things could come to a screeching, screaming halt in this country.
I am friends with three separate bankers in the area I live in, and they all agree separately that this country is a heart beat away from a depression, that will make 1929 look like a stock market hiccup.
For the last week, I have been paying $3.45 a gallon for diesel, and that cost is passed on to the consumer in the stores, and gas stations. In other words *#$% rolls down hill. The Federal deficit is 9.6 trillion dollars and GROWING, and the country's debt is at 13 trillion and growing. Does anyone realistically believe that printing more money will get us out of this growing financial albatros? At some point it WILL end, and oil prices may be the proverbial straw that breaks the financial camel's back in this country. JMHO
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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2007, 05:24:20 PM »
Besides securing our southern border, here is, in my opinion, and on par with the border issue, where this administration, has it's head up it's ***!! It should have started 40 years ago, but I'm afraid the cat is out of the bag now. There should be tariff's on anything brought into this country. And it's not just Walmart. Go to ANY store, and you'll find the same thing. Economically, China is going to eat us alive. I really don't think they would attack us. They understand the Second Amendment. We've bought too many of their SKS's. Hell, there are probably more SKS's in the United States then in China.  gypsyman
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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2007, 02:34:20 AM »
For years we have had these so called "conservatives" running this country who have railed against socialism in the US.  At the same time they  line their pockets with lucre from all those companies who relocated their manufacturing to China.   

The Chinese military has repeatedly blinded or tried to blind US spy satellites.  You will never hear about that from the White House. 
When you buy cheap Chinese junk you are paying for your own destruction. 

Offline Dee

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2007, 02:43:40 AM »
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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2007, 03:58:57 AM »
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2007, 04:43:49 AM »
For years we have had these so called "conservatives" running this country who have railed against socialism in the US.  At the same time they  line their pockets with lucre from all those companies who relocated their manufacturing to China.   

The Chinese military has repeatedly blinded or tried to blind US spy satellites.  You will never hear about that from the White House. 
When you buy cheap Chinese junk you are paying for your own destruction. 

I agree with this 110%. This is what I am saying. If we keep importing China's goods we make them strong and us weak. I don't know if you remember or not but when Walmart first started out. They only sold American made items. Now you can't find an item in their stores that was made by an American. I also read somewhere that Walmart imports more goods than a lot of countries do. Dale
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Offline Dee

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2007, 05:07:17 AM »
They are listed in the TOP FIVE countries, on their imports. That's quite a business, is it not?
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Offline Hairtrigger

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2007, 07:03:19 AM »
Stop and think about it.
Harbor Freight is almost totally imported stuff, Tractor Supply Co has a large part of their stock imported, how about the tools at Menards, Lowes, or Home Depot?
Don't want to shop wally world? try Target, Kmart, or Meijer... any of those sell all American made quality?
Stop and think for a minute... you really don't have allot of choices.

Offline alsaqr

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2007, 04:39:30 PM »
"Don't want to shop wally world? try Target, Kmart, or Meijer... any of those sell all American made quality?
Stop and think for a minute... you really don't have allot of choices"

To a large extent this is true.  i've started e-mailing US companies who have shifted their production to communist China.  i tell them that i would have a used made in the USA item than their shoddy communist produced product.   

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2007, 03:25:19 AM »
My two best friends live in China.  They opened and run a business for their father (and father-in-law.)  The amusing thing is that the Chinese people, the masses if you will, know that they are going to take over the USA.  They have conversations about it with my friend, in the open.  It's a "fact." Nothing personal, may not happen in this generation, but it will happen. (According to the Chinese.)  Just FYI.
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: China is a country we should be very worried about!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2007, 03:31:40 AM »
Now that's scary!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dale
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